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The Bounty Hunter: Droid


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just sumthin i made when i was bored (Keep in mind that my droid looks kinda like the battle droids in star wars):








A Bounty








Unneeded air bubbled out of my filters. My small but sharp photoreceptors stared at the blue liquid that surrounded me. A switch was grasped in my hand, ready to drain the low-viscosity fluid. A tube was connected to my control panel, located in my armored chest. I moved my hand through the thick liquid to a small key board, which protruded from the glass wall. I was inside a large tube, filled with blue liquid. I was in a metallic room underground, and weapons littered the floor. The liquid did not pass my filters, so my olfactory sensors could pick up a smoky smell, as if something was burning. The tube twitched, as did my head. Slowly, florescent blue lines began to appear in front of my eyes.








It was the new internet, a virtual archive where millions of people post information and entertainment. In minutes, it was as if I was standing in a black space, filled with yellow-outlined boxes. Each box was labeled. I was standing in my computer desktop. I moved my metal legs, the liquid stopping any forward motion. But, I did move within my computer. I moved toward a box labeled HOLONET. A holographic network of information where all computers connected. I raised a cream colored hand, and pressed into nothing but fluid. But the action did activate the file. It opened and I was taken to a space with blue windows.








Since the information of the net was so vast, I could have transportation. In this case, a cycle which moved with mental ability. I created an action as if I was mounting the cycle, and willed it to go forward. After many minutes of moving through blue-outlined files I reached a different section of the net. It was restricted by government personnel, where people had created illegal sites, which could not be deleted. So they were secured. But I already hacked through their restricting red wall and went through to files of green. Now, this was where illegal sites were. I went to a site in which bounties were posted. A gangster site, but it was the only way I could make any money. I reached out a hand and pressed against the file.








I was in the site, and many faces popped up with information next to them. I went to a section of expensive kills. Nothing I couldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t handle. The most expensive bounties were kept in the back. All the information was like books on shelves. After a while, the faces and information shrunk into books on shelves, and it was as if I was in a library. The bike under me disintegrated, and I walked to the back and picked out the first book .








I opened the blue covered book and opened it. It contained only half a page:








NAME: Chris Donson.








PRICE: 100,000 credits.








LOCATION: Lives within a guarded air castle. Sentry droids man turrets and fly single trooper aerial platforms. It is on the city Uscantcora on the planet Ruyal. It is located in the center of the city, in grassy plains.








The rest of the page was filled with pictures. No reasons of why he was posted or what level security his house was under. It hadnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t told what race he was or any good type of information. I looked back at the price, which was a lot. I decided I would take the challenge, and touched the thin book. A vertical line appeared, which indicated where I would be typing. I reached out a hand, feeling for my keyboard, which was invisible in the net. I felt the keys, which I had memorized, and typed in 1GG88 Droid, and pressed the switch which was still clamped in my hand. The liquid drained, and the image in front of me seeped down into the drains. I looked up at a metal room.








The metal walls reflected my droid body. A creamy white body, scarred in some places. My head was elongated, on a thin neck which protruded from a body.my eyes were tiny, but sharp. My chest was plated with creamy white armor and shrunk into a narrow abdomen. The abdomen ended in stubs on either side, which were attached to legs. My arms came out of the side of my body, with dual blasters on each hand, and a dart attachment on my forearm. I looked away, remembering my human past.








I was a soldier, which my limbs cut away from my body with a turret blast. I was helpless, and another blast from a turret sliced through my chest. That was on a space station, not far away from Ruyal, which was a grassy planet with many lakes and rivers. An operation took place, attaching droid arms to my body, and replacing my body entirely. My head was also replaced, my thoughts and memories implanted into the hard drive. My human body died without any feeling or thought.








I shuddered. I came back to the present. So, it was an air castle, with sentry droids. I would need a turbo laser, heavy, but powerful. I could use the turbo to cut open a hole in the floor of the floating castle. I would need a long range blaster rifle. My eyes were the scopes. I looked around the small room. Blades and swords were leaning on the walls, and laser rifles were placed on silver hooks. I took a large gun from a hook. It was shaped like a tube, with a trigger near the barrel. A dull hook was on the back so the gun could be placed on the shoulder. It was the silver color of steel, with the white numbers 1GG88 on the side. I slung this over my shoulder. I looked again on the shelf and picked up a long, thin, black rifle. It fired a needle shaped laser bolt which rips through any armor.








I would need money for energy drinks, and when I mean energy, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s energy. Like electricity. It powered my drives, and I could only go for a week with out one energy drink, fuel for all androids. From my small metal internet and weapons storage room I entered a bigger room. A depressed square was in the middle, outlined with a red stripe. In the middle of the square was a sleek ship. it was V shaped with the cockpit taking up the whole craft. It was a one-man ship. I entered, and stretched my legs out to the nose of the ship, and sat in the back. My body took up the whole cockpit. I pulled a throttle, unleashing blazing fires from my jets. i flew through a hole in the ceiling. I was already on Ruyal. I flew through an earthen tunnel and broke through my underground hideout. Blue skies lit up my cockpit. A control stick was in between my legs. I grabbed it an went at full speed to Uscantcora.


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You really need to stop harrasing this guy :evil: Colaked shadow, you should pm a Mod about him..








On topic: Nice story, has some decent verb uses and you paint a really good picture in the mind, words are pretty descriptive. Keep up the good work!

If it isn't in your veins, you'll never know.

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