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Holiday Items: Nice but Useless?


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1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank? Unless i use one or more parts often as my skilling outfit i tend to just give them over to Diango to save up f2p bankspace.


2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you? This doesnt mean you literally have bunny ears on top of your dmed -.- it means the dmed hides and the bunnyears is what you see, you just get the def bonuses of the dmed now. i think it would make more variety and players would like it, but it wouldnt make sense really to have two items go into one slot... not to mention all the glitches it may have as well as things that will just be like wtf? picture a reaper hood with a full helm. a black hood with feathers over it?


3: Do you really just enjoy the quest. Sometimes the quests are fun. It is totally optional so its not like u r forced into doing it. I just like the rewards :D


4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you? As a F2Per it can definetly show how long uve played but just the feeling of having it and many others dont and will never have it makes u feel special. I get jealous all the time when ppl have scythes.


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1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank?


Yes, but I will wear them now and again




2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you?


Not really.




3: Do you really just enjoy the quest?


Usually yes, I do.




4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you?


No because I don't have any long time items and it's not all about combat is it? -.-


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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