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Everything posted by Yomyth105

  1. Hey im f2p pure pking with a range/2h. question is. how many addy arrows should i have with me per trip. I want to have just enough so that if I do die, I wont lose more money than i should. How much should a trip cost me. in addys. Also what should my inventory look like if a range/2h. is it worth strength potting? And exactly when should i take my 2h out? yea im new to this pking thing so i just dont want to come out losing my 2hs haha. thanks. stats if needed: cmb level: 52 66hp 70str 70range 40attack 1def 1prayer 45magic oh and also what should i wear at def 1 to help out? i have vambrices and chaps and boots anything else really?
  2. Is it true that in previous summers... the start of the summer prices of anything pvp starts to rise like mad because the general public dont have school and spend time playing runescape in the summer. Therefore prices start to rise. I am looking for investment opportunities and was just wondering... :mrgreen:
  3. I havent even done dungeoneering yet... sad i know... But I have trained my stats to the following: 40 attack 1def 70strength 70range 1prayer 32 magic combat level 52. Now... is this skill like a slayer but using dungeons? I want to get bow sightings. I know they help out the stats. How does the whole thing work tho. If you die with it... do you have to collect the tokens again to do it? how does the system work. First off I dont even know dungeoneering and second can it be done by a f2p pure?
  4. alright thanks for the advice. The first question is really asking how i should do that. range/2h or scim/2h... pretty much the big issue... which is more successful? The main question you haven't answered... How do i divide the 2.5 mil... how would u do that. How many lobbs/swords would suffice enough... right now im waiting for the price of lobbs to finally drop back to its normal self from like 354 to 314... also str pots are pretty expensive just putting that out there... right now im waiting for prices to drop. that seems that that is what is going on... ahhhh ic well you could always alternate when necessary, though from my experience 70+ range is amazingly accurate (even on full rune) whereas a rune scimmi will tend to miss much more often. Switching from a shortbow attack to a 2h attack is also much faster than scimmi to 2h. okay so i have went to dual in the dual arena to practice pvp environment and I learned that range/2h is better. It appears to be highly more accurate in hitting than a scimitar. Although it has lower hits it hits them more often. Then afterwards I can take out that 2h and hit very high without even having to wait. With a scimitar it takes a couple of seconds after i take the 2h out to work. In terms of pricing. I will have to do so on my own. Wait until i think it will be the lowest and purchase. I will do so accordingly. I wont be having to spend money on scimitars buy adamant arrows are also very expensive. But pricing i will do on my own time. Now a couple of more questions... 1) Dungeoneering... how does it work... bow sightings... please explain to me what this is? 2) training magic using curse. is this autocastable? good idea? 3) Is it worth buying and using strength pots when you range/2h? 4) what type of pvp fighting is really the most best. 1 item pking? explain a bit... versus regular. with 1 iteming i should do scim? and with reg it is range/2h? 5) Although i really dont want to train even more. Do you think it is worth it to just go 53 combat. 52 just seems low. no? get strength/range a bit higher? but then again... id rather really not train if i dont have to.
  5. alright thanks for the advice. The first question is really asking how i should do that. range/2h or scim/2h... pretty much the big issue... which is more successful? The main question you haven't answered... How do i divide the 2.5 mil... how would u do that. How many lobbs/swords would suffice enough... right now im waiting for the price of lobbs to finally drop back to its normal self from like 354 to 314... also str pots are pretty expensive just putting that out there... right now im waiting for prices to drop. that seems that that is what is going on...
