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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape


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A few typo's in the god's names just above ^^








JaGeX: A confusing subject indeed, it should be noted that most adventurers talk of this being as a god, responsible for creation of all of runescape as well as the confusing and often conflicting rules that this world follows. As a result, dispite their immense power and supreme judgement, they are seen as an evil god. Before Zamorak is blamed for death and Bandos is blamed for destruction, the most common phrase, interestingly, is to blame JaGeX for making it unfair and too hard. Before Guthix is blamed for the changing of the eternal rules of runescape, JaGeX is blamed for nerfing the activity. Before Saradomin is blessed for removing the evils of the world and making the game easier and more concrete, removing fear of failure, JaGeX is verbally lynched for removing the wildy and introducing the GE.






Very funny though :lol:

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Do Panic




Welcome to the Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape the "book" that will tell you everything about anything in the great world of runescape.





This is gonna be HUGE so Ctrl+F will be a great help if you are looking for something of interest.










The Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape is the book for the reader that likes to read no to normal stuff we will be adding the up and downs of the runescape world and try to explain some of the more confusing aspects of the game... like if the wise old man really found a way to grow blue carrots or what is the favourite dish of an ogre. if you do not wish to find out(but we think you do) please do not read on but else read and enjoy the show and remember... do(n't) panic!






The beginning.




In the beginning of time Runescape was created by the three gods (these will be dealt with later) they where fighting as they normaly did when guthix tripped and fell and by accident pushed a large bucket filled with pixels onto the floor. the pixels formed randomly into patterns which we today know as lumbridge and the varrock area (and some of Karamja but this wasnt discovered until later) the three god saw the pixel move around and thought "hey we made something funny" so they started playing around the the pixels and added more until they made the world we know and love today. but the gods couldnt agree on who should have the red color and got into a fight which ended up with a huge war where everyone in the world of runescape was involed. this if at last releved by a smart goblin called general bentnose who decided that Zamorak should have the red since he was evil and that saradomin should be white since he was good and guthix should be green ebcause he was [cabbage]




this fearsome general later went on to be one of the 2 leaders of the goblin tribe which later had some minor fights about what color the goblin armour should wear.




after the god war runescape was united once again but faced a new enemy... the sheep... they started their invasion on the lands of runescape in total secret and took over karamja hiddin inside a big wooden peanut. after their great assault of karamja they set their eyes on the part of the world called Camelot but the gods wouldnt put up with this. that why they made then penguin, a fearsome warrior with great training in all the martal arts like.. quack pin doo, ima kika youarse, and they also used their greats weapon... country music! this lead to the defeat of the sheep but their didnt go far away and their scouts are still scattered around runescape waiting for the day where they can strike back.




The age of Chickens:




After the fearsome age of the sheep, and their demise by the Elite Penguin Squad (EPS)


The Chickens were born, by chinchompas mating with turkeys, chickens began to populate


the entirety of Runescape.




Many chicken clans were made, However the biggest was called Communism:








Merchants (in the)
















These renegade chickens scoured the roads of Runescape, bringing unpleasant


'surprises' to the merchants unfortunate to cross their path.




The chickens confiscated grain from the merchants, which sent runescape into the


great Grain Famine. Stock died due to the lack of grain, many of the sheep spies


were eliminated, and people no longer had meat left. The gods, after settling their


disputes earlier, decided to spill a few more pixels here and there, creating great


obstructions like White Wolf Mountain and causing much distress. The gods also created


Ardougne, as well as Catherby and Seers village, so abundant resources of coal, fish and


wood brought Runescape back from the chicken age. Surprisingly enough, when White


Wolf Mountain landed from the heavens, it wiped out the entire clan Communism, as


they were having a fancy dress party, right in the middle of nowhere.









[hide=JaGeX]A confusing subject indeed, it should be noted that most adventurers talk of this being as a god, responsible for creation of all of runescape as well as the confusing and often conflicting rules that this world follows. As a result, dispite their immense power and supreme judgement, they are seen as an evil god. Before Zamorak is blamed for death and Bandos is blamed for destruction, the most common phrase, interestingly, is to blame JaGeX for making it unfair and too hard. Before Guthix is blamed for the changing of the eternal rules of runescape, JaGeX is blamed for nerfing the activity. Before Saradomin is blessed for removing the evils of the world and making the game easier and more concrete, removing fear of failure, JaGeX is verbally lynched for removing the wildy and introducing the GE.[/hide]




[hide=Ape]a furry creature located all around runescape but mostly on karamja[/hide]




[hide=Cat]the cats where first introduced into runescape around the god war and where all given boots that they could walk around in, this was later found to be an error since the cats couldn't really walk while wearing the boots and alot of cats died as a result of this. today the cats are scattered around runescape just as the sheep and play the role of the cute furball following alot of the people of runescape around.[/hide]




[hide=Wool]a glorius artefact from the sheep age, this is said to posses the power of the sheep and is used it most forms of jewelry but also for magical clothing that can keep you warm.[/hide]




[hide=Penguin]A species of evil swimming bird. The penguins have established a 'home base', if you will, on an iceburg in the middle of the North Runescapian sea. They are said to be plotting to take over the world. This has been considered as a small problem by many of the Runescapians across the map. It is also made hard by the penguins' small stature and inability to effectively communicate with anyone, save for odd gestures and movements. The penguins have many operatives across the globe, including two stationed in Lumbridge, a few in Ardougne, and many more which travel with unsuspecting adventurers.[/hide]




[hide=The gnome]We could delve into the many histories and lores of the gnomes, but in a face to face confrontation it's not going to help you. The gnomes are small people, often seen riding terrorbirds. They have a mysterious link with travelling runescape, but have yet to use the most obvious route - walking. They instead choose to Fly, burrow or sail the world in search of the answer to why the "Tall people" insist on bothering them. The gnomes are over-all a force for good in the world, but as good and evil and merely perspectives this means nothing in the grand scheme of things (See saradomin's lost love child). According to an anonymous source in ardougne's castle "...the gnomes would make a great ally if they could stop backstabbing eachother and grow up a little..". This was taken out of context by the gnomes and resulted in a large amount of rampant terrorbirds being let loose just outside ardougne zoo.[/hide]




