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Hard Leather Chaps

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Oh yeah, and a flexible pullover metal garment and matching pants give protection just because they're coloured light blue? And one-handed double-bit battle axes?








Don't call up JAGeX on realism.

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:? What's up with the topics today? yeesh....they have studded chaps, if the chaps were hard no possible way to move. Resulting in total encumberance.








Today? You mean a dead thread acrhimage_a bumped from a month ago to spam on?




Hard leather chaps? I couldn't care less.

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and zonhoric or whoever the legs arent solid metal pants. granted they arent exactly easy to run in like the game shows it is better than having stiff pants that would feel like theyve been soaked in paint and laid out in the sun for a year




















yes well bubsa dont complain about this post being old if you posted on it with just that to say while also keeping it on the current boards for a while longer.

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and zonhoric or whoever the legs arent solid metal pants. granted they arent exactly easy to run in like the game shows it is better than having stiff pants that would feel like theyve been soaked in paint and laid out in the sun for a year








No, really. They are. They're skin-tight metal pants with useless knee protectors. There's NO way those are pieces of plate mail leg armour.

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yes and under the knee protector it has a joint. much like your knee itself.




so unless your knee bends backwards (hey thats for you to know I dont care) then you shouldnt have a problem.








and if your going to bring up one pair doesnt fit everyone perfectly this would also be wrong due to the fact that avery charector in the game is the same height (which is a tad boring dont you think)

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whos worked up?




I was meerly stating how the leg works with the platelegs as the joint bends, and how this is easier then walking in something that would barely bend at all.








unless you have some serious condition in which your knees bend backwards

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Have you, sir, ever seen a suit of plate mail?








The leg armour isn't solid and skin-tight as Runescape seems to think it is. It's bulky and is made up of more than one plate, and only protects the outside and front of your legs. I don't care if there's a join behind the tiny circular knee protector that couldn't protect anything at all. That's not what I was criticising. What I WAS criticising was the fact that the leg armour is made of solid pieces of metal. How do you put it on short of having to reforge it everytime you wanted to equip it? These things aren't worn like pants, you know.

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Oh I thought you were basing the difficulty to walk in real platelegs nor rs version.




I suppose this all depends on how you look at it rs version platelegs would be harder to walk in than hard chaps. But out of rs the platelegs are easier then hard leather chaps.








its just a matter of how you look at it.

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I'd saying having hardened leather leg armour wouldn't be too bad to walk in, if it's designed properly. The only way to make it a viable option is to take the plate mail approach - use plates of the material to cover vulnerable muscles and blood vessels. Bascially, all you need to do to get hard leather leg armour is to add hard leather plates to existing leather armour. There'll be added weight, but there's also added protection without much loss of mobility.

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