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Have You Ever Refused a Friend Request?


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Many times, one short conversation does not warrant me adding someone, even if my list permitted it.




Same here. If I don't know you for at least a half an hour, then don't even ask. I prefer quality not quantity when it comes to friendships.

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I try to limit my friends list to people I know in real life & people who I can relate to, not some idiot who says "lol" to every comment.


I usually delete people I've recently met 10 minutes after I add them.

Only fear God,

Know the weapons of the weak,

The weakness of the hard.

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Yes, I have. On my pure mainly, because I HATE it when people ask to be friends just because we're both pure.




If we train together, and have a nice conversation, however, I usually won't refuse. I added someone i thought i was never going to talk to again and now we train together most of the time at fleshies. :D

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I used to accept any friend requests, trying to get to know them by talking to them regularly. That doesn't work so well now. Now I try to explain that I don't add people that I don't know or have only talked to for 5 minutes. If they're persistent, I add them and delete them as soon as they're out of my sight.




One time and innocent-looking newb asked if he could used my altar to recharge my prayer. I accepted of course, seeing as I was going to my house anyway. Once inside, he instantly asked to be friends, and I tried to explain the usual to him, he continued to say that I could get to know him and such. Poor guy didn't even get a chance to regarge his prayer before I expelled him.

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