[hide=Bone]An object found upon death of a skeletal corpse. Used to bury for experience. Found all over runescape when you or someone kills something. Also a fun object for dogs to play with and.[/hide]




[hide=Plate Skirt]Stealing the poor mans masculinity since 1998.[/hide]




[hide=membership]a type of language given to an elitest few that are given benefits by the gods of runescape to use excellent items, partake in more difficult quests, given arcane knowledge in skills, and access to a number of different areas, but most notably the loss of a voice in the head that tells them that they cannot do, use, or partake in such activities. (this will be talked about below). Scholars debate about how this title is earned, and many different theories have been defined, the leading theroy being that all the designs of runescape given the freedom that an NPC(given below) is declined, have an avatar outside of the realm of runescape, that eternally seek to please the gods by their follower's activites, until given the divine acceptance to take part in these activities. Of course, the wise old man continually talks that the adventurer's ability means nothing to the gods, and the passing of a few hundred gold peices means more to the divine beings, but noone really listens to it.[/hide]




[hide=NPC(non player characters)]these characters, while normal people in their own respects, do not have the avatar (as discussed above) that normal adventurers have, and are therefor lost in the grand world that is runescape. while most normal people have the desire to explore and excell, these npcs stick to one small area, afraid of loosing their place in the world. However, and even more unexplainable, they have been given even more powerful abilities, such as giving access to the runescape bank, selling near endless amounts of items, and even ruling over large amounts of land. This is all without explanation, but most adventurers don't think about it because they only use these powers to help the adventurers, givien their distraught fear of anything outside of their area.[/hide]




[hide=Inventory Space]while most adventurers only see this as a square in a list of things that they have ready access to, the science behind this is actually much more complex, which helps to explain how a peice of rune essence takes up one space each, while runes stack all into one space. It is actually 28 devoted assistants, which all have guidelines, rules, and special abilities to assist the adventurer's. These assistants, assigned by the adventurer's avtar, have devoted listings, as well as equipment, to hold heavy ores, preserve food for easy consumption, and hold billions of smaller items such as runes and coins, and an unexplainable explanation as to why you can not make gold coins out of a gold bar. How these assistants came to be, why adventurers never see them, and why we are only given 28 of these immencely useful beings is still unknown, but is probably the act of our avatar.[/hide]




Writers so far: Alex Rn(Ryuuka), LavaRuler, nmanitstinksn, lord_troyus, Kazel01, Chicken102, krugtheorc, krugtheorc.




i will be waiting for more from you.






Hope you enjoyed the read so far, this guide is open to ALL input and if you want to be a writer just pm me what you got and ill add it and you to the writers list. lets make runescape a place to travel!




(please note that if you find typos... and i know you will then tell me so that i can change them)

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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A few typo's in the god's names just above ^^




Congratulations, you're the new editor to the Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape.








avatar: as noted several times above, also known as the owner, manipulator, and the being responsible for your average adventurer, making even the mighty zezima sound like a simple pet to these beings. These otherworldly beings are, in all ways, responsible for the adventurer, and take this responsibility in several ways. One is the most responsible of ways, and lead to constructive and excelling adventurers. Then there are adventurers that only appear to be awake about 15 minutes a day, just to mine a couple loads of coal or to fletch some arrows, then go soundly back to sleep. And on the other side of the proverbial spectrum, there are adventurers that seem to never sleep, constantly working on a single activity for days on end. However, while this does not lead to any negative effects to the adventurer, there have been stories of avatars falling to even more powerful beings that, in the words of the anchients, "restrict their time on the computer".




and finally, an excript from the wise old man's work with one of the most powerful arcane beings, leading to the wise old man's power and this unknown being's transition to what is known now as the cahos elemental.




Wise old man: "Oh great being of unlimited power, what is the answer to life, the universe and everything?"


Unkown Person:"The answer to life..."


WOM: "Yes..."


UP:"...the universe..."




UP:...and everything?"








UP:"You're not gonna like it..."


WOM:"Doesn't matter, i need to know!"




















































UB: "...99."

It is not the great who are strong, but the strong who are great--Albel Nox

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loot: the definiation of any object that is left over when one's oponnent is killed. How this came to be, how you get it, and how a cow can go from a living breathing organizim to a neat pile of bones, a perfectly cut peice of cowhide, and a 2 inch steak, is largely unexplained, however it can be seen in 2 ways. First of all, the monsters actually do have pockets, in which they hold everything from 42 gold peices to a rune square shield. However, this does not explain why a cow would be mad enough to carry around a neat pile of bones, a perfectly cut peice of cowhide, and a 2 inch steak in it's back pocket. Secondly, this can be seen as a divine reward for your good work from your avatar. However, this again holds problems, as if your avatar willed you so much to succeed in the eyes of the gods, why would he only give you 5 gold peices for killing a level 86 cockroach soldier. For the popular opinion of this, see jagex.




and i'll keep on thinking and bumping this thread with on topic discussions so that we'll stay at the top :thumbsup:

It is not the great who are strong, but the strong who are great--Albel Nox

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Nice thread Ryuuka, but since krug refuses to correct his spelling or grammar, perhaps you should do it for him to make it a little more readable?




The content is good, but the layout and text is horrible to read at the moment

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Fixed It Up For You


Do Panic




Welcome to the Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape the "book" that will tell you everything about anything in the great world of Runescape.





This is gonna be HUGE so Ctrl+F will be a great help if you are looking for something of interest.






[hide=Introduction.]The Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape is the book for the reader that likes to read no to normal stuff we will be adding the up and downs of the Runescape world and try to explain some of the more confusing aspects of the game... like if the wise old man really found a way to grow blue carrots or what is the favorite dish of an ogre. if you do not wish to find out(but we think you do) please do not read on but else read and enjoy the show and remember... do(n't) panic!






The beginning.




