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Everything posted by RoyalFlush

  1. Well, as I said in an earlier post, I had an idea on a peice, but as usual I didn't even follow it to the slightest detail. Instead I went from an excerpt of a short poetry "thing/peice/something-that-belongs-on-a-napkin" that I wrote. First creation in about 2-4 months-ish. Rate, CC preferred, and flames always welcome. Royal~
  2. Lol, thanks for the warm welcome back you guys. Much love for you all :) And yes, I'll hopefully be turning out something new, maybe a WIP or something. I have a concept, and Im going to go from there. And Kiephus, when I said you were an old pri**, it was ment with love :P
  3. Well, I suppose for those who don't know me I should introduce myself, but I really don't feel like it. It's not like im worth introducing anyway. So this is mainly a "hey, wasup!" to all the older Media Boarders, I hope some are around. I'll hopefully be getting back into this field of art, so, have your pukebags ready. Anyway, I hope some of you guys will be able to answer some of my questions. 1. Is pixel art still the ever-oppressive fad it used to be? (I'm guessing 2-4 months ago) 2. Is Nadril still a noob? 3. Did Asvareth finally commit suicide? I hope not, but some of his art led me to beleive he was troubled. (Btw asvy, I bought Nightwish's "Once" album. Awsome) 4. Is Kiephus still an old pri**? 5. Is my mentor Froth still around :D? 6. Does the Chicken ever show up? 7. Is Entangle still a sardonic !@#%? 8. DementedHero still here? (hopefully ready for another sig battle :D) 9. Did GreatSilverWyrms ego die, or did it explode? 10. How in hell are you all of you? :D Well, hopefully you'll be seeing more of me. If a chorus of groans follows that statement, my work here is done. Mods, please leave this here, as it was/is the only place I post, and the only people I know.
  4. /me pokes in his head. Sad to see you go. You were always funny, in a sardonic way. Not to mention one of the oldest and talented digital artist I have had the privilage of knowing. Peace.
  5. What did you smoke before posting this?
  6. The colors clash waaaay too much. Try using matching colors, those colors make me want to puke. The red looks as though it was just blobbed on, and doesn't merge with the blue. There is little focal point, and the text looks like it was swiped with the red, and you can barely see it. Anyway, my opinion.
  7. It looks allot like Kingrazo's work. Don't know if he still browses these forums or not.
  8. Bump for Asvy and Uncov :D May you have more orders than you wish to make........although that is unlikely as of the moment :? Wish it was the old days, seems like sigs sold allot better then 8) Anyway, Gl. :D *Stamps RF approval* If anyone wants, the equivalent worth of my approval, its the 6oz bag of frozen peas in your local QuickShop.
  9. I doubt anyone could make something you deem "worthy" of your "approval". It seems as though anything computer generated by a person you consider crap. If you don't like peoples art, have some freaking courtesy. Don't open your freaking mouth (for lack of a better term) if you can't be mature or supportive. OT: Damn Nad, I'd have to say this is the first piece you've made that made me go "wow". Yes, there are flaws, as pointed out, but the piece is pretty original. Most landscapes don't have the features this has, such as a close view of the grassy texture or the foggy view. And most don't show the sun like this. Part of the reason it appeals to me is how unrealistic, yet realistic it is. Just fix the blending of the fog and sun, like maybe brush up the rays and fog so you can't see the "sections". Great job. :D
  10. MUCH better dude. I think you could even carry the white more to the left and it would look awesome. Gj :wink:
  11. A very nice illusion there Asvy :wink: Nice, simple, soft, flowy, these words come to mind. Good job :wink: Only thing I could suggest is more color. I think coloring the leaves would be great. Just my opinion. To Col: What logo? You mean that vector shape? Thats a default.....
  12. I think your the only one who outdoes me with titles that have no reference to the piece :D Go Nad. You've definetly improved in your abstracts and brushing. The sidebars really need to go. Horizontal bars would look nice, but not vertical ones. Also, please attend http://www.youneednewfonts.com :wink: Other than that, I really like it. Loving the color. Good work man :wink:
  13. Hmm ok, needs a bit more contrast.....I'll work on it and post a second version a bit later. Which, knowing me, you'll be lucky to see it in three months :D EDIT: Ok, hurriedly brushed some black in, with a bit of orange, little brushing to the bird, and a newer font. What say?
