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can u plug in 2 harddrives?


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i want to know if you can hook 2 harddrives into 1 computer








i have a ton of music and programs that i dont want to loss and redownload on my old hard drive and i wanted to move them to my new harddrive.








i dont think theres a flashcard big enough. though i could use my Ipod mini and make like 3 trips


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Depends on what type of connection your 2nd hard drive you wish to install is (IDE, SATA etc), and if you have a free connection on your motherboard for it.




Also if you have enough room inside your computer, a spare hard drive caddie (the normally grey metal case that holds hard drives, optical drives etc).

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From what you said, I'm gathering that you have a comp with 1 hd in it and another hd just sitting on a shelf or something?




If you just want to copy between the 2 you can see if your comp will accept both drives. What are you doing with this other drive? Are you just using it for storge or putting it into another comp or what?

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im ok plugging in hardware ive installed a CDrom drive and pulled my old computer to clean it and put it back together (ok half to clean hafl cause i wanted a new 1)








i dont have a DVD burner and yea im installing a new HD and want to move unreplacible things to it. i know it can be pluged in but do u need and programs to do it or will windows just install it like it does with other hardware.








im running XP pro


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im ok plugging in hardware ive installed a CDrom drive and pulled my old computer to clean it and put it back together (ok half to clean hafl cause i wanted a new 1)








i dont have a DVD burner and yea im installing a new HD and want to move unreplacible things to it. i know it can be pluged in but do u need and programs to do it or will windows just install it like it does with other hardware.








im running XP pro








Assuming you can handle a second hd, you just set the jumper to slave and plug it in. First you need to tell us what kind of motherboard you have and what kind of drive you want to plug in.

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Buy an external one. They are usually plug and play.








I've always thought 'Plug and Pray' was the correct term.

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Buy an external one. They are usually plug and play.








I've always thought 'Plug and Pray' was the correct term.








really depends on whether you worship Saradomin, Zamorak or Guthix lol.








anyway usually if you buy from like big brands like Maxtor, Seagate, WD, Hitachi etc you wont have a problem. Also he is running Win Xp pro. Pro has an excellent driver data base. I got like 5 or so USB hard drives lying around and non ever needed a driver.

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That's one of the great things about XP... Unless you have some strange no-name device, it's just like "You've plugged something in! Here.. let me find the driver for that.. OH! You've plugged in a Lexmar model blabla bla thumbdrive, what would you like to do with it?"

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yea...if you're asking that question i say buy an external as an internal you'll prob' screw up your computer. Go buy one at staples or Wal-Mart, You sohuld only need about 20 GB if you're downloading songs and even that is a lot of songs. An Internal (most likely IDE), you need to open up your computer (un-plug power cord first) make sure your grounded, or you have a grounded wrist wrap (buy one from Lowe's) so you don't fry everything with static (30,000-60,000 volts (yet low current so it doesn't harm you at least)) then see if the cable connecting from your motherboard to your HD is IDE(it is big and flat with big connectors) or serial small cord, small connectors much like a phone charger. IF its serial your going to have to go buy another one if its IDE it should have 3 connectors on the cord. Two of them should be close together while the other is a little bit farther apart if it has only two connectors total then you need to go buy one. Now on the harddrive you have now there should be little pins with a little square thingy around them get some tweezers (make sure your grounded when touching anything inside or youll be buying another comp I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR IGNORANCE) and pull it out then place it on the two pins thats labeled as master. Now on your new hard drive take the pins and put it on slave now you connect the master one on the end of the cable and the slave one on the one in the middle. Then connect the other end to the motherboard. (if you have to apply lots of force most likely you will bend the pins so you might have it wrong the cables should have little notches in it to make it go in only one way but the others you have to look on the connector and one of the holes is covered up and it should match the one on the male connector where theres no pin (also the red line matches up to pin 1) now if you've gotten through that part it should work. If you have two different cords cnnect two to different HD's then set the pins to cable-select or CS








If its serial just plug into the slot next to one on the motherboard, there should be at least two or three of them (serial is faster) and plug it on the HD








But i recommend buying external and just follow the instructions giving if you have no experience or knowledge of the innards of the comp

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If you're going to do external, I'd get an internal and a usb hd box. I got a maxtor 250BG for $60 a while ago and a no-name $20 usb box online. I'd check some deals online. You'll save tons of money. Bestbuy just had a 250GB WD for $60 after rebate a few days ago...




I really don't think that an internal is that hard... Not sure how you can screw up a comp plugging in a hd if you have at least a small amount of computer knowledge...

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Odd are that if you have a relatively new computer, you will NOT have to mess with jumper settings on the hard drive. Most hard drive manufacturers leave the jumper on cable select, so you only have to determine the master/slave relationship by which slot on the IDE cable you plug it into.








Hooking up a separate hard drive is easy and painless.

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yea...if you're asking that question i say buy an external as an internal you'll prob' screw up your computer. Go buy one at staples or Wal-Mart, You sohuld only need about 20 GB if you're downloading songs and even that is a lot of songs. An Internal (most likely IDE), you need to open up your computer (un-plug power cord first) make sure your grounded, or you have a grounded wrist wrap (buy one from Lowe's) so you don't fry everything with static (30,000-60,000 volts (yet low current so it doesn't harm you at least)) then see if the cable connecting from your motherboard to your HD is IDE(it is big and flat with big connectors) or serial small cord, small connectors much like a phone charger. IF its serial your going to have to go buy another one if its IDE it should have 3 connectors on the cord. Two of them should be close together while the other is a little bit farther apart if it has only two connectors total then you need to go buy one. Now on the harddrive you have now there should be little pins with a little square thingy around them get some tweezers (make sure your grounded when touching anything inside or youll be buying another comp I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR IGNORANCE) and pull it out then place it on the two pins thats labeled as master. Now on your new hard drive take the pins and put it on slave now you connect the master one on the end of the cable and the slave one on the one in the middle. Then connect the other end to the motherboard. (if you have to apply lots of force most likely you will bend the pins so you might have it wrong the cables should have little notches in it to make it go in only one way but the others you have to look on the connector and one of the holes is covered up and it should match the one on the male connector where theres no pin (also the red line matches up to pin 1) now if you've gotten through that part it should work. If you have two different cords cnnect two to different HD's then set the pins to cable-select or CS








If its serial just plug into the slot next to one on the motherboard, there should be at least two or three of them (serial is faster) and plug it on the HD








But i recommend buying external and just follow the instructions giving if you have no experience or knowledge of the innards of the comp








lol 20 gig, go for at least 200gig. They only like 60 bucks now which is pretty darn cheap. I have 3 400gig Hitachi and 1 76gig Maxtor SCSI in my workstation lol. Use it primarily to store anime. Its 50% full already :wink:

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