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    Dominicana Posts: 100,000
  1. Wow good job Nad, I'm really enjoying this one. I love the text, and I think the black and white fits really well, GJ. :boohoo: (random smiley)
  2. Zeppelin


    do mine, you know you want to :D
  3. sorry man but i already said i wasnt taking anymore orders
  4. ok no more orders, i wasnt expecting so many. to the person that asked, i usually use msn paint but i decided to experiment with photoshop
  5. this is what happens when you try to use a different style = ill re-do that in a normal fashion, and i apologize for bringing that sig into the world :P
  6. ok yeah im bored, so im gonna try out different style of pixel sigs. just tell me what you want, but be specific.
  7. no no no... no jpg man also, shade and listen to all the other advice
  8. Zeppelin


    900x350? Kinda big :shock: . Think I might work on a few sigs now. im not sure about you but when i make space or landscapes i prefer to work big. its your choice anyways
  9. yeah but i was trying to make him do the jimmy page look, where he kinda wraps his top lip over the bottom. he does it in a lot of concerts
  10. Zeppelin


    Name: Mexe Type: Lanscape / Space (i want it to be landscape of a beach with the ocean and stuff, and then the sky to fade into a space scene :D) Size: You choose, it would be cool if you could make it like 900 x 350
  11. its a gibson G1275 , ill fix the base tommorrow... or whenever i get around to it
  12. nice, but the arm looks a little awkward
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