In the beginning of time Runescape was created by the three gods (these will be dealt with later) they where fighting as they normally did when Guthix tripped and fell and by accident pushed a large bucket filled with pixels onto the floor. the pixels formed randomly into patterns which we today know as Lumbridge and the Varrock area (and some of Karamja but this wasn't discovered until later) the three god saw the pixel move around and thought "hey we made something funny" so they started playing around the the pixels and added more until they made the world we know and love today. but the gods couldn't agree on who should have the red color and got into a fight which ended up with a huge war where everyone in the world of Runescape was involved. This if at last relived by a smart goblin called general Bentnose who decided that Zamorak should have the red since he was evil and that Saradomin should be white since he was good and Guthix should be green because he was [cabbage].




This fearsome general later went on to be one of the 2 leaders of the goblin tribe which later had some minor fights about what color the goblin armour should wear.




After the God War Runescape was united once again but faced a new enemy... the sheep... they started their invasion on the lands of Runescape in total secret and took over Karamja hidden inside a big wooden peanut. After their great assault of Karamja they set their eyes on the part of the world called Camelot but the gods wouldn't put up with this. That why they made then penguin, a fearsome warrior with great training in all the martial arts like.. quack pin doo, ima kika youarse, and they also used their greats weapon... country music! This lead to the defeat of the sheep but their didn't go far away and their scouts are still scattered around Runescape waiting for the day where they can strike back.




The Age of Chickens:




After the fearsome age of the sheep, and their demise by the Elite Penguin Squad (EPS)


The Chickens were born, by chinchompas mating with turkeys, chickens began to populate


the entirety of Runescape.




Many chicken clans were made, However the biggest was called Communism:








Merchants (in the)
















These renegade chickens scoured the roads of Runescape, bringing unpleasant


'surprises' to the merchants unfortunate to cross their path.




The chickens confiscated grain from the merchants, which sent Runescape into the


great Grain Famine. Stock died due to the lack of grain, many of the sheep spies


were eliminated, and people no longer had meat left. The gods, after settling their


disputes earlier, decided to spill a few more pixels here and there, creating great


obstructions like White Wolf Mountain and causing much distress. The gods also created


Ardougne, as well as Catherby and Seers village, so abundant resources of coal, fish and


wood brought Runescape back from the chicken age. Surprisingly enough, when White


Wolf Mountain landed from the heavens, it wiped out the entire clan Communism, as


they were having a fancy dress party, right in the middle of nowhere.[/hide]









[hide=Ape]a furry creature located all around runescape but mostly on karamja[/hide]




[hide=Bone]An object found upon death of a skeletal corpse. Used to bury for experience. Found all over runescape when you or someone kills something. Also a fun object for dogs to play with and.[/hide]




[hide=Cat]The cats where first introduced into Runescape around the God War and where all given boots that they could walk around in, this was later found to be an error since the cats couldn't really walk while wearing the boots and a lot of cats died as a result of this. Today the cats are scattered around Runescape just as the sheep and play the role of the cute furball following a lot of the people of Runescape around.[/hide]










[hide=The Gnome]We could delve into the many histories and lores of the gnomes, but in a face to face confrontation it's not going to help you. The gnomes are small people, often seen riding Terrorbirds. They have a mysterious link with traveling Runescape, but have yet to use the most obvious route - walking. They instead choose to fly, burrow or sail the world in search of the answer to why the "Tall people" insist on bothering them. The gnomes are over-all a force for good in the world, but as good and evil and merely perspectives this means nothing in the grand scheme of things (See Saradomin's lost love child). According to an anonymous source in Ardougne's castle "...the Gnomes would make a great ally if they could stop backstabbing each other and grow up a little..". This was taken out of context by the gnomes and resulted in a large amount of rampant Terrorbirds being let loose just outside Ardougne Zoo.[/hide]






[hide=Inventory Space]While most adventurers only see this as a square in a list of things that they have ready access to, the science behind this is actually much more complex, which helps to explain how a piece of rune essence takes up one space each, while runes stack all into one space. It is actually 28 devoted assistants, which all have guidelines, rules, and special abilities to assist the adventurer's. These assistants, assigned by the adventurer's avatar, have devoted listings, as well as equipment, to hold heavy ores, preserve food for easy consumption, and hold billions of smaller items such as runes and coins, and an unexplainable explanation as to why you can not make gold coins out of a gold bar. How these assistants came to be, why adventurers never see them, and why we are only given 28 of these immensely useful beings is still unknown, but is probably the act of our avatar.[/hide]




[hide=Jagex]A confusing subject indeed, it should be noted that most adventurers talk of this being as a god, responsible for creation of all of Runescape as well as the confusing and often conflicting rules that this world follows. As a result, despite their immense power and supreme judgment, they are seen as an evil god. Before Zamarock is blamed for death and Bandos is blamed for destruction, the most common phrase, interestingly, is to blame Jagex for making it unfair and too hard. Before Guthix is blamed for the changing of the eternal rules of Runescape, Jagex is blamed for nerfing the activity. Before Sardomin is blessed for removing the evils of the world and making the game easier and more concrete, removing fear of failure, Jagex is verbally lynched for removing the Wildy and introducing the GE.[/hide]








[hide=Membership]A type of language given to an elitist few that are given benefits by the gods of Runescape to use excellent items, partake in more difficult quests, given arcane knowledge in skills, and access to a number of different areas, but most notably the loss of a voice in the head that tells them that they cannot do, use, or partake in such activities. (this will be talked about below). Scholars debate about how this title is earned, and many different theories have been defined, the leading theory being that all the designs of Runescape given the freedom that an NPC(SEE "N") is declined, have an avatar outside of the realm of Runescape, that eternally seek to please the gods by their follower's activities, until given the divine acceptance to take part in these activities. Of course, the Wise Old Man continually talks that the adventurer's ability means nothing to the gods, and the passing of a few hundred gold pieces means more to the divine beings, but no one really listens to it.[/hide]




