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all stakers and duelers look here.. option 2 turn highscores


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Dear I2 E V 0 K E,








Thank you for your message.








It might be well worth posting a thread on the suggestions forum about this.




If there is enough interest then we will look into it further.








Thanks for playing.












Mod Alex M




Runescape Customer Support
















On 10th June 2005 you sent us the following:








hello, i think its unfair for people who raise stats for staking, to find knowbody stakes them as they look into highscores.








Is there no possibilty of making a option were u can choose not2be in the highscores. say when u search for ur name it says 'this character has chosen not to appear on highscores'. wat would be wrong with this,as itis the players choice?a serious res***** would b nice.ty
















go2 the RS forums and make a 'new thread saying it' or and send jagex a msg...




worth a shot even if nuthin hapens huh?













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hello, i think its unfair for people who raise stats for staking, to find knowbody stakes them as they look into highscores.











Sorry, I'm confused. How does one "raise their stats for staking?" Do you mean with potions? "Nobody stakes them?" Clarify what you mean.









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i think the "no potion" button should be terminated...it really messed up herblore, the prices of herbs, prices of 2nds, and overall...the prices of pots...people dont buy supers like they used to anymore...








i can agree with you...i think in ur little "secure menu" thing...i should have a preferance to turn my highscores on or off to the viewing public

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i think ur paranoid withthe chance of people finding out what u do in ur spare time and bascily anyone who care so much they look for ur high score worships u or is going to become ue arch enermy, is it really so important. zaros is more important then ur high score, anything is more important but at the top of things more important is zaros who is much more important

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Disagree for me. It would be affect pking, staking, deathmatches and wild etc. That's which you cannot read players' magic, ranged and prayer levels. Same for staking. The result is probably unfair matches.

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Disagree for me. It would be affect pking, staking, deathmatches and wild etc. That's which you cannot read players' magic, ranged and prayer levels. Same for staking. The result is probably unfair matches.








that just adds to the suspense and fun








every1 needs to take risks...








"bunch of god dam pu33ies"--George Carlin

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I agree with you all the way people have the right to privacy








I'm all for privacy, but this is a game, not one's bank account. Actually, you can't see someone's bank account in Runescape, either :)









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dont matter for me




you wont find me on the highscores 8)




long live level 42 noobs








Honesty is a commendable trait :) And we were all/will all be level 42 once, so don't let anyone disparage you.









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