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request for help


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Unfortunately for some reason i am unable to access the runescape website and get a 403 forbidden error messages. Could someone please contact runescape customer support on my behalf and post any solutions they come up with here, thank you for you time.

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I highly doubt Jagex is causing the forbidden error. If you're at home your parents may have blocked the website using some kind of filtering software (if you live with your parents). It could also be your local firewall blocking the site because of incorrect settings.




When did this start happening? Have you made any changes to your computer that may have caused it?

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my parents haven't set any controls, i'm using my own computer and runescape isn't filtered or a banned website on our network. And neither it is to do with my firewall, thats the first thing I checked The suggestion from the vista help guide is that 403 error essentially means for whatever reason whether you have been banned or the website is incorrectly configured your browser has the ability to connect but because of the website it can't. That is why I need some kind person to contact Jagex and find out what on earth is happening.

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