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so....why does his sig say he "quitted 4 months ago" if he said that on July 10??




Please clarify








And if what I suspect is true, that means one of you is a gibbering lieing moron and the other is not, so who is it?

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You contradicted yourself SO much in that plot, it isn't even funny. First off, you say that Zith was the form of all three gods, yada yada, and then you diminish the spirit of zith and the gods come out to thank you. Why would the gods thank you for diminishing them (or their formed one-self embodiment)? :roll:








Second of all...no matter whether it was meant as a joke or something (if it was, I'm not laughing) the gods would never announce you a "new god" and they most certainly wouldn't "hail" you. Please, make your ideas more realistic according to Runescape folklore.








Also, Jagex has already said Guthix was THE first god. He created Runescape, and then when he rested saradomin and zamorak came out and started a war. Zaros and Armaedyl fit in there somewhere also...but I'm not sure where.








Anyways...this is an un-needed idea. It's lame, and there's no way Jagex would ever incorporate a quest like this. Also, NINJA is a horrible word choice. I'm sorry, but once again I'll say: Runescape is not meant for ninjas. It is meant for nymphs, spirits, dragons, knights, gnomes, elves, kings, goblins, etc etc. If ninjas or anything ninja related was put into Runescape, you may as well add a lightsaber along with it...because THAT would be the general direction we'd be heading in.








So there. I think your idea needs fine-tuning...a lot. It's my opinion, and I'll say what I must.



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