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The Order of Cabbage Presents: Super big cabbage partay!

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For those who dont know us, the OoC is a group formed years ago by Blackbane, who had the goal to pick 100,000 cabbages. Since then, it has expanded to become a fun-loving group of people who gather around cabbage to socialize and have fun. After all, clicking is clicking, whats the difference between clicking on an ore, or a cabbage. The OoC has gathered over 4 million cabbages to this day.




Jman315933 will be hosting a huge party to celebrate cabbage, next Saturday, November 8th at 2:30 PM EST.






WHERE: World 7, beginning in the cabbage patch northwest of Draynor Village!




Attire: Come clad in the Order of Cabbage uniform if possible, that means priest robes, a fire staff, chef hat, ruby amulet, red gloves, and boots!




Clan Chat will be Ignite 168, but I will be running the event.






Events will include a cabbage marathon, cabbage bombs, a round of Find-Me, cabbage battleship, and emote warz. Followed by a drop party that will range from 1.5 million to 3 million depending on some variables. Dont worry if you have never heard of some of these games; they will be explained below. All events will have prizes awarded to the winner or winners.




* All prizes will be given out in 10k segments from me, whenever both the winner and I are online.




(Maybe) Cabbage Marathon A competition to see who can pick the most cabbages in 30 minutes. All contestants must remain in the same world. No previously picked cabbages are allowed. It is a fun way to raise cabbages, and 50k will be awarded to 1st place, 30k will be awarded to 2nd place, and 15k will be awarded to 3rd place. On my mark, everyone will begin picking cabbages from the cabbage patch near Dreynor, and bank them in Dreynor, repeating this until time is called. After time is called, all contestants will open trade with me, and show me the noted cabbages they have picked. I will record them, and indicate someone who can collect the cabbages. Then the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places winners will be announced and we will move to our next event.






Cabbage Bombs Everyone picks a full load of cabbage at the patch, and then follows me to a destination of my choosing. Upon my mark, we all drop all of our cabbages around the area, and watch as the entire map is covered. It is also fun to see the reactions of bystanders.




Find-Me This event will occupy the majority of the party. I will switch to a hidden, OoC Jman account, and I will list 10 cryptic clues for items. To win, an individual must find all 10 items, and then that individual must locate me (on OoC Jman) and Thing 1116. Clues will be provided for our locations as well. You must show me that you have all the correct items to win. 1st place will receive 75k, 2nd place will receive 50k, and 3rd place will receive 25k.




Battleship - Everyone lines up against the wall of the cabbage patch. I will shout (x,y) coordinates that correspond to a cabbage in the patch. The first person to pick the correct cabbage gets 1 point. The first person to 5 points will be the winner. The winner will receive 25k.




Emote Warz Everyone stands on his or her own cabbage, forming a circle-ish shape around me, on my own cabbage. When I pick my cabbage, the last person to pick his or her cabbage is out. It proceeds until there is one winner. The trick is that I will try to fool people into picking their cabbage early by using emotes, which make it look like I am picking my cabbage. If you pick your cabbage early, you are also out. The winner of round one receives 25k, the winner of round two receives 15k, and the winner of round three receives 10k.




Drop Party A drop party will conclude the party, at Party Petes in Falador. We will switch to a less populated world to avoid bystanders. The drop will be worth from 1.5 to 3 million depending on variables.




All event winners will set times with me to collect their winnings in 10k segments.




That is all, I hope to see you there!




OoC Forums: Clicky!




Kah bah gee!

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Kah Bah Gee!




Seriously, I can't believe you guys are still around. I remember bombing Falador with Blackbane himself :P


Nice, he still pops up now and then, heck maybe he'll even be at the party :P, but he is busy with real life.




I hope to see you all there, this is gonna be a fun one! :D

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