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Weird but very interesting


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Sadly enough this one applies to me in a way'
















I think that probably applies to everyone at one time or another..








If we had overpasses in the town I live, I'd definately feel that way quite a bit...

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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I think that everyday. I live in San Antonio TX, I think it's like the 8th largest city in the USA? Anyway, I commute 30miles a day to work, I live on one side of town and work on the other, and on the way I use 3 major highways. Every day I think to myself, what would happen if I just yanked the wheel...? But it's not because I'm depressed or suicidal, it's because at any given time we as drivers hold 3 or more peoples lives in our hands. And that's powerful.

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