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Apocalypse-My newest project, PART 1 2 3 4 and 5 UP


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Now I know many people liked my saga, the runescape chronicles. But I have recieved many pms ingame giving critisism and suggestions. Apparentley chronicles wasnt long enough for many and also lacked a grand climax, and not a mature enough theme.Now I decided to make a story about what many consider one of the worst things that could happen the end of the world, or in this case Runescape. However this is NOT a story that refers to Runescape as a game but rather a world with problems such as our own.Because of this the story contains mature elements and should not be viewed by younger readers.I suggest reading the Runescape chronicles, seeing as this story is a sequel. However you will still be able to understand this story without reading chronicles. Any way here is the first chapter of my story, Apocalypse












"The time to strike... Is approaching," Phabor spoke to the poorly dressed individuals around him.




" We can't wait much longer..... Our children need food," A father with a hammer in his right hand spoke.




" Patience, I know we've waited, ohhhh we've waited for so long. Waited through snow, rain, scorching sun, famine, and plauge. But tommorow a new king is being appointed in Varrock, if we can attack during the inauguration the city is ours for the taking,"




With that Phabor raised his enourmous staff with a skull on the top and let out a cry of fury. The hundreds of people gathered with him on the frozen plateau raised their weapons and let out a roar which echoed across wilderness.








Chapter 1: Fall of Varrock




A hail of arrows shot towards the invaders, who blocked them with enormous wooden shields.




" Fall back! Protect the king!" A general screamed as he was broken in half by a powerful swing of a steel battle axe.




Bolts flew from the savages crossbows into the new king's body gaurds who fell fast as their armor shattered. Archers on the walls of varrock launched a wave of arrows downward, a few hit an attacker but none caused great damage.




The battle had reached the east castle wall, the king was being rushed west, escorted by two high Saradomin mages wearing white magic robes. Spearmen were pushing through the few gaurds standing between the attackers and the king. Archers on the castle began aiming at the spearmen and managed to kill two. But the wall of men was already weakened and a massive beserker wielding a mace emerged from the savages and swiftly killed the few remaining gaurds.




The savages bowmen launched bolts at the king, but did'nt shoot to kill, they aimed at his legs and managed to wound one. He fell and as the mages turned to help him up they were bombarded with bolts and fell instantly. The archers on the roof fired in vain at the savages who were closing in on the king.




Phabor then emerged, cloaked and wielding his huge staff. The savages followed him towards the king who laid, alive yet wounded. Phabor took two short ropes out and bound the king's legs and arms.




" I'll deal with the archers, bring the king into his castle and prepare the sphere," Phabor said calmy. This underlings grabbed the king and brougth him into his own castle.




" Lets see if your laughing now," Phabor raised his staff. An arrow hit him in the stomach, he took no notice. A black cloud gathered above Varrock. The archers looked up nervously.




" The man thinks he can kill all of us!" A rather round archer laughed out loud. The other archers laughed aswell. A harsh wind blew through the streets of Varrock. The skull on Phabor's staff began to glow like there was a fire within. The clouds above opened in the center and a blaring light shot from within, it was a ball of flames. The fire impacted the wall and destroyed it and those poor souls on it.




Phabor fell, gasping for breath. Summoning such an attack had taxed him greatly. Flames had landed on other buildings and started a fire. Phabor smiled weakly at the burning city and the loss of life. The smell fo smoke and charred flesh was powerful, nearly overwhelming. The murderer got to his feet and let out a laugh, not of victory but at the humor of causing others pain and loss.




He strolled to the door a smile on his face, but concealed by the shadows of his hood. As he entered the castle he saw the king tied and a hand sized purple sphere made of some kind of glass. The savages were makign themself at home and talking about their victory. A scrawny and young boy held a blade to the king's neck and held the sphere near his face. He squeezed it and the sphere became deep blue.




" Excellent, in an hour it will be ready to be sent to the white knights of Falador," The boy said.




" Marvelous, then when they come looking for us with the bulk of their troops.... Well we've already discussed that," Phabor smirked and gave the king a kick in the side.