[hide=NPC(Non-Player Characters)]These characters, while normal people in their own respects, do not have the avatar (as discussed above) that normal adventurers have, and are there for lost in the grand world that is Runescape. While most normal people have the desire to explore and excel, these NPCs stick to one small area, afraid of loosing their place in the world. However, and even more unexplainable, they have been given even more powerful abilities, such as giving access to the Runescape bank, selling near endless amounts of items, and even ruling over large amounts of land. This is all without explanation, but most adventurers don't think about it because they only use these powers to help the adventurers, given their distraught fear of anything outside of their area.[/hide]






[hide=Penguin]A species of evil swimming bird. The penguins have established a 'home base', if you will, on an iceburg in the middle of the North Runescapian Sea. They are said to be plotting to take over the world. This has been considered as a small problem by many of the Runescapians across the map. It is also made hard by the penguins' small stature and inability to effectively communicate with anyone, save for odd gestures and movements. The penguins have many operatives across the globe, including two stationed in Lumbridge, a few in Ardougne, and many more which travel with unsuspecting adventurers.[/hide]


[hide=Plate Skirt]Stealing the poor mans masculinity since 1998.[/hide]








[hide=Sandwich Lady]Most annoying NPC(See "N") in Runescape for ever. Constantly sending players to other places by whacking them with her baguette.[/hide]










[hide=Wool]A glorious artifact from the sheep age. This is said to posses the power of the sheep and is used it most forms of jewelry but also for magical clothing that can keep you warm.[/hide]














[hide=Writers So Far]Alex Rn(Ryuuka), LavaRuler, nmanitstinksn, lord_troyus, Kazel01, Chicken102, krugtheorc, krugtheorc, Pat_61.




I will be waiting for more from you.[/hide]






Hope you enjoyed the read so far, this guide is open to ALL input and if you want to be a writer just pm me what you got and ill add it and you to the writers list. lets make runescape a place to travel!




(Please note that if you find typos... and I know you will then tell me so that I can change them.)


[hide=Code For New]

[size=200][color=#FF0000]Do Panic[/color][/size]

[size=130]Welcome to the Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape the "book" that will tell you everything about anything in the great world of Runescape.


This is gonna be HUGE so Ctrl+F will be a great help if you are looking for something of interest.

[hide=Introduction.]The Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape is the book for the reader that likes to read no to normal stuff we will be adding the up and downs of the Runescape world and try to explain some of the more confusing aspects of the game... like if the wise old man really found a way to grow blue carrots or what is the favorite dish of an ogre. if you do not wish to find out(but we think you do) please do not read on but else read and enjoy the show and remember... [color=#FF0000]do(n't) panic![/color]

[size=150]The beginning.[/size]

In the beginning of time Runescape was created by the three gods (these will be dealt with later) they where fighting as they normally did when Guthix tripped and fell and by accident pushed a large bucket filled with pixels onto the floor. the pixels formed randomly into patterns which we today know as Lumbridge and the Varrock area (and some of Karamja but this wasn't discovered until later) the three god saw the pixel move around and thought "hey we made something funny" so they started playing around the the pixels and added more until they made the world we know and love today. but the gods couldn't agree on who should have the red color and got into a fight which ended up with a huge war where everyone in the world of Runescape was involved. This if at last relived by a smart goblin called general Bentnose who decided that Zamorak should have the red since he was evil and that Saradomin should be white since he was good and Guthix should be green because he was [cabbage].

This fearsome general later went on to be one of the 2 leaders of the goblin tribe which later had some minor fights about what color the goblin armour should wear.

After the God War Runescape was united once again but faced a new enemy... the sheep... they started their invasion on the lands of Runescape in total secret and took over Karamja hidden inside a big wooden peanut. After their great assault of Karamja they set their eyes on the part of the world called Camelot but the gods wouldn't put up with this. That why they made then penguin, a fearsome warrior with great training in all the martial arts like.. quack pin doo, ima kika youarse, and they also used their greats weapon... country music! This lead to the defeat of the sheep but their didn't go far away and their scouts are still scattered around Runescape waiting for the day where they can strike back.

The Age of Chickens:

After the fearsome age of the sheep, and their demise by the Elite Penguin Squad (EPS)

The Chickens were born, by chinchompas mating with turkeys, chickens began to populate

the entirety of Runescape.

Many chicken clans were made, However the biggest was called Communism:



Merchants (in the)







These renegade chickens scoured the roads of Runescape, bringing unpleasant

'surprises' to the merchants unfortunate to cross their path.

The chickens confiscated grain from the merchants, which sent Runescape into the

great Grain Famine. Stock died due to the lack of grain, many of the sheep spies

were eliminated, and people no longer had meat left. The gods, after settling their

disputes earlier, decided to spill a few more pixels here and there, creating great

obstructions like White Wolf Mountain and causing much distress. The gods also created

Ardougne, as well as Catherby and Seers village, so abundant resources of coal, fish and

wood brought Runescape back from the chicken age. Surprisingly enough, when White

Wolf Mountain landed from the heavens, it wiped out the entire clan Communism, as

they were having a fancy dress party, right in the middle of nowhere.[/hide]




[hide=Ape]a furry creature located all around runescape but mostly on karamja[/hide]


[hide=Bone]An object found upon death of a skeletal corpse. Used to bury for experience. Found all over runescape when you or someone kills something. Also a fun object for dogs to play with and.[/hide]


[hide=Cat]The cats where first introduced into Runescape around the God War and where all given boots that they could walk around in, this was later found to be an error since the cats couldn't really walk while wearing the boots and a lot of cats died as a result of this. Today the cats are scattered around Runescape just as the sheep and play the role of the cute furball following a lot of the people of Runescape around.[/hide]





[hide=The Gnome]We could delve into the many histories and lores of the gnomes, but in a face to face confrontation it's not going to help you. The gnomes are small people, often seen riding Terrorbirds. They have a mysterious link with traveling Runescape, but have yet to use the most obvious route - walking. They instead choose to fly, burrow or sail the world in search of the answer to why the "Tall people" insist on bothering them. The gnomes are over-all a force for good in the world, but as good and evil and merely perspectives this means nothing in the grand scheme of things (See Saradomin's lost love child). According to an anonymous source in Ardougne's castle "...the Gnomes would make a great ally if they could stop backstabbing each other and grow up a little..". This was taken out of context by the gnomes and resulted in a large amount of rampant Terrorbirds being let loose just outside Ardougne Zoo.[/hide]



