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Merchant OPEC

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Well, i have this idea. Sorry if this is not the right topic.








OPEC as many of you now, but just in case is Organization of Petrolium Exporting Countries. The besicly got togher and made something like a guild, monopoliing and most important CONTROLING the price of oil. Gaining all togher makes u contol buyer, instead of beeing alone and buyer controling you.








So what on earth is this in runescape?!?!? I was wondering about such guild in runescape. Maybe Whip and Dragon Merchant Organizaion, WDMO, or something of this sort. If all the merchants set a certain price level, people will have to pay that. In order for this mechanix to work, ALL sellers must agee upon this. If one goes off it will just ruin it fo everyone.








Tell me what you guys think?








*Sorry if this is not in the right forum












thak you

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Such a guild wouldn't be allowed to even happen in Runescape. The reason why OPEC is such a force, is because they have control of a significant amount of a NON RENEWABLE resource. Whips and Dragon will always be dropped, so this form of cartel wouldn't be seen in RS.








Phats and rares might be subject to a cartel, but its nearly impossible to implement, plus Jagex would intervene, much like anti trust legislation would intervene in the US.

Former TET Leader and Member

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Though this would never work, as I see no way how it can, whats the point? I see nothing with the price being controlled by rarity/greedy people...








I agree, I think. Greedy people already charge outrageous prices, and I don't think having some sort of coalition would change the price. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems to be another plan to lower defunct item (phats, ets.) prices. The answer to this problem, like I always post, is to make defunct items untradeable, or, to get rid of them altogether.








Any new item, say, a dragon med, is very expensive at first because it's difficult to obtain. Players may charge a lot, maybe too much for one, but they did the work to get it so it's their right. Besides, a drop in that price is inevitable, and helps balance the merchants' power. That item is also useful, and, more importantly, is in unlimited quantity. Defunct items are just the opposite-they are useless, and in limited quantity. Merchanting them simply isn't in the spirit of the game.








Thanks for your idea.









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this sort of activity is illegal in the real world, under the Uk Anti Monopoly Act of 1979. It was deemed unfair and irresponsible of a group of people with money and products to get together and push up the prices of products. Though unfair i see it all the time in rs, people on official forums telling people not to sell their masks as they will raise in price. We live in a free society, where ever you are, if you have access to a computer with access to the interent and time to spare playing rs, then chance are you live in a free society with a free economy. People suggesstng this sort of thing will be the sort of people who grow up in real life forcing 3rd world countries into even more debt by forcing up prices of everyhting...due to greed

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Such a guild wouldn't be allowed to even happen in Runescape. The reason why OPEC is such a force, is because they have control of a significant amount of a NON RENEWABLE resource. Whips and Dragon will always be dropped, so this form of cartel wouldn't be seen in RS.








Phats and rares might be subject to a cartel, but its nearly impossible to implement, plus Jagex would intervene, much like anti trust legislation would intervene in the US.








It already has happened - Bluerose13x.








It can't happen anymore, though. Because there is always someone else who will sell lower and always another source to get it from. Oil doesn't have 50,000 companies who can serve it up, so only a few control it because they can serve it up.

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