" Sir! Please we need him alive!" A large warrior yelled.




" I know, but its hard to let such scum live," Phabor growled.




" Oh so Im the scum....." The new king muttered.




" Yes, filth, you casted us out, thinking we were unfit for civilization. When truly it is you who deserves to be sent into the darkness of widlerness," Phabors angry mouth could be seen under his hood moving furiously," If it was'nt for you peoples twisted standards and laws none of us would be here taking your world away,"




Phabor went up the stairs to the second floor an air of fury about him. Although he seemed it, Phabor was by no means crazy. The harsh realities of the world had gotten to him when he was younger, troubles so deeply by the thoughts of death he started to lose focus and could not perform in school. After his academics failed he lost faith in the God's and denied their existence. All this happened to him when he was thirteen. Thoughts of anger filled him, why should some people be born protected, loved, handsome, rich, and with wonderful lives. It was'nt fair, after all he lived in a poor stress filled family with constant fighting about his performance in school and money. And after being told he would need to repeat a grade he snapped. Feeling helpless, in the world there was'nt a way for him to make a living without getting an education and there was no way he could get one now, and if he could'nt support himself he'd need to leech off others meaning he could never get the respect he needed to hold up his self esteem wich would lead to himself giving up on his very existence, and of course with that mind set on life you could'nt get anything that made it so great, love, friends, family, respect, joy, even a rival to make his life interesting, but because of this he tried his best to stay strong and not give up. However even as he tried to get back on his feet he was knocked back down. What little self esteem he had left was destroyed when his father made him see a councelor from seer's village. Phabor realized that because he was different than others he was deemed insane when he was really the saner than anyone he had met. It was logic that no God existed and there was no reason to waste time doing pointless assignments in school when they could be farming food or building houses to accomidate the poor. But customs had developed and of course everyone thought he was insane for beleiveing he was sane. One night he decided enough was enough and walked into the shadows of wilderness. Wandering in beaten clothes and being a child the few murders and bandits that passed him didnt bother him. But as he grew deeper he passed fouler monsters and eventually came across a huge clan, only they were all dead, bodies lying against one another. In the middle of the bodies was an apparently human figure. Whether he was to hungry and delerious to consider the danger of his actions or just did'nt care about his life anymore he approached the figure. As he drew closer he could see that the person was wearing black robes, in his hand was a huge staff with a skull fixed on the end. As Phabor approached the person turned. Phabor let out a sharp cry as he saw part of the man's jaw, wich was nothign more than a bone with a layer of skin.




" Hello," The man spoke darkly, but not menacingly. He removed the hood and his skeletal face was revealed.




" Wh-hy did you do this?" Phabor spoke shakily.




" Well is'nt it obvious? I relieved them. At your age I doubt you can understand the liberation that is death, but let me try to explain. It relieves you of all worries, duties, hardships, discrimintation, desires, pain, and stress that you ever felt or would have to endure," He looked down at Phabor who was staring at the bodies around him.




" But they did'nt want to die!" Phabor yelled.




" But if they knew what death was like they'd do it again, I assure you," He grabbed Phabors head and forced it down," And now you'll see it to!" He dropped the staff and drew out a long sharp blade and brought it down.




In Phabor's head he considered what the man had said. Was it really better to die than live? But more importantly who was this man to say others should die but be alive himself. Suddenly angry Phabor grabbed a red dagger with a poison soaked tip and turned around swiftly slitting his attacker's throat open.




The man slumped to his knees and began to cough blood up. Phabor stood back and eyed the fallen man.




" I see.... So you now are the killer.... Now I'll feel it for real," And before he could elaborate he was gone.




And as Phabor remembered the pain of his past he stroked his bony jaw, cast his staff aside and fell into a deep and angry sleep.

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And heres chapter 2!




Chapter 2: Araknok








"How could this have happened..... How could we have overlooked such a large clan, it doesnt make sense," The squire of the White Knights muttered as he poured through books on a hot summers day. Then a dark, beaten, and musty book caught his eye. He opened it and began to look at its cover. A disturbing face was on it, half was normal, but then on the right side a skeletal and furious face stared into his eyes. He let out a startled gasp wich drew the attention of a nearby White Knight.




