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Grand Exchange on YOUR PHONE!


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seems pointless, whats the point in finding out an item is dropping(or rising) when you cant get on a computer to sell it anyway?

stupid forums lost my dragon count , well atleast i know i got a d chain from a dusty!

99 Fletch, Late 06

99 Mage, late 07

99 Strength, 29th June 08

99 Hitpoints, 21st August 08

130/138 cmb

sooo close

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Will this work with my iPhone 3g? Not supporting MMS and all.




If you have an iphone why not just go onllne and check the ge? and If you cant go online then why the hell did you buy an iphone, its not even cheaper lawl, read your contract the plan costs $245 more meaning your iphone 3g is more expensive.


Yeah, I know it's not cheaper. :roll: You think I'd honestly buy something without being at least somewhat informed about what AT&T is doing. But when I'm not on wifi/3G, it'd simply be faster to txt it. It was just a question, you don't have to say the obvious. :roll:


Also, Jagex used Java, which I wasn't sure if the GE did to(which it doesn't), which the iPhone does not support.





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