  14. *squints* Eep, something in the color or the pixeley look made me squint. Probably my messed up PC :roll: Its ok, lacks substance, and another color to give it balance and depth. Plus im not diggin' the sidebars, looks like a widescreen movie on its side :P But thats just my idiosyncratic opinion.
  15. Umm, what the hell man.... :? But no it isn't....... :? *shakes head*
  16. Hey yoose guys :D Been awhile since I posted in here I guess, been busy with other things. School, work, and recently been getting into java programming. Anyway, I was playing with the pen tool, wanted to do a bird type creature, and here was a little shot at it. I didn't elaborate on it allot, just a nice simple drawing. Anyway, rate, CC, hate, whatever :D RF~
  17. Hmm, I seem to be a bit late. :( As i would have voted Nad, hardly matters now :P As for the other spot, my vote would have to be for quazer. I like the simpleness and the originality on his brushing. Simple, yet soft, and wierd. Cool stuff.
  18. I wondered why I was strangely aroused.... :P Nice winding of the words. You placed them just right. Very entertaining ;)
  19. I see where your coming from now :wink: Maybe, for future reference, try to keep a little less sarcasm? It's only a suggestion, only for the reason that it could be easily misinterpreted as something worse. Although, I shouldn't talk :P Thanks for answering my questions :)
  20. An opinion isn't a statement or rule, or anything that can be defined as right and wrong. It's a feeling. Therefore, it can't be wrong. Its only wrong or right in the person's who are having that opinion. Way to not recognize sarcasm. Did I say that knowing about art required a degree, or a course? You can be born with an intuitive sense of color, balance, ect.. 1. Maybe I did take it a little to serious. Now that I look at it, you and Kiephus have practically the same sence of sardonicism. 2. No, you didn' say it, you implied it. What you implied is you need to know something to create art. To create art you really need no knowledge. To create "good" art, that's to be defined by the person. Now of course I'm speaking of art in general. For digital art, yes, you need some knowledge on how to run a program, but as far as a certain "order" you need to follow, IMO, there isn't one.
  21. An opinion isn't a statement or rule, or anything that can be defined as right and wrong. It's a feeling. Therefore, it can't be wrong. Its only wrong or right in the person's who are having that opinion. I also found it funny how you said "you can tell the people who don't know dip about art". Since when does creating art need a degree or a course? Its only in your eyes they "don't know dip". :roll: Entangle, I fail to see who made you a god that you can say what is crap and what isn't. Every time someone posts an abstract, you bust them on it. Not even in a polite way, but in a moronic fashion. You say "abstract is not art" or "a boy and his dad" could make an abstract. Well, go try making one, a good one, and you'll see. Abstract art is to be interpreted by the viewer. It means nothing and something. IF it looks cool to the viewer, then great. You say its not original. Tell me, define original. I assume Piccasso (not sure on spelling) was an idiot too? The only thing I want to see is that you keep your opinion to yourself. "Go make something that makes use of the program" Is I think what you said originally to Asvy. Who in hell are you to say that?! Your no better than a guy who goes and draws a diddle in ms paint. Blah, this was mainly a rant. IF you reply, ill be more organized. Plus, its 3am, so im tired :P Anyway, Nice stuff Asvy! Im liking the 2nd, it has a nice flow to it, a neat feel. Brush it up some more, and (imo) it'll look great ;)
  22. Aye, my view too. You all rock!! :D (except them darn pixelers) :twisted:
  23. You probably havn't heard it yet. Their new cd is released October 26th, and this song is on it. http://www.simpleplan.com/music.php - Either watch or listen to the song here Wow, cool song. Definetly got some inspiration from it. Got a good idea :) As for others, Ill think on them. Savior and Link, Col, Korla, I might do over time. But for now Ill concentrate on Demoris's. Thanks for applying. If I get enough Motivation, I might open a sig shop and just give all the proceeds to Nad or Vlad or whoever :wink:
  24. Very nice Nad. Only thing I don't like is the little effect to the left. Other than that, a nice one. I like the dark landscape much better than your lighter ones. And it's also much better than that sad attempt at pixeling you have for your sig now :P Btw, is that Time New Roman I spy? :P
  25. Hmm, well this'll be a tough one. Ill wait till tonight before making one. So far either Savior or Demoris, probably Demoris, since I like the song based idea. I haven't heard this song yet (or don't conciously remeber it), do you have a link to a sample or player of it or something Demoris?
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