  6. Alright. So I am on the verge of finishing getting my stats to their goals. Again the following are: 40attack 69 strength (500xp till 70 :) ) 1 def 66 constitution 69 range (500xp till 70 :) ) 1 prayer 32 magic I dont know exactly how i will be pking yet... but I would like to give range/2h a try... or scimitar/2h... So let's say im doing range/2h... I need to plan accordingly on what equipment to buy. This is what I have in my bank: CASH: 2545K (2.5 million gp) FOOD: 735 salmon / 396 trout - not gonna use it in combat or anything because they are too weak, but id like to just have something to heal myself with that wont waste the expensive foods... Necklace: 2 strength amulets / 1 power ammy - useful. what more can i say? Melee: 2 rune scimitars / 1 rune long sword / 1 rune 2h Range: maple short bow / Green d'hide legs / Green d'hide vambraces Mage: 543 fire runes / 16 laws / 47 airs / 162 deaths / 177 chaos / 237 minds / air staff Alright now dont judge cuz lol cuz all of these are mostly from drops... Now I need to obv fill my bank with lobsters/swordfish / str pots / weapons / arrows etc... So really... how would you guys distribute my 2.5 million in cash... I want some to be left so that i can invest in GE items. Also, again general questions... 1) What pking style should i use and would best benefit me... most important question really... 2) Scimitars or Longswords... I know longswords are a bit slower but they deal more damage... What is best? Is the more damage worth sacrificing for the little bit more time off... 3) Whats the best way to cheaply train magic. I want to train it without hp up to level 60... cursing sounds best. how much will this cost? edit: im not doing this all today... but lobster in my opinion are too high as of now because they went up recently after dungeoneering... im currently waiting for some prices to go down :)
  7. Alright for the scim part... but it IS a cheaper solution... still scim tho? Also this does seem like an interesting concept but how do these sighted maple longs work? I know they give more stats that wil benefit ranging but how much do they cost for? I mean i havent done the new skill and getting level 30 sounds like its no big deal. if i die with my sighted maple... how do i reobtain the sighted part... in all, is it that much worth it?
  8. Alright. So I am on the verge of finishing getting my stats to their goals. Again the following are: 40attack 69 strength (500xp till 70 :) ) 1 def 66 constitution 69 range (500xp till 70 :) ) 1 prayer 32 magic I dont know exactly how i will be pking yet... but I would like to give range/2h a try... or scimitar/2h... So let's say im doing range/2h... I need to plan accordingly on what equipment to buy. This is what I have in my bank: CASH: 2545K (2.5 million gp) FOOD: 735 salmon / 396 trout - not gonna use it in combat or anything because they are too weak, but id like to just have something to heal myself with that wont waste the expensive foods... Necklace: 2 strength amulets / 1 power ammy - useful. what more can i say? Melee: 2 rune scimitars / 1 rune long sword / 1 rune 2h Range: maple short bow / Green d'hide legs / Green d'hide vambraces Mage: 543 fire runes / 16 laws / 47 airs / 162 deaths / 177 chaos / 237 minds / air staff Alright now dont judge cuz lol cuz all of these are mostly from drops... Now I need to obv fill my bank with lobsters/swordfish / str pots / weapons / arrows etc... So really... how would you guys distribute my 2.5 million in cash... I want some to be left so that i can invest in GE items. Also, again general questions... 1) What pking style should i use and would best benefit me... most important question really... 2) Scimitars or Longswords... I know longswords are a bit slower but they deal more damage... What is best? Is the more damage worth sacrificing for the little bit more time off... 3) Whats the best way to cheaply train magic. I want to train it without hp up to level 60... cursing sounds best. how much will this cost? edit: im not doing this all today... but lobster in my opinion are too high as of now because they went up recently after dungeoneering... im currently waiting for some prices to go down :)
  9. just bumpin it up... advice? also just a poll to see what way i should pk in f2p. also is hitting with mage gonna be a plus? also what should i wear?
  10. The new skill is f2p right? Okay now firstly, my question is what exactly is it? What does it do? What is its purpose? Second. What is its role on f2p? that is all for now. I just dont know anything about it. Like when summoning was released and hunter i remembered that even i understood its purpose and all but here i just dont get it... whats the point? what do you even do? doe it benefit f2p?
  11. haha oh wow someone knows me?! lol. yeah ive just decided to finish with 70 range and go on with the pking. keep my hp at 66 will be good enough also just putting this out there. If i want to train my magic just for the fun. like up to 60min and 70max... what is the best way of doing so without doing combat spells. like curse until superheat then superheat until alch? If so what do i do. how much am i going to be spending on this. id like to spend really as little as possible.
  12. soo... go for 70 hp? what hp should i go for? Also i know scims are better but to save money is it all that bad to use longswords?
