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on the hunt for good mining and smithing...


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I have made some posts in the past but I have a more focused clear description now hopefully easier to asnwer. I have about 6000 iron ores. I want 70+ mining and 73+ smithing. What is best for me, mine more iron and just smith and smelt iron(I have 160+ rings of forging) or mine coal and make steel with blast furnace(make my own nats and can alch)


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I know you have some, but Iron is one of the fastest things to powermine.




I'd just buy the coal, then you'd make ~305gp for each bar you smelt/turn the steel bars into cannon balls.




So what I'd do is buy the coal for that 6k iron you have, smelt/turn those steel bars into cannon balls, powermine iron (bank if you'd like?) and repeat.






Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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