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Powerfletching to 99 in 4 Simple Phases


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If you are a member and already had a taste of all the skills, but you really don't know which one you'd like to try and get that goal of 99 in, I think I might have a Skillcape for you. I can tell you that you can hit 99 in this skill in under two months if you work hard at it and stick to your guns. What skill might I be talking about?




Fletching, yes you heard it, Fletching is my favorite skill and I think many people underestimate how much money it can make you. People call it a dead end skill and that you don't make money unless you cut your own logs and pick your own flax and make bowstrings. I am here to prove them wrong and help you get a Skillcape. If you don't want 2-6 mil by the time you are 99 then this isn't the skill for you and I suggest you stop reading my guide. If gaining 2-6 mil sounds like fun or if you already like fletching this is your guide to powerleveling fletching.




I broke this guide down into 4 major phases to help you space out your time fletching and getting to the next step up or phase.








Phase 1:


Items Required: Knife, Woodcutting axe, Cool Outfit


Fletching Level 1-20 : Go get the best Woodcutting axe you can wield and cut normal trees down and fletch them into arrow shafts.




Normal Logs Needed: 904 Normal Logs cut into 13,560 Arrowshafts.


(If you want to buy this portion: Normal Logs are around 30-35 each so that is approximately 27-32k from lvl 1-20)








Location to Cut: Draynor Manor's dead trees South-east corner near gate




I would suggest this location because of how abundant the trees are (even if they are dead trees) You still get normal logs and you wont have to sit there waiting on the trees to respawn because of the amount of trees.




Phase 2:


Items Required: Knife, Woodcutting axe, Cool Outfit


Fletching Level 20-35:


Go get the best Woodcutting axe you can wield and cut Oak trees down and fletch them into Unstrung Oak Shortbows til level 25 and then do Unstrung Oak Longbows til level 35.




Oak Logs Needed:


205 Oaks Fletched into Unstrung Oak Shortbows to level 25


583 Oaks Fletched into Unstrung Oak Longbows to level 35


788 Total Oak Logs needed from level 20-35


(If you want to buy this portion: Oak logs are around 11-13 each so that is approximately 8,668-10,244)






Location to Cut:Just about 10 steps south-west from Seers bank






Phase 3: (a.k.a Willows Galore)


Congratulations, you have reached the willow part of getting to Yew Longbows. Some people might argue with me and say that maples are faster or cheaper when you reach level 50. I am going to tell you that I just did the willow method and you will lose around 100k just by selling back to general store.(You will make this money up when you get to Yew Longbows)




Note: You will need money for this part, unless you are willing to cut 17,236 willows. I am going with the powerfletching method, which you can get from 35-70 in a day or two.(Don't argue with me, I have done 35-70 in a day, most people it will take two unless you are on for one 12 hour day.)




Items Required: Knife, Willow Logs, Cool Outfit


Fletching Level 35-70:


Go get a knive and cut Willow Logs into Unstrung Willow Shortbows til level 40, then do Unstrung Willow Longbows from level 40 to 70.


(Everytime you cut willow, your inventory should be one knive and 27 logs)


(Cutting will be faster if you do a one click bank like in Castle Wars)




Willow Logs Needed:


**358 Willows Fletched into Unstrung Willow Shortbows to level 40


**16,878 Willows Fletched into Unstrung Willow Longbows to level 70


**17,236 Total Willow Logs needed from level 35-70


(I recommend buying this portion: Willow logs are around 22-24 each so that is approximately 379,192 -- 413,664)






(If you are going to cut your own Willows I would recommend getting them from outside of Barbarian Assault mini-game or just north of Seers Bank. Cut and bank, then go to a one click bank like Castle Wars Bank to Fletch them into bows.)








**I know many people don't just have this money laying around: I'll Explain how to do it if you don't have that much money.


1. You can try to buy cheaper from players instead of Grand Exchange. You can get Willows from players 15-20 each.


2. Willow Longbows sell for 16 each in the general store.


So buy 1000-4000 Willows at a time--Fletch them into Longbows--Sell to General Store--Repeat until you Fletch the 17,236 you need.




Phase 4:


Alright, well phase 4 is the longest of them all(of course), but at the end of phase 4 you will get the Fletching cape showing just how hard you trained.




Items Required: Knife, Cool Outfit, Time and Patience


Fletching Level 70-99:


There are multiple ways to do this considering your income and how much money you are wanting to make.




Option A: Cut **X000 yew logs and pick and string **X000 flax.




