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Unable toCreate Cache Directory


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Message I get when I try to load runescape on my new laptop.


[hide=]Error_loader_nocache - Unable to create cache directory.


Runescape was unable to find a suitable place to store its temporary files. To solve this please either:






Login to your computer as an 'administator' user, and then try loading RuneScape again. This should give it sufficient access to create its temporary cache.






Or, create a new directory called c:/rscache or /rscache. If possible, set that directory to have full read+write permissions so that all users can write to it. Runescape should then detect that directory and use it for its files.






If you are unable to do either of the above, then as a last resort you can tell RuneScape not to store any files on the harddisk. When entering the site and choosing between high-detail/low-detail also select 'Unsigned Applet Using Default Java' from the dropdown scroll at the bottom of the detail select page. You will need to do this everytime you load the game. The disadvantage of this is the game will load slower, so if possible use one of the top two solutions instead.




If problems persist then please refer to our technical FAQ which can be found in the FAQ section of our website.[/hide]




I've played rs on it before. I'm already on the admin user. I created a folder in my C: drive called rscache (deleted it now though). And still nothing. And there's no dropdown menu anymore for selecting 'Unsigned Applet Using Default Java'.

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Never had this problem before, but maybe you need to spell it /rscache? Or maybe you need to right click the new folder, go down to properties and check the read and write boxes and don't archieve it or something. :wall:

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Never had this problem before, but maybe you need to spell it /rscache? Or maybe you need to right click the new folder, go down to properties and check the read and write boxes and don't archieve it or something. :wall:




The "/" is placed infront automatically by the computer. Read and write boxes were already checked and it isn't archived. Still not working.

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Go into your internet properties on the security tab (the one on the very right side). Find Java. There probably wont be an option for unsigned, but you can check sun java (or uncheck if its already on). No idea what sun java is but changing the java seems like a good place to start.

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