" You ok in there?" He said as he walked to the squire cautiously. The squire tore his eyes from the book and looked at the helmetless knight, who was staring at his pale face.




" Yes, of course...," The squire picked the book up and ran his fingers across it.




" Whats that?" The knight asked catching a glimpse of the book's cover.




" A book I came across," The squire replied as he opened the book.




His eyes moved slowly over the pages.




" Well whats it say?" The knight asked after the Squire had flipped a few pages. But he recieved no response, for the Squire's eyes were darting across the pages and a strained look of intense intrest appeared on his face. The knight bent closer to him trying to read but could'nt because of the tiny writing.




The squire was now sweating as his eyes sweeped across the pages with great speed. Then his eyes stopped and he slumped back.




" It cant be... It has to just be a story," He looked up at the knight," It has to be a fabrication,"




The knight picked the book up and began to read.












Shadows eat away at us. He's cut us away from the rest of the world, letting us fade away rather than just removing us. Letting us experience the suffering that is eternity. The sky itself is burnt, the air is like a suffocating blanket, and I dont think we'll last the year. The broken walls of our city are being circled by the beasts of wilderness. Fear seems to run through the city like blood in veins. The water is contaminated and all the crops have failed. I don't see any possibility other than death, no one can help, an ocean now seperates us from any other life, save the monsters it traps us with. And the worst thing is the fiend lies somewhere in the forest of shadows, regaining his strength, no doubt to turn the rest of the world into a wasteland. Its a shame the creatures of the wilderness dont turn their aggression on him, but when he supplies such vast quanities of food why would they. Well now Im just rambling but in my situation it makes me feel like Im making a difference, although sadly im not.




The knight turned the page and found a different kind of writing. He lowered his head closer because it was smaller than the previous page.




We've decided to compile our writings into a single book for those that may find it. In this section I will speak of our history and location wich is far north from the magicians arena, a wonderful arena for aspiring mages to learn sacred spells from the kind Velnor, a master of the magical arts. Then north from there is the great plains of Saradomin, one of the lushest and beautiful places in the world. We get much raw materials and food from here. Just north of these plains is our grand city of Lukron. We have good trade with ardougne because there is a bustling trade area east of the magicians guils with an enchanted lever that teleports whoever should pull it to Ardougne. Also traders from Falador and Varrock come north to this area to trade, especially because this far north we are willing to pay more for needed materials. We had a mine rich in mithril wich was our main export and led to our wealth. With this we built a wall around our city made of steel reinforced by mithril. The wealthy became wealthier and we began to buy expensive diamonds and dragosntones. We became the wealthiest kingdom, we used a good portion of it to constantly make the rich more jewelry or houses, and did nothing to assist the poor. But sadly every golden age must have a decline. Whether it was punishment from the Gods for turning a blind eye to the less fortunate or just bad luck ours came. But thats for our next writer to discuss.




The knight anxiously turned the page and began to read the larger and fancier writing.