Option B: Buy **X000 yew logs and **X000 bowstrings




** X000 means fill in X for how ever many thousand you can buy or stand cutting on your own.




I say cutting and stringing 5k at a time is ideal if you have the money to get that many supplies anything over 5k logs and strings is overkill since you will have a harder time finding people giving supplies plus money if you have more. If you are confused about supplies plus money I will explain in more detail in a minute.




You are now probably wondering how having 1000-5000 logs and strings at a time will help you. I know many people on the forums probably know this but there is an UNOFFICIAL Fletching Guild. Where at you might ask? It is world 132 Yanille Bank, and I didn't leave that bank from level 70-99.








You are wondering how I get more supplies to stay in the same bank? Mages need to alch thousands upon thousands of bows to get their level up to what they desire. High Alchemying bows is a great way to getting magic up and so there are mages that just sit in the bank that watch you fletch while high alchemying. When they need more bows to high alchemy they say something along the lines of. Supps+a two digit number. This number means that is how much they are paying you per 1000 bows strung. You trade them 1000 Strung Yew longbows Strung and they give 1000 bowstrings and 1000 Yew Logs PLUS the two digit number they said.




For Example, you see a mage saying supps + 40, this means that for every 1000 Yew longbows strung you get 1000 Yew logs, 1000 Bowstrings and the 40 means 40k. If you had 5000 bows, and he said supps + 40 that means that you get 5000 Yew logs, 5000 Bowstrings and 200k. Now lets break down how many 1000 bows you have to string between level 70 Fletching and 99 Fletching.




Yew Logs Needed:


81,979 Yews Fletched into Strung Yew Longbows to level 99




If you use the fletching guild instead of having to sell and rebuy everytime it goes so much quicker...I was doing around 5000 Yew logs cutting and stringing a day.




What is the profit from 70-99 you might ask...


So you shall know, for staying in a bank and getting 99 fletching from level 70 you make 2,460,000 just from making them and then additional money for whatever you sell the yew longs you have.




For Example, you had 5000 yew longs strung when you hit 99 Fletching... You would have the 2,460,000 PLUS 600(per each Strung Yew long) X 5000 (# of yew longs when finished) which is a grand total of 5,460,000 after selling the strung longbows.




People tell me all the time that you can't make any money if you buy and fletch your own bows. I think the statistics can speak pretty much for themselves.










I know I got one, so why don't you go out and start Fletching?








I would like to say that all pictures of the world maps and fletching capes are copyrighted to tip.it and Jagex Inc.

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Nice guide, altough pics seems to be not working anymore... (red cross).




~ Owner of a fletching cape ~




But... nothing about making magic longbows? They are faster xp and gave me about the same profit when I got to 99 fletching. I don't know about today prices but I'm pretty sure people still buy them to alch (advice to fletchers: check the GE/forums).




Edit: yes all of the pictures but it could me my internet, having problems with it for the last two hours, if I visit the location where they are hosted I can see them tough.




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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My guide is around using world 132 fletching guild for a huge advantage of not having to alch or sell all your bows.... which allows you to stay at yanille bank the whole time and keep fletching even while making money. Magic logs are more expensive and you can't buy all three things mage logs bowstrings and natures and make a profit. This shows how to get around 130k exp per hour with no down time having to sell or alch.

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Willow longbows are 16 each in general store, it is in the last paragraph about willows.




**I know many people don't just have this money laying around: I'll Explain how to do it if you don't have that much money.


1. You can try to buy cheaper from players instead of Grand Exchange. You can get Willows from players 15-20 each.


2. Willow Longbows sell for 16 each in the general store.


So buy 1000-4000 Willows at a time--Fletch them into Longbows--Sell to General Store--Repeat until you Fletch the 17,236 you need.

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Very nice guide mate :D but i have to say that i think you missed something.


Most ppl in rs dont have patience so for the willow part...maybe it would be better to switch to maples as soon as possible...it might cost more but the results will be faster.


but except that lil part your guide rocks! :thumbsup:

Main: runswithsciz

skiller: pope skills



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I was lucky and a serial wcer friend gave me 15k willows for 70 fletching. Still, I've gotta try your method to get 99 at seer's bank. It sounds simple and easy. 9/10 (10/10 if it works for me)

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Great guide.




However, for people like me who don't mind spending about 170k to get 50-70 fletching, fletch maple shorts and longs once you can. Youll need 11110 maple logs from 50.

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