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Smoking Kills Tip


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I wanted to offer a tip that would be helpful to have in your Smoking Kills quest walkthrough. On the last big fight where the insectoid assasins offer her range assistance, the quest is fight is much easier to finish if you switch to range protect when they start helping. I almost died when I kept magic protect on, and the ring of life saved me. The 2nd time I attempted the fight when they started helping her, I switched to range protect, and she kept hitting me with melee mostly cuz I was up close to her, and the rest of the fight was a piece of cake. I only ate like 7-8 monkfish total the 2nd time.

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That's a bit of common sense IMO, protect from 8 or so rangers lvl-149(ish), or protect mage from a 120(ish) that's using mostly melee. Also, I believe this belongs in another forum... but we'll let the newbie slide ;)

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I looked for other forums, and being my first post wasn't sure where it should go. However, it isn't 8 ranged assasins, only 4, and they are level 141 to be exact, not 149(ish), hehe. The mage is 111 I believe. And yes it should probably be common sense regardless, but my point was if someone were to follow the guide exactly, they may not fare too well. In regard to wearing melee armor and mage protect, that's what I did, and that's also what some of my level 130+ friends did, and they still said it was tough. My point was using range protect when the ranged guys start helping works much better than trying to use melee or mage protect.

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I wore Red Dragonhide and defeated it fairly effortlessly.




So my advice: wear Dragonhide and Mage protect until she yells "Help me, minions!" Then turn on Range Protect.




That's exactly what I did and I only needed one shark to beat it. I was 85 combat at the time.

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