Hello Im the demonologist and paranormal investigator of Lukron. The downfall of our great city was what I long thought to be a legend. You see since the ancient times it was thought by some that after humans were created they soon began to sin wich angered even Saradomin. He realized that sending a prophet to warn humans of what would become of them would be futile, instead he would need to send a message laced with fear to scare them into submission. Instead of a kind and holy being he released all his fury into a being known as the Araknok. He walked the earth preaching Saradomins word and threatened those who defied it. However after killing families and children just because they felt differently and he realized that with the strengths and knowledge he could make the world a better place. And thus he created a spell that summoned powers that even he could not fully grasp. The first time he used it was north of Varrock, however once he began to summon the portal that the spell was forged in high in the sky he could'nt stop, his very existence wavered and the life energy granted to him by Saradomin began to drain. His physical form was drained away and only then was the attack released. When it impacted the ground the entire region north of varrock was scorched, small cities burned, animals were sent through the air and hurled against rocks and the charred ground, dust was sent to the sky blacking it out. Trees were destroyed and foliage smoldered, everywhere except just a little south of Lukron. Over the next years creatures that were attracted to darkness came to this wasteland, they bred and created new monstrosities that wandered searching for victims. Explorers began calling this area wilderness. Blood thirsty killers came here to to murder others without the law to interfere. Lukron began to decline and it was harder for traders to make deals with them because they needed to trek through the wilderness and no longer could teleport because of the remaining spirit of Araknok wich covered the deep wilderness. It was five eyars after widlerness was created that people began to speak of the Araknok, claiming to have seen him walking through the darkness of wilderness. Soon it became clear the demon had returned, clans went missing, families heading to the Ardougne lever were masacred and the leader of the mage arena was murdered. Through studies it became clear that the Araknok was travelling through the deepest parts of wilderness executing all he came in contact with, sketches of him by witnesses depicted him as a medium sized man wearing black robes and wielding a huge staff with a humanlike skull on the uppermost region. It was also apparent that the magic he used was not of this world, meaning it was not used by binding runes energies but rather taking the life of the caster in order to summon a great power, because of this the Araknok used the long staff as a medium to pass his energy through to be sure he did not give away to much of his lifes energy. Now that he understood how to harness his powers and had gained a physical form Lukron knew he would be coming. The king of Lukron, Meinith, wished to form a truce with this being, wich of course was madness. He brought himself to the gates of Lukron and cried for the Araknok to show himself. In moments the cloaked figure was walking towards Meinith. They talked and although no one knows what words were spoken two things are certain, the Araknok made it clear that after he realized what his creator made him for there was no reason for him to be called something he was not and instead to address him as Konkara, and secondly that the truce failed. For as the conversation drew to and end Konkara rose his staff and destroyed the fields of Saradomin utterly. Dust rose and covered Lukron, Boulders crashed into the city and its walls causing great damage. All I could see from my vantage point in a tower was a frail figure escaping into the forest of shadows to the north-east, a place few dared to venture. Meinith returned to speak of his encounter with Konkara and to reveal the full damage of the attack. It was shockingly clear that Lukron had been cut off from wilderness and thus the world.




The knight looked from the book to the squire in horror.




" It cannot be....."

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Chapter 3: Dwarven alliance








" They have recieved the sphere, Phabor," A young savage wielding a adamant battle axe reported.




" Very good," He said firmly," How large is their army?"




" Not very but they have a militia wich could prove to be a problem," The young savage answered," But your power will overcome them!"




Phabor looked at his bony hands and replied.




" I'll need more time.... Then perhaps," His head dropped down. He raised his right hand," Come,"




The boy came closer and listened.




" One day.... I will fall... I myself killed my predecesor... And no doubt he killed his..... And I forsee my time is coming, even though Im only twenty three I feel as if I was a thousand years old. My body is dying, although I restore my appearance after every spell it is'nt recently.... Its so hard to raise my head and lift my eyes... Im tired young one... Oh so tired..." He removed his hood revealing his face to the boy. And although the tired and skeletal face horrified him the boy did not remark. Dark circles masked the flesh beneath his eyes and there was hardly any skin to be found. His hair was grey and his eyes worn.




" I know what boys your age want.... And I also know your loyalty to this clan, so I ask you that when you die to take my place, wear my robes and bear my staff, spread our message to every corner of the world, and along the way take what you wish, after all if we live but once why not enjoy it...." Phabor lowered his head again and drifted away into a half sleep. The boy thought about these words as he left the room. But he needed rest, tommorow was the attack.
















" Quickly get them ready! We can't afford to have them out late!" White Knights were rushing about, most headed to the north gate. The squire was on the walls of Falador with a piece of parchment and a quill. He was staring at the northern gate and occasionally into the distance, in his hand was the sphere that had caused all this commotion.




A heavily armored messanger had delivered it the day before. When squeezed a picture of the new king of Varrock appeared, a blade to his throat. The messanger warned that if their demands of thirty sets of full mithril and thirty women and girls were not met that Falador would be destroyed. Of course the White Knights decided it would be best to meet these demands seeing as Varrock had been destroyed by the same group.