[hide=Inventory Space]While most adventurers only see this as a square in a list of things that they have ready access to, the science behind this is actually much more complex, which helps to explain how a piece of rune essence takes up one space each, while runes stack all into one space. It is actually 28 devoted assistants, which all have guidelines, rules, and special abilities to assist the adventurer's. These assistants, assigned by the adventurer's avatar, have devoted listings, as well as equipment, to hold heavy ores, preserve food for easy consumption, and hold billions of smaller items such as runes and coins, and an unexplainable explanation as to why you can not make gold coins out of a gold bar. How these assistants came to be, why adventurers never see them, and why we are only given 28 of these immensely useful beings is still unknown, but is probably the act of our avatar.[/hide]


[hide=Jagex]A confusing subject indeed, it should be noted that most adventurers talk of this being as a god, responsible for creation of all of Runescape as well as the confusing and often conflicting rules that this world follows. As a result, despite their immense power and supreme judgment, they are seen as an evil god. Before Zamarock is blamed for death and Bandos is blamed for destruction, the most common phrase, interestingly, is to blame Jagex for making it unfair and too hard. Before Guthix is blamed for the changing of the eternal rules of Runescape, Jagex is blamed for nerfing the activity. Before Sardomin is blessed for removing the evils of the world and making the game easier and more concrete, removing fear of failure, Jagex is verbally lynched for removing the Wildy and introducing the GE.[/hide]




[hide=Membership]A type of language given to an elitist few that are given benefits by the gods of Runescape to use excellent items, partake in more difficult quests, given arcane knowledge in skills, and access to a number of different areas, but most notably the loss of a voice in the head that tells them that they cannot do, use, or partake in such activities. (this will be talked about below). Scholars debate about how this title is earned, and many different theories have been defined, the leading theory being that all the designs of Runescape given the freedom that an NPC(SEE "N") is declined, have an avatar outside of the realm of Runescape, that eternally seek to please the gods by their follower's activities, until given the divine acceptance to take part in these activities. Of course, the Wise Old Man continually talks that the adventurer's ability means nothing to the gods, and the passing of a few hundred gold pieces means more to the divine beings, but no one really listens to it.[/hide]


[hide=NPC(Non-Player Characters)]These characters, while normal people in their own respects, do not have the avatar (as discussed above) that normal adventurers have, and are there for lost in the grand world that is Runescape. While most normal people have the desire to explore and excel, these NPCs stick to one small area, afraid of loosing their place in the world. However, and even more unexplainable, they have been given even more powerful abilities, such as giving access to the Runescape bank, selling near endless amounts of items, and even ruling over large amounts of land. This is all without explanation, but most adventurers don't think about it because they only use these powers to help the adventurers, given their distraught fear of anything outside of their area.[/hide]



[hide=Penguin]A species of evil swimming bird. The penguins have established a 'home base', if you will, on an iceburg in the middle of the North Runescapian Sea. They are said to be plotting to take over the world. This has been considered as a small problem by many of the Runescapians across the map. It is also made hard by the penguins' small stature and inability to effectively communicate with anyone, save for odd gestures and movements. The penguins have many operatives across the globe, including two stationed in Lumbridge, a few in Ardougne, and many more which travel with unsuspecting adventurers.[/hide]

[hide=Plate Skirt]Stealing the poor mans masculinity since 1998.[/hide]




[hide=Sandwich Lady]Most annoying NPC(See "N") in Runescape for ever. Constantly sending players to other places by whacking them with her baguette.[/hide]





[hide=Wool]A glorious artifact from the sheep age. This is said to posses the power of the sheep and is used it most forms of jewelry but also for magical clothing that can keep you warm.[/hide]





[hide=Writers So Far]Alex Rn(Ryuuka), LavaRuler, nmanitstinksn, lord_troyus, Kazel01, Chicken102, krugtheorc, krugtheorc, Pat_61.

I will be waiting for more from you.[/hide]

Hope you enjoyed the read so far, this guide is open to ALL input and if you want to be a writer just pm me what you got and ill add it and you to the writers list. lets make runescape a place to travel!

(Please note that if you find typos... and I know you will then tell me so that I can change them.)


I Support TET!| If you want bunny PM Me.|Click For My DevArt


^ Cowboy is the Best ^


Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

That's how it all starts.


Next he's going to ask you what flavor of candy you enjoy and whats your favorite color van.

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Fixed It Up For You


Do Panic




Welcome to the Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape the "book" that will tell you everything about anything in the great world of Runescape.





This is gonna be HUGE so Ctrl+F will be a great help if you are looking for something of interest.






[hide=Introduction.]The Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape is the book for the reader that likes to read no to normal stuff we will be adding the up and downs of the Runescape world and try to explain some of the more confusing aspects of the game... like if the wise old man really found a way to grow blue carrots or what is the favorite dish of an ogre. if you do not wish to find out(but we think you do) please do not read on but else read and enjoy the show and remember... do(n't) panic!






The beginning.




In the beginning of time Runescape was created by the three gods (these will be dealt with later) they where fighting as they normally did when Guthix tripped and fell and by accident pushed a large bucket filled with pixels onto the floor. the pixels formed randomly into patterns which we today know as Lumbridge and the Varrock area (and some of Karamja but this wasn't discovered until later) the three god saw the pixel move around and thought "hey we made something funny" so they started playing around the the pixels and added more until they made the world we know and love today. but the gods couldn't agree on who should have the red color and got into a fight which ended up with a huge war where everyone in the world of Runescape was involved. This if at last relived by a smart goblin called general Bentnose who decided that Zamorak should have the red since he was evil and that Saradomin should be white since he was good and Guthix should be green because he was [cabbage].




This fearsome general later went on to be one of the 2 leaders of the goblin tribe which later had some minor fights about what color the goblin armour should wear.




