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Fight Caves


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Well today was my first run at the Caves and I ended up dying immediately to Jad my messing up the pray switching. So based on my results, I need help from you guys to improve my inventory/equipment.




Veracs Helm


Obsidian Cape


Archers Ring


Ranger Boots


Dragon sq shield


Karils top


Veracs Skirt


Rune Crossbow (1200 emerals bolts), (150 diamond bolts for Jad)




Here is my inventory


17 Super Restores--------(4 left when I died to Jad)


8 Saradomin Brews-------(1 Left when I faced Jad)


2 Range Potions-------(Only one dose left at the end and I limited using them towards the end because I wanted to use last one on Jad)




So my question is how do I improve this inventory, I know that I was clearly lacking range pots, my brews were fine I felt as I messed up twice by forgetting to put magic prayer on and got hit 47 and 43. So maybe by avoiding that I would have saved some brews. So my question to you guys is should I sacrifice a super restore potion, so include in another range potion. Any other tips are welcome as well. Going to try again today. Wish we luck!








EDIT: Stats are:




87 HP


80 Defence


74 Range

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i would leave one brew and take another ranged potion, but you oculd also switch a sup. restore for one, because you ended with 4 left. doesnt really matter which one you leave though, but you definately need 3 ranged pots ;)



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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Just because your range level is 74, i advise to take 1 more range pot, other than that its really up to you mastering your prayer switching...

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You're fine but 2 things.


Acculmulator It saves you much bolts and it gives a nice Ranged Bonus.


Other than that take a Granite Shield! It's cheaper and better than Drag Sq.


D Sq: 50 Ranged defense bonus, Granite shield: 65 Ranged defense bonus.


Only take obby cape when using Crystal bows.



Dutchy angel2w.gif

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Oh yes I forgot, sorry used accumulator not the Obby cape and I will get the granite shield soon. And I will also get rid of super restore and add a ranged potion. Thank you to everyone for the help.




Just need to get the pray switching right now.

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