  13. Alright let me get the facts out there first. The name is: Pyro Xeron The stats: 40 attack 1 defense 69 strength (4k till 70) 69 range (55k till 70... ill get there) 65 constitution 1 prayer 32 magic Combat level 51 Seems like a good pure right? Okay now i have some problems. First off I am planning to have a level 52 pure. I mean i think level 52 is a solid level because first off im pretty much done with training and second, it is at that stage where regular players have rune armor which is good, yet low strength. As of how i am going to pk. I was thinking range 2h but whatever works best is what ill do. I did the range particularly for the hp. Notice how i have most hp than what a lot of players at the level are having. I think this is a plus. Now i played around with the combat level calculator on here in the past and I have always gotten that after id get the combo of 70 str, range, and hp that I would get a level 52 character. But now it is level 53? Am i going crazy? or was that how it always was? Also the new hitting multiplied by 10 update... Im not sure if its screwing me over or helping, but now i feel the need to get just a couple of more range levels so i could do .5 more of a max hit. I can afford to do so because at 70 range, I can level at least 5 more times for it to take up a combat level. This is a bit of a dilemma... Is it honestly worth going for a couple of long levels to get half of a max hit more or should i just stop. Same thing with health... What should i get my health to. Is 5 levels in health worth a whole combat level. The way I was going to continue was to even try to get magic to 70... (ill be making money off of the hill giants i train on anyways) and that 70 magic will get my hp to 70... but now i just dont know. I dont know whats going on but the multiplied by 10 update is making it all too confusing for me. next factor is the EP percentage thing. Bounty Worlds look like a great update. What is all of this? Is it just the calculated drop percentage. I know i need to stay in hotspots etc... be alive for a long time and fight (just like any true pker) but what do i need to risk on a f2p server in terms of money. Im only a pure so im not wearing armor, but is rune scimmy... longsword with 2h good enough... maybe with some addy arrows and a bow? idk Also last thing. sorry for making this all too long... Is it honestly worth buying rune scimitars. Im not poor but id always want to save some money. Rune longswords are significantly lower in cost. 25k opposed to 35k. Now, rune longs also give more str bonus but is it worth it, or is it too slow. I remember back in the day, these two were pretty tight together. So which one is it? Thanks all :)
  14. this is the room im using but like ive trained some respectable safe spot looking locations and they all fail. They can work, but sometimes other ankou are around it so they attack me. It would be easy if they weren't aggressive. I did some research on this on wiki runescape and they say there really isn't no one great safespot because they can get around it. If that's wrong then please show me :) Add me in game btw :) So knowing that... I just need to know when the creatures in that room become unaggressive and also how this unaggressive works. can i just stand in between the SoS doorways? will that count? Or do I have to be in that actual room... where i can waste 10 minutes in this one corner... or do i need to be actively attacked... if this is so then im gonna be falling short...
  15. update: fought the catlepon (sp?) and got the top of the sceptre. All i need is the ankou so please anyone suggest a safespot that i can use. thanks :)
  16. alright so ill bring food and range... now to find the safespots. anyone have any in mind? thanks :)
  17. honestly you can do a lot of the skills the same except the fact that you won't be making money. You have to power everything. Prayer is probably something that will hold you back because it is difficult to train in f2p. Combat prob could be done better. Now let's look at the other skills... Fishing... power fish! Mining... power mine! WC - power cut. really you just have to power things and you will improve. best of luck :)
  18. 5262. great to see this is still going on after being away lol
  19. Hey. Im almost done with my pure training and there is one little thing i happened to observe in my bank. I saw a right half skull from fighting the minotaurs way back and i saw a bottom of the sceptre. I know there are four parts to make up that pretty cool looking thing lol so i wanna know what i have to kill and what are the chances of getting it and simply if i can do it or not. alright so feed me some information. Im almost done with leveling and im gonna be stopping at 70 strength and 70 range. here are my stats: attack 40 defense 1 ---> big issue. dont wanna get killed lol strength 69 ---> 4k away from 70 and i wanna stop there range 69 ---> i actually just got it. 60k away... constitution 65 --> at least i have a good amount of hit points prayer 1 --> again i can do protection of blank... I kind of want to get it. Just let me know how. thanks :) also what are the chances really... :)
  20. im no good with higher stats like this, but why not try to pk like this. i mean it can give u an advantage against people your own level who just have everything balanced right? If it doesn't work too well then you can always just max them out. good luck :)
  21. the rest of the guys who posted pretty much have it, but here is a note. buying silver ore and smelting it will give you pretty good xp and you can sell it back to the GE to break even. This is pretty good xp if you ask me. Just go to Al Kharid and smelt smelt smelt.
  22. honestly, this is already a fail because there is a whole f2p worlds you didn't mention...
  23. i have trained at fresh crawlers on my pure from 1 to 69 strength before the update. Why has the update ruined this method of training. I thought it's just that everything is the same, only multiplied by 10, is it not?
  24. my pure is trying to get from level 1 smithing to 30. What's the most sufficient and fastest way of doing so and I have money to spend, but wouldnt want to spend over 90k doing so. btw ftp
  25. i agree with qeltar 100%. Not much of an achievement... just another video game addict... this is probably taking a toll in her life because it isn't "normal" to spend that much time at a computer...
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