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a new section in the western section of the world going by wasteland could function similarly to the wilderness but be set in a desert terrain and have an automatic danger level of 15 in everysection of the wasteland it could have new rugged cities and implement new tactics of battle with new monsters that travel in groups called mauraders that can actually attack an entire city including cpu players like guards and sellers (that would reappear after a set time) also the entire section of the wasteland could be entirely multicombat zone so it would give clan wars a much more adverse battle feild

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Nice idea, but could you explain it a bit more clearly? I get what you're trying to understand but how powerful would these marauders be? How many would there be each raid? :?

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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i think the maurauders levels could be moderate for far west maybe 25 at most nothing a low level cant run away from yet still decently high enough where several could give a moderate player a good fight




as for how many attack i think it should be maybe 20 at least more if these desert cities would become highly succesful

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1) Judging by your intelligence, you're in no position to give me tips




2) The tip I was giving you was to punctuate, think, and come back with a more thought out, feasible post. I was merely using dramatic irony.








I happen to think that was a very valuable contribution.

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Punctuation that you use so frequently in your own posts? Like the kind that was criticizing my ideas in the first place that had no punctuation right?








And the idea is rather well thought out. The entire area would have a few cities in it. Would act as the wilderness without progressive danger levels it could be preset at 15 or something reasonable.




ie. all over the wasteland a level 15 could be attacked by a lvl 1-30 and a lvl 100 could be attacked by a 115 and an 85




as a random event a number of cpu players would appear in the populated cities and attack the players (but not 2 cities at once). they could be put a good lvl where weaker players can run and higher players could get a decent fight out of a group.




the entire area would be a multicombat zone. And it could be set on a desert terrain.




Any questions? And if its some hippocritical insult then save it.




and please additional ideas couldnt hurt either.












happy? punctuation




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