After the God War Runescape was united once again but faced a new enemy... the sheep... they started their invasion on the lands of Runescape in total secret and took over Karamja hidden inside a big wooden peanut. After their great assault of Karamja they set their eyes on the part of the world called Camelot but the gods wouldn't put up with this. That why they made then penguin, a fearsome warrior with great training in all the martial arts like.. quack pin doo, ima kika youarse, and they also used their greats weapon... country music! This lead to the defeat of the sheep but their didn't go far away and their scouts are still scattered around Runescape waiting for the day where they can strike back.




The Age of Chickens:




After the fearsome age of the sheep, and their demise by the Elite Penguin Squad (EPS)


The Chickens were born, by chinchompas mating with turkeys, chickens began to populate


the entirety of Runescape.




Many chicken clans were made, However the biggest was called Communism:








Merchants (in the)
















These renegade chickens scoured the roads of Runescape, bringing unpleasant


'surprises' to the merchants unfortunate to cross their path.




The chickens confiscated grain from the merchants, which sent Runescape into the


great Grain Famine. Stock died due to the lack of grain, many of the sheep spies


were eliminated, and people no longer had meat left. The gods, after settling their


disputes earlier, decided to spill a few more pixels here and there, creating great


obstructions like White Wolf Mountain and causing much distress. The gods also created


Ardougne, as well as Catherby and Seers village, so abundant resources of coal, fish and


wood brought Runescape back from the chicken age. Surprisingly enough, when White


Wolf Mountain landed from the heavens, it wiped out the entire clan Communism, as


they were having a fancy dress party, right in the middle of nowhere.[/hide]









[hide=Ape]a furry creature located all around runescape but mostly on karamja[/hide]




[hide=Bone]An object found upon death of a skeletal corpse. Used to bury for experience. Found all over runescape when you or someone kills something. Also a fun object for dogs to play with and.[/hide]




[hide=Cat]The cats where first introduced into Runescape around the God War and where all given boots that they could walk around in, this was later found to be an error since the cats couldn't really walk while wearing the boots and a lot of cats died as a result of this. Today the cats are scattered around Runescape just as the sheep and play the role of the cute furball following a lot of the people of Runescape around.[/hide]










[hide=The Gnome]We could delve into the many histories and lores of the gnomes, but in a face to face confrontation it's not going to help you. The gnomes are small people, often seen riding Terrorbirds. They have a mysterious link with traveling Runescape, but have yet to use the most obvious route - walking. They instead choose to fly, burrow or sail the world in search of the answer to why the "Tall people" insist on bothering them. The gnomes are over-all a force for good in the world, but as good and evil and merely perspectives this means nothing in the grand scheme of things (See Saradomin's lost love child). According to an anonymous source in Ardougne's castle "...the Gnomes would make a great ally if they could stop backstabbing each other and grow up a little..". This was taken out of context by the gnomes and resulted in a large amount of rampant Terrorbirds being let loose just outside Ardougne Zoo.[/hide]






[hide=Inventory Space]While most adventurers only see this as a square in a list of things that they have ready access to, the science behind this is actually much more complex, which helps to explain how a piece of rune essence takes up one space each, while runes stack all into one space. It is actually 28 devoted assistants, which all have guidelines, rules, and special abilities to assist the adventurer's. These assistants, assigned by the adventurer's avatar, have devoted listings, as well as equipment, to hold heavy ores, preserve food for easy consumption, and hold billions of smaller items such as runes and coins, and an unexplainable explanation as to why you can not make gold coins out of a gold bar. How these assistants came to be, why adventurers never see them, and why we are only given 28 of these immensely useful beings is still unknown, but is probably the act of our avatar.[/hide]




[hide=Jagex]A confusing subject indeed, it should be noted that most adventurers talk of this being as a god, responsible for creation of all of Runescape as well as the confusing and often conflicting rules that this world follows. As a result, despite their immense power and supreme judgment, they are seen as an evil god. Before Zamarock is blamed for death and Bandos is blamed for destruction, the most common phrase, interestingly, is to blame Jagex for making it unfair and too hard. Before Guthix is blamed for the changing of the eternal rules of Runescape, Jagex is blamed for nerfing the activity. Before Sardomin is blessed for removing the evils of the world and making the game easier and more concrete, removing fear of failure, Jagex is verbally lynched for removing the Wildy and introducing the GE.[/hide]








[hide=Membership]A type of language given to an elitist few that are given benefits by the gods of Runescape to use excellent items, partake in more difficult quests, given arcane knowledge in skills, and access to a number of different areas, but most notably the loss of a voice in the head that tells them that they cannot do, use, or partake in such activities. (this will be talked about below). Scholars debate about how this title is earned, and many different theories have been defined, the leading theory being that all the designs of Runescape given the freedom that an NPC(SEE "N") is declined, have an avatar outside of the realm of Runescape, that eternally seek to please the gods by their follower's activities, until given the divine acceptance to take part in these activities. Of course, the Wise Old Man continually talks that the adventurer's ability means nothing to the gods, and the passing of a few hundred gold pieces means more to the divine beings, but no one really listens to it.[/hide]




[hide=NPC(Non-Player Characters)]These characters, while normal people in their own respects, do not have the avatar (as discussed above) that normal adventurers have, and are there for lost in the grand world that is Runescape. While most normal people have the desire to explore and excel, these NPCs stick to one small area, afraid of loosing their place in the world. However, and even more unexplainable, they have been given even more powerful abilities, such as giving access to the Runescape bank, selling near endless amounts of items, and even ruling over large amounts of land. This is all without explanation, but most adventurers don't think about it because they only use these powers to help the adventurers, given their distraught fear of anything outside of their area.[/hide]






[hide=Penguin]A species of evil swimming bird. The penguins have established a 'home base', if you will, on an iceburg in the middle of the North Runescapian Sea. They are said to be plotting to take over the world. This has been considered as a small problem by many of the Runescapians across the map. It is also made hard by the penguins' small stature and inability to effectively communicate with anyone, save for odd gestures and movements. The penguins have many operatives across the globe, including two stationed in Lumbridge, a few in Ardougne, and many more which travel with unsuspecting adventurers.[/hide]


[hide=Plate Skirt]Stealing the poor mans masculinity since 1998.[/hide]








[hide=Sandwich Lady]Most annoying NPC(See "N") in Runescape for ever. Constantly sending players to other places by whacking them with her baguette.[/hide]










[hide=Wool]A glorious artifact from the sheep age. This is said to posses the power of the sheep and is used it most forms of jewelry but also for magical clothing that can keep you warm.[/hide]














[hide=Writers So Far]Alex Rn(Ryuuka), LavaRuler, nmanitstinksn, lord_troyus, Kazel01, Chicken102, krugtheorc, krugtheorc, Pat_61.




