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Make the Randoms.... Random


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I noticed (what I would call a glitch) and that is, if you are, lets say training on flesh crawlers in the SoS, then suddenly bury some bones, then you will get a random.




It's happened to me well over 6 times, however I haven't yet timed how long it takes of killing flesh crawlers before having to bury bones and get a random.




Using the method above it is in fact possible for people to determine when the random will occur, simply by changing what you are doing after a period of time.




I have read elsewhere and from friends as well that the same happens to them while carrying out other tasks.


Stephen Hawking is now a honorary member of the Runecrafting Guild. He was also given a free sex change from the Make-over Mage.


off topic but woot im in 2 peoples siggys >.>

Make that 3!

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Happens to me all the time, standing around in edgeville not really doing anything, talking and messing with "toys" (holiday items, etc) then when I actually try to do something, I get random'd. <.<

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I agree that the randoms are frustating. Fighting ice giants requires you to fight the warriors first for a long time,thus, using up alot of food. Getting a randoms like 3 times or more consumes all your food..and you dont even have a single big bone to carry when you leave!3.gif






Randoms must be minimized...I already suggested a topic entitled the "Police Force"...that must be a solution, serves the same purpose as well.



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Oh no, I don't think randoms need to be removed (as such) Just simply fixed so that they don't always appear with the method I described in my first post.


Stephen Hawking is now a honorary member of the Runecrafting Guild. He was also given a free sex change from the Make-over Mage.


off topic but woot im in 2 peoples siggys >.>

Make that 3!

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I agree. I'd be standing around check prices at the GE. Then suddenly I'll decide to tele the Cammy, and I get drafted into the army...

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