And now the Squire waited for the clan to take what they wanted. And they were on time. As the sun began to set the army of bandits could be seen. The squire stared as the large group came to the gate, but then something caught his attention. A cloaked figure with a huge staff in his right hand was near the front of the group. The squire squinted and leaned on the walls edge. Then he saw the skull on the staff and let out a yelp. A savage launched a bolt at him wich he barely dodged.




The boy lowered his crossbow and ran forward to catch up with Phabor. He could see the crates with mithril in them and the girls chained together from where he was. He was hoping the girls were for what he thought and grinned widely. A White Knight approached and exchanged greetings with Phabor who spoke weakly.




" Two men for each crate and one man for the women," Phabor said to his underlings. He waited for a few minutes as the larger men carried off the crates and a fairly scrawny man grabbed the chain linking the women together lead them off. As they vanished in the difference he gave the order.




" KILL THEM," The squire nearly had a heart attack as he heard the booming words. Immediatley he heard screams and the sound of armor striking the ground. He peered over and saw the army storming Falador. The Knight he had spoken with the day before was lying at the gate and meing trampled by the screaming savages. The White Knights simply could not compete with these outlanders. The moment a knight engaged an enemy he was struck down by another. The Squire stood not thinking clearly. Three bolts passed him and one struck his right shoulder. He let out a scream and began thinking quickly. The closest possible ally he could think of was the druids, but they could'nt help. Savages began to climb the walls. The squire's mind screamed. Then he remembered the dwarves. He leaped from the wall onto the general stores roof and ran through Falador's chaoctic center. Swinging blades and axes nearly cut through him, even though many were directed at a knight. He continued east, where there were less enemies, past the bank and all the way to one of the most eastern buildings. He entered it and walked down the large staircase inside wich led to the dwarven mines. He began screaming to the dwarfs.




" AID THE KNIGHTS!" He continued through the mines screaming this. He passed into the western caverns yelling to the dwarfs and the took the northern route to a ladder leading to the surface. He climbed it and ran to the Dwarfs assembling cannons.




" Hurry!" He gasped," Falador is under attack we need the dwarfs and your cannons quick, otherwise we wont last.




The dwarfs did'nt even ask a question and instantly took two cannons apart and started carrying the pieces down the mountains steep side. The squire went back into the mines and ran back screaming for the dwarfs help.




The squire climbe back up the stairs to find dwarfs engaging a savage in combat. It did'nt take long for the savage to be defeated. More dwarfs were emerging from the mines. The Squire left the building followed by the many dwarfs. Savages that were laying waste to the bank ran in the other direction as the minute army chased them. However when they reached the center they were greeted with the sight of dead knights and the savages waiting for them. A bolt flew through the air and removed a dwarfs face for the most part. The Squire gulped and ducked behind a building. Then there was a loud explosion and the Squire peered out to see savages bodies everywhere. Dwarfs had appeared at the north gate with cannons and were attacking the savages mercilessly. The squire and the dwarfs charged the remaining savages causing them to push past the cannons to the north. The savages dodge cannon balls as they fled north east. The dwarfs let out a hoorah. However as Falador erupted in cheers they overlooked something.




Standing on the White Knights castle, staring down upon the celebration was a dark cloaked figure. Waiting for a moment to strike the unsuspecting below.

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Ty to the single reader lol anyway heres chapter 4








Chapter 4: No turning back








" Whats he waiting for?" A large savage grunted impatiently," Get on with it,"




" He'll do it, be patient," Another savage muttered.




" But he's just standing there! At this rate they'll spot him,"




" Just be quiet! I think he's getting ready!"




And then a black cloud began to form. The savages looked up and were shocked to see that it was'nt forming over Falador but over them instead. The boy who had spoken with Phabor the day before nervously walked away from the group, wich was gathered south of the monastary so they could just barely see Phabor on top of the White Knights castle. The cloud then erupted, or so it seemed. A ball of flames fell from it and towards the savages. The boy who was already nearly at barbarian village let out a scream of horror and sprinted even faster. Screams of shock echoed about as the fireball drew closer. Then there was a deafening explosion.




