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~(\Red dog's New goal: Operation the real Firecape./)~

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Thats right, I am back and ready for a new goal. 99 Firemaking!


I will update this topic everyday and keep you guys informed!


Join Red Dog 47 cc if you want to just chat, or you have some questions, I always sign on it if I'm not in another tif chat, if you want me in the chat just message me and ask me.:D I always try to talk to fellow tifers.:D




My last Goal was for 85 strenth and 80 attack, I completed that easily.


Now, a new thought has come to my mind. I've been playing Runescape for 6 years, yet I have no 99 Capes to Show for it! That is why I MUST get 99 firemaking.




Well, To start it off, I will give you the history of my Runescape playing moments. I was 9 when I started playing, Yes, I was underage. :lol: (Im 15 now don't get freaked out) So I came home and was searching for some games to play since it was raining, I came across Runescape and I decided to give it a try, I was instantly hooked. I played hour 3 hours that day and got to lvl 12. The next Day Christmas Crackers were being dropped, I luckily got 7 of them. I pulled them all and got 5 of the party hats, 2 blues 1 purple 1 red and 1 yellow.:P I kept working on my skills and soon I was able to wear rune I decided I was going to sell my partyhats, but a better Idea came into mind, I traded 4 party hats for full rune. I ran around having a bunch of fun with it, until I fought a dragon, it hit a 8 then 9 and I died. I was frusterated with the loss of my items so I quit, I came back 1 year later to find out Rune 2 hands were out. I saved up for one and I bought it, (I still had my red Partyhat) They were worth 1 Mil!




So Of course I decided I would pk. and for once it turned out good! I pked 4 rune 2 handers and 8 runescims and like 2 full runes. At this point I thought I was awsome. So I go out with my red partyhat and show off, I died and lost it, so I sold a full rune set and a rune 2 hand and bought another partyhat. I decided I would log off and play some Diablo II. I got hooked on this for awhile, and I didnt come back to runescape until RS2 came out, when I came back it was like a punch in the face for me. Everything was so much better.




I missed the bunny ears and [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation]s... So all I had obtained was yo-yos, The rest of the holiday items I had got. from the yo-yo's to the Grim Reapa hood! So I started of course playing again and found out party hats were 5m! I was very amazed, yet I held my ground and didnt sell the red. I trained to about 50 combat and trained for a long time. I wanted to catch up with my friend that was level 61. My friend that was lvl 61, I trusted him dearly. I followed him everywhere then one day he asked... can I wear your partyhat? I said sure. not even thinking he'd scam me. But when I gave it to him, he logged out.




Bummed out about this I quit for awhile, I came back in 2006 and met some good friends and found out about Tif! The enviroment had changed so much. People were more ruder and everything, so I went to world 9(Was Tif World at the time) and everybody was very nice. I went to Cwars and found some people following eachother in a circle. I followed Someone and Joined in on the spamming of sayign HYT! HYt!




In 2007 is when I made the shocking discovery of everythign pretty much. Then I saved up bought a santa hat, fury and dharoks. But I decided to Try out Pures My new pure was Oops ko. I trained him up fast and got him to level 70 strenth and 60 attack in no time. I got so consumed in the Pures Idea I havent trained red dog in awhile. So, I decided to take a break from Oops ko and started playing on Red dog again. Then once again, I found a good friend He was well known on Tif. I trusted him, I let him wear my fury. and yet again he ran away with it. I decided I would have to earn this back up, but then I said instead of saving up for a 3.8m Amulet why dont I get my first 99 skill? This Is how I came up with the idea of getting 99 Firemaking.




I started it off by buying 142k willows for 15ea. I bought it later that day, and I started getting to work. And I decided wouldn't it be cool to finnaly make a Blog of tip.it about this? So Yes, of course I made this blog! Here is a picture of The logs I have, And where I will get 99 Firemaking at.:)




I am currently 58 Firemaking


Levels Will Go here:




Giggity giggity giggity goo! ~Quagmire - family Guy








Donations will go here (if I get some.:P)




Thanks to these people for incouraging me. Or Helping Me alot.




~Baby Goose0~ He gave me 500k So I would actually have enough willows for my goal.




~Razoid1~ Your one of the best friends I have every had I trust you with anything man.




~Coandca5~Me and him have both been through some rough times, but mostly good times, I had a lot of fun with you bro.




~Elmore8~ I met you when I pked your whip, You were nice and cool about it so I gave it back.:) Your a very good friend and I trust you with anything man.


~If you want your name here you will have to earn it~!:P




Some Memorable Events:














And this concludes my goal Wish me luck!:)

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