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Everything posted by RoyalFlush

  1. Hey not much. Working and staying busy ;) Possibly looking to brush up again on my rudimentry graphic skills again. I didn't know your from Kansas! I'm in topeka ;)
  2. Garbage. Pure, utter, garbage. No I'm just kidding :) looking great, looks like you've progressed very nicely since I last saw your work. ;)
  3. Wow that's really gay. Sorry, but its not very creative IMO. Its mario, brush strokes/brush pack and a color layer.
  4. Not much. College, engagement, job, etc. Life rules :D You? Any good graphic design going on here these days?
  5. I really like the color scheme, also the placement of the text. Try it in some other colors :) Royal~ :P
  6. I stopped reading after that line. You Benedict Arnold. :P
  7. People like you give cocaine a bad name.
  8. Thanks. Now just tell me what sucks and why, and/or suggestions on how to improve.
  9. Vary your colors, and next time try something a little less harsh on the eyes. You raped my retina's with that bright green. Shading, better shape design, and so forth will come with practice. Read some tutorials, and practice. I've seen far worse as far as first times go. Your on the right track.
  10. Haha, I beleive so. Your the one of the [bleep]'s who started the pixel revolution. Good times :D Thanks for the kind words guys. Really looking for harsher critiquing though.
  11. Haha, I beleive so. Your the one of the [bleep]'s who started the pixel revolution. Good times :D Thanks for the kind words guys. Really looking for harsher critiquing though.
  12. I like hard drugs, and apparently so do you. I think the appropriate term is: "I Can't See [cabbage]". Yeah, that sums it up.
  13. Actually, if I had heard you were coming back mexe, I would have shot myself three times in the head with a .357 magnum, ate 3 quarts of ice cream, watched casablanca, turned my dog into a rabbit, and thrown myself infront of the Krispy Kream delivery truck. In no particular order, of course.
  14. Thank you. Now I can die a happy man. Or at least a gay one. :thumbsup:
  15. Eh, it's a bit too busy for me. The sketchy lines ruin it IMO. I think it would look nicer if it was cut around the figure, then extending into the box (if that makes any sense). I don't know, i just prefer a clean, smooth design when logo'ing. My opinion anyway. By the way, Hi there :P You dirty old man, you.
  16. Hello :P Anyone remember me? Probably not. Perhaps the few older virgin....err...members....might (Nadril, DementedHero, Kiephus, etc etc). Anywho, I've been away for a long while, and I thought I'd dredge up some of the [cabbage] I've worked and never showed anyone. Anyway, C&C apreciated. I'm trying to get back into "art", and I do have some new, rather fresh ideas. Now to apply them to PS.......easier said than done I beleive. Ciao. I hope I spelled that right.
  17. Wow....well, that sheds some light on it. Looks like the abstractedness in here needs a jumpstart....hell, an enima. I suppose I better pull up my sleeves and get to work around here.:P
  18. As an atheist, Im scared :shock: On a more serious note, the sig is done fairly well, although I would have liked some color on the turntable, not "stand-out-ish" color, but something other than black and white. I do like the quote however, and can understand the meaning.
  19. "What are you supposed to see?" Short answer: Whatever the hell you want. Jesus, did you guys go and forget what abstract is? Abstract art, IMHO, is whatever you see in it. Things have changed.
  20. People like you give drugs a bad name.
  21. It's called "abstract", which is basically what you want it to be. OT: I like what you've started with, but it lacks a background, i can (sort of) see what your trying to do, and instead of putting the bright brushing on a totally black bg, gradually tone the color down to black, which will give it more depth and make it look better. Nice job though, its a good start.
  22. I said I was tender, damn you :P Thanks for the comment. I suppose it could use a bit more color, instead of different tones of greens and blacks.
  23. Marijuana is only good in moderation.
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