The boy awoke in the darkness of night. Dust lingered in the air and a foul smell filled his nostrils. He coughed as he sat up. He had been sent through the air when the fireball had impacted the ground and sprained his right ankle. He rolled over and saw the huge crater where the path leading from Falador to Babarian used to be. He let out a wheeze and began crawling to Varrock.
















The Squire was shoved into his quarters and the door locked from the outside. He cursed loudly.




" Im not crazy for God's sake!!!!!" He yelled at the door. He pounded his fists against the door, still horrified how events had changed from being a hero to a raving lunatic.




It began with the explosion in the distance. Everyone in Falador turned north and saw the rising smoke. Then a figure clad in black robes fell from the White Knights castle to the ground. The attention of several dwarfs and the Squire was drawn to the cracking sound of the staff he was holding breaking against the ground. A dwarf propped the man up and asked him if he was alright. Phabor gave no reply, he was barely alive.




In the next hour his mind began to clear. Swirls of joy and fury. Memory returning. Why had he diverted his attack to his own men? This thought passed through his mind until he came to a conclusion. They were cowards. It became clear to him as he saw his own men running from death that they were fighting for a different cause than he was. If death was a liberation to them why did they run? They clearly were doing it for the power and thus were'nt worthy to be his allies. But now as he looked around he saw the predicament he was in. He, the leader of the savages was now in the custody of Falador and had no staff and even if he did he was to weak to be able to use the spell again anyway. Then a dwarf entered the small room he was in.




" So then," The deep voiced dwarf said," Konkara eh?"




Phabor raised his head in surprise.




" So it is you," He laughed," Then the Squire was right,"




" No he was'nt," Phabor muttered," Im not Konkara," Phabor started thinking quickly.




" Oh? Then who are you?" The dwarf asked.




" My name...... Is Phabor," He replied," Long have I travelled with the savages of the north. But since I joined with them I have seen that they are just what their name infers, savages. I have waited long for the moment to strike. And today I beleive I found it, because I destroyed them all as they fled from you dwarfs," Phabor panted, it was tiring even speaking in his current state.




" Really now?" The dwarf asked," Well the squire also claimed he heard you order the attack,"




" Then...." Phabor spoke with difficulty," This Squire clearly has something against me, for I did no such thing,"




" Well I'll tell ya what," The dwarf leaned in close," Give me something and I'll put in a good word for you and get'cha outta here,"




" If that's what you want," Phabor reached into his robes," Take this,"




He placed a red hatchet in his hands.




" One of a kind my friend," Phabor said quietly.




" How did you get a dragon hatchet!?" The dwarf exclaimed.




Phabor happily recalled butchering the master woodcutter wandering wilderness a few years earlier.




" A gift from a dear friend," Phabor said with a weak smile.




" I'll be sure they get the message, Phabor the hero! Slayer of the savages of widlerness!" The dwarf chuckled and left the room.




Phabor's eyelids collapsed and he drifted into rest.




The squire had been listening from outside and had tried to tell the other dwarfs what their leader was doing. Of course they laughed at the thought of a dragon hatchet and a decietful leader. He was cast into the ancient slaves quarters knowing that the dwarfs were now going to think a being of pure evil was a hero. He slumped down, horrified of what was becoming of the world.
















" Dont let an ankle bring you down brother! Just hop into one of the beds upstairs with one of these sweet things!" The savage that had assumed control of the group during Phabor's abscense said to the boy who had just arrived at Varrock castle, " We should get what we can with them before the others come back!"




" You don't get it! They're not coming back!" He cried desperately," Phabor killed them all!"




" Yeah sure he did, you can tell all the other but Im going upstairs," And the man vanished upstairs, where screams could be heard.