I will be waiting for more from you.[/hide]






Hope you enjoyed the read so far, this guide is open to ALL input and if you want to be a writer just pm me what you got and ill add it and you to the writers list. lets make runescape a place to travel!




(Please note that if you find typos... and I know you will then tell me so that I can change them.)


[hide=Code For New]

[size=200][color=#FF0000]Do Panic[/color][/size]

[size=130]Welcome to the Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape the "book" that will tell you everything about anything in the great world of Runescape.


This is gonna be HUGE so Ctrl+F will be a great help if you are looking for something of interest.

[hide=Introduction.]The Hitchhiker's Guide to Runescape is the book for the reader that likes to read no to normal stuff we will be adding the up and downs of the Runescape world and try to explain some of the more confusing aspects of the game... like if the wise old man really found a way to grow blue carrots or what is the favorite dish of an ogre. if you do not wish to find out(but we think you do) please do not read on but else read and enjoy the show and remember... [color=#FF0000]do(n't) panic![/color]

[size=150]The beginning.[/size]

In the beginning of time Runescape was created by the three gods (these will be dealt with later) they where fighting as they normally did when Guthix tripped and fell and by accident pushed a large bucket filled with pixels onto the floor. the pixels formed randomly into patterns which we today know as Lumbridge and the Varrock area (and some of Karamja but this wasn't discovered until later) the three god saw the pixel move around and thought "hey we made something funny" so they started playing around the the pixels and added more until they made the world we know and love today. but the gods couldn't agree on who should have the red color and got into a fight which ended up with a huge war where everyone in the world of Runescape was involved. This if at last relived by a smart goblin called general Bentnose who decided that Zamorak should have the red since he was evil and that Saradomin should be white since he was good and Guthix should be green because he was [cabbage].

This fearsome general later went on to be one of the 2 leaders of the goblin tribe which later had some minor fights about what color the goblin armour should wear.

After the God War Runescape was united once again but faced a new enemy... the sheep... they started their invasion on the lands of Runescape in total secret and took over Karamja hidden inside a big wooden peanut. After their great assault of Karamja they set their eyes on the part of the world called Camelot but the gods wouldn't put up with this. That why they made then penguin, a fearsome warrior with great training in all the martial arts like.. quack pin doo, ima kika youarse, and they also used their greats weapon... country music! This lead to the defeat of the sheep but their didn't go far away and their scouts are still scattered around Runescape waiting for the day where they can strike back.

The Age of Chickens:

After the fearsome age of the sheep, and their demise by the Elite Penguin Squad (EPS)

The Chickens were born, by chinchompas mating with turkeys, chickens began to populate

the entirety of Runescape.

Many chicken clans were made, However the biggest was called Communism:



Merchants (in the)







These renegade chickens scoured the roads of Runescape, bringing unpleasant

'surprises' to the merchants unfortunate to cross their path.

The chickens confiscated grain from the merchants, which sent Runescape into the

great Grain Famine. Stock died due to the lack of grain, many of the sheep spies

were eliminated, and people no longer had meat left. The gods, after settling their

disputes earlier, decided to spill a few more pixels here and there, creating great

obstructions like White Wolf Mountain and causing much distress. The gods also created

Ardougne, as well as Catherby and Seers village, so abundant resources of coal, fish and

wood brought Runescape back from the chicken age. Surprisingly enough, when White

Wolf Mountain landed from the heavens, it wiped out the entire clan Communism, as

they were having a fancy dress party, right in the middle of nowhere.[/hide]




[hide=Ape]a furry creature located all around runescape but mostly on karamja[/hide]


[hide=Bone]An object found upon death of a skeletal corpse. Used to bury for experience. Found all over runescape when you or someone kills something. Also a fun object for dogs to play with and.[/hide]


[hide=Cat]The cats where first introduced into Runescape around the God War and where all given boots that they could walk around in, this was later found to be an error since the cats couldn't really walk while wearing the boots and a lot of cats died as a result of this. Today the cats are scattered around Runescape just as the sheep and play the role of the cute furball following a lot of the people of Runescape around.[/hide]





[hide=The Gnome]We could delve into the many histories and lores of the gnomes, but in a face to face confrontation it's not going to help you. The gnomes are small people, often seen riding Terrorbirds. They have a mysterious link with traveling Runescape, but have yet to use the most obvious route - walking. They instead choose to fly, burrow or sail the world in search of the answer to why the "Tall people" insist on bothering them. The gnomes are over-all a force for good in the world, but as good and evil and merely perspectives this means nothing in the grand scheme of things (See Saradomin's lost love child). According to an anonymous source in Ardougne's castle "...the Gnomes would make a great ally if they could stop backstabbing each other and grow up a little..". This was taken out of context by the gnomes and resulted in a large amount of rampant Terrorbirds being let loose just outside Ardougne Zoo.[/hide]



[hide=Inventory Space]While most adventurers only see this as a square in a list of things that they have ready access to, the science behind this is actually much more complex, which helps to explain how a piece of rune essence takes up one space each, while runes stack all into one space. It is actually 28 devoted assistants, which all have guidelines, rules, and special abilities to assist the adventurer's. These assistants, assigned by the adventurer's avatar, have devoted listings, as well as equipment, to hold heavy ores, preserve food for easy consumption, and hold billions of smaller items such as runes and coins, and an unexplainable explanation as to why you can not make gold coins out of a gold bar. How these assistants came to be, why adventurers never see them, and why we are only given 28 of these immensely useful beings is still unknown, but is probably the act of our avatar.[/hide]


