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POH butlers


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Can they get me planks from my bank, if so how fast they are and are they faster then me? And how much does it cost?


you can find this at the knowledge base http://www.runescape.com , dont mean to be rude ::'


don't mean to be rude but if you have actually read my question and knew what i can find in knowledge base you wouldn't post such a stupid post.

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Can they get me planks from my bank, if so how fast they are and are they faster then me? And how much does it cost?


you can find this at the knowledge base http://www.runescape.com , dont mean to be rude ::'


don't mean to be rude but if you have actually read my question and knew what i can find in knowledge base you wouldn't post such a stupid post.




The regular butler will take notes off of you and turn them into items at the bank. It takes 10 seconds I believe with a normal butler. He will charge you 5k every 10-20 actions you make him do.

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Can they get me planks from my bank, if so how fast they are and are they faster then me? And how much does it cost?


you can find this at the knowledge base http://www.runescape.com , dont mean to be rude ::'


don't mean to be rude but if you have actually read my question and knew what i can find in knowledge base you wouldn't post such a stupid post.


of course....diddnt get your post.. http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarti ... le_id=2576 , i hope you are happy :thumbsup: btw i am not a servant :roll:

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Can they get me planks from my bank, if so how fast they are and are they faster then me? And how much does it cost?


The regular butler will take notes off of you and turn them into items at the bank. It takes 10 seconds I believe with a normal butler. He will charge you 5k every 10-20 actions you make him do.


Ok thanks!

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1.)Can they get me planks from my bank, 2.) if so how fast they are and are they faster then me? 3.) And how much does it cost?




1.) Yes, they can retrieve planks.


2.) The butler is slower than you, but only lagging around by a second or two (10 second bank trips). The demon butler is faster than you, but he is overkill (5 second bank trips). You pay twice as much, and they do nearly the same job.


3.) 5k for Butler, 10k for Demon Butler (Per ~10 trips)






http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?p ... m#servants




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