For a moment the boy considered what to do, it was tempting to give in to his urges but he also feared that Phabor would attack when he was distracted. Of course his desires won over and he to went upstairs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

interesting, inteRESTing.zzzzzz




u still dont belive that zaros is the true creator god do u, its all there u just have to belive, and read












ps i may or may not like the story but pls respond as if i had said it was bad.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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a) i dont mind to much about zaros not being in(i would have liked it though)








b)im researching how diffrent ppl react to the same sort of critism (for roleplay)








c) a class story loved it a lot. shame about zaros oh well.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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a) i dont mind to much about zaros not being in(i would have liked it though)








b)im researching how diffrent ppl react to the same sort of critism (for roleplay)








c) a class story loved it a lot. shame about zaros oh well.




There are'nt many clues to it, but Zaros is going to be in this story. He just is introduced later with a little twist Im sure you'll love.

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Chapter 5: End game








" Phabor, when are we going to destroy them," The dwarf leader asked Phabor," After all you killed most of them but several got away with those supplies,"




" Oh, the savages you mean...." Phabor looked up from his rest," I'll deal with them soon enough,"




" You better or they'll be back and get us off gaurd!" And the dwarf walked off.




Phabor was resting in the White knights castle. He had recovered from the last time he used the spell but was thinking of how to use his powers without the staff wich he used to harness it. But of course he knew what he was going to do in the case he was faced with an enemy, run.




Phabor called after the dwarf.




" We can do away with them now,"
















The dwarves had all gathered at Falador's northern gate. Phabor looked out a window. The sky was growing dark and thunder could be heard in the distance. He turned from the window and headed downstairs. As he passed the Squire's quarters the Squire let out a cry. For a moment Phabor paused and thought if he should let the man who had nothing left out. But it would be better to leave him to rot in the room and not have to see the world he loved be destroyed. He leaned against the door.




" Dont waste your time, die in peace rather than in exasperation, you can't change the events I have set into motion," Phabor said solemly and left. The squire took no heed to these words and continued screaming.
















The dwarves, abount thirty or so, wielding pickaxes of different metals stormed through the rain towards Varrock. But Phabor knew well that even the few savages that were left would shoot them all down on sight, and without armor they would all die. Surely enough, as they rushed through Varrocks west entrance bolts fell from the sky like rain. Blood slpattered the ground and the Dwarves fell instantly, not even able to react.








Phabor stepped past the bodies and made his way to the savage who was second in command.




" Welcome back my lord," He extended his arms in greeting.








Within the castle of Varrock the boy stared at Phabor, the one he had seen murder his own people. He could'nt stand it. Such a hypocrite who only delievered death but ran from his own. He seized his dagger and rushed to the top of the castle where two archers were talking about the dwarves terrible attempt to take back Varrock. The boy swung the dagger swiftly through the air into the back of the nearest one. The crossbow he was holding was sent into the air. He grabbed it and shot a bolt into the other savages throat. He then rushed to the wall and aimed at Phabor.








Phabor felt a chill run through his body and looked up. He saw the bolt hurtling toward him at an alarming rate. He grabbed the commanding savage and thrust him in the way of the bolt. It was embedded in the back of his skull. Phabor took the crossbow strapped to the generals belt and returned fire. The boy ducked as bolts hurtled past his head. Savages who had witnessed Phabor using their general as a shield rushed out of the castle and drew out battle axes. Phabor turned to them and let out a cry of fury. The rain pattering against the ground became a downpour and the sky became darker. And then suddenly the sky became red. Phabor fell to his knees and his flesh seemes to drain away. The savages gathered around him and the largest raised his axe. Phabor looked up, revealing his skeletal face and tired eyes. And as the axe was brought down he smiled weakly, for now all his trouble, pain, and weariness would be gone.

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats a good cliff hanger and thank u for not taking much offence, it really helps.












he will be brought back to life in the next chapter (phapor)








zaros will no doubt return evil, or will apper evil(but is really good)












and btw zaros prefers no action at all if possible, hes very passive unless u get him going he wont do a tremondous lot

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats a good cliff hanger and thank u for not taking much offence, it really helps.












he will be brought back to life in the next chapter (phapor)








zaros will no doubt return evil, or will apper evil(but is really good)












and btw zaros prefers no action at all if possible, hes very passive unless u get him going he wont do a tremondous lot

Well I dont want to reveal much more about Zaros but I'll have the chapter up hopefully today.
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