[hide=Jagex]A confusing subject indeed, it should be noted that most adventurers talk of this being as a god, responsible for creation of all of Runescape as well as the confusing and often conflicting rules that this world follows. As a result, despite their immense power and supreme judgment, they are seen as an evil god. Before Zamarock is blamed for death and Bandos is blamed for destruction, the most common phrase, interestingly, is to blame Jagex for making it unfair and too hard. Before Guthix is blamed for the changing of the eternal rules of Runescape, Jagex is blamed for nerfing the activity. Before Sardomin is blessed for removing the evils of the world and making the game easier and more concrete, removing fear of failure, Jagex is verbally lynched for removing the Wildy and introducing the GE.[/hide]




[hide=Membership]A type of language given to an elitist few that are given benefits by the gods of Runescape to use excellent items, partake in more difficult quests, given arcane knowledge in skills, and access to a number of different areas, but most notably the loss of a voice in the head that tells them that they cannot do, use, or partake in such activities. (this will be talked about below). Scholars debate about how this title is earned, and many different theories have been defined, the leading theory being that all the designs of Runescape given the freedom that an NPC(SEE "N") is declined, have an avatar outside of the realm of Runescape, that eternally seek to please the gods by their follower's activities, until given the divine acceptance to take part in these activities. Of course, the Wise Old Man continually talks that the adventurer's ability means nothing to the gods, and the passing of a few hundred gold pieces means more to the divine beings, but no one really listens to it.[/hide]


[hide=NPC(Non-Player Characters)]These characters, while normal people in their own respects, do not have the avatar (as discussed above) that normal adventurers have, and are there for lost in the grand world that is Runescape. While most normal people have the desire to explore and excel, these NPCs stick to one small area, afraid of loosing their place in the world. However, and even more unexplainable, they have been given even more powerful abilities, such as giving access to the Runescape bank, selling near endless amounts of items, and even ruling over large amounts of land. This is all without explanation, but most adventurers don't think about it because they only use these powers to help the adventurers, given their distraught fear of anything outside of their area.[/hide]



[hide=Penguin]A species of evil swimming bird. The penguins have established a 'home base', if you will, on an iceburg in the middle of the North Runescapian Sea. They are said to be plotting to take over the world. This has been considered as a small problem by many of the Runescapians across the map. It is also made hard by the penguins' small stature and inability to effectively communicate with anyone, save for odd gestures and movements. The penguins have many operatives across the globe, including two stationed in Lumbridge, a few in Ardougne, and many more which travel with unsuspecting adventurers.[/hide]

[hide=Plate Skirt]Stealing the poor mans masculinity since 1998.[/hide]




[hide=Sandwich Lady]Most annoying NPC(See "N") in Runescape for ever. Constantly sending players to other places by whacking them with her baguette.[/hide]





[hide=Wool]A glorious artifact from the sheep age. This is said to posses the power of the sheep and is used it most forms of jewelry but also for magical clothing that can keep you warm.[/hide]





[hide=Writers So Far]Alex Rn(Ryuuka), LavaRuler, nmanitstinksn, lord_troyus, Kazel01, Chicken102, krugtheorc, krugtheorc, Pat_61.

I will be waiting for more from you.[/hide]

Hope you enjoyed the read so far, this guide is open to ALL input and if you want to be a writer just pm me what you got and ill add it and you to the writers list. lets make runescape a place to travel!

(Please note that if you find typos... and I know you will then tell me so that I can change them.)







thanks loads cba to do it my self atm because of school so you just saved me alot of time

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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Corporal Beast:




The 1337est monster in RuneScape. After deciding that Jad was getting old, Guthix decided to bring into the world a new quest. Upon completion of this quest, the residents of RuneScape were allowed to view the Corporal Beast. Guthix originally designed this monster to be unbeatable, however, he unintentionally placed this monster in a multi-combat zone, where large groups of adventurers took down the beast with surprisingly less difficulty than Guthix had planned. Guthix attempted to move the beast to a new, single-combat area, however, the beast resisted all attempts of teleother, and Guthix ended up in Lumbridge, a stunne dlook on his face. He was found fleeing the scene amidst players yelling insults such as "WTF H4X!?!?!?"




Our sources sent an interviewer in to talk to the Beast, and find his origins. Unfortunately, the only information we managed to glean is that the monster has an obscenely high amount of hitpoints, and enjoys chomping on anything smaller than it.





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I'm sorry but i was extremely disappointed. Seriously if you're going to write something intended for reading at least make it grammatically correct. Also idk if you have only watched the movie or actually read the book(s) but the beginning story wasn't really a story, but more of just a bunch of random facts that aren't even that great. Also if you're going to post to help this guy with his story, which he needs terribly, at least read the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, etc. books before you do. :wall:

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This isn't suppose to be a dictionary. This is looking more and more like the Encyclopedia Galactic.


If you want, I can write up some reports on various aspects of runescape, like the Guide should have. It takes work, but instead of, "Apes are found on Karamja," it outa be:




Apes are monkeys found on Karamja and Ape Atoll, often used for their skins in the Tia Bwo Wanni quest. Ape atoll monkeys range from normal ones, to archer monkeys, dead monkeys, diplomatic moneys, and those which can neither speak, hear, or see. Ape atoll is most often visited for the Monkey Madness quest, and Recipe for Disaster Saving (Monkey's name). Every monster on this island is aggressive, and most are poisonous. Monkey Greegrees and monkey speak amulets are the tools you will need to survive in this land. In the grand palace, you may kill Gorillas for combat training, as the alter there provides unlimited prayer points. Below the palace, greater combat experience awaits you with the undead monkeys (refer to another section of guide). Gorilla bones, Karamja monkey bones, undead monkey bones, and archer monkey bones are required for the REcipe for disaster quest, to create the 4 different monkey greegrees.




Feel free to use this, and I will be a major writer for the guide.


So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

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