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Strength Training?


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Ok guys im looking for the fastest possible exp as i realy want 85 str ::'




Im pretty dedicated and im online alot.




Also need a setup and invent for the monster you suggest.




Ill be using a d skim and a rune def btw ;) (cant afford ss)




thanks ::'

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Ankous and Basilisks are common choices, they are pretty efficient and have some good rare and common drops. Though not the best choices, the upside is that you don't need much food and don't need any pots. More time fighting = more xp. However, there are much better choices that I am unaware of. So try to get some more replies before you act.

I has herd, that lesser demons, MAY or may not, drop tormented demons. \:D/ :roll: :x :D :o :shock: :? 8-) :lol:


Due to a typo, I am now stuck with 1k dragon darts and no buyer. Can I has bail out from tip.it plox?

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Ok guys im looking for the fastest possible exp as i realy want 85 str ::'




Im pretty dedicated and im online alot.




Also need a setup and invent for the monster you suggest.




Ill be using a d skim and a rune def btw ;) (cant afford ss)




thanks ::'




Unfortunatly your stats wont allow you to get an awesome amount of exp, so until you hit the 80s, stick with slayer, because you wont be getting any faster exp, unless you go to yaks, experiments, or bandits. Once you do get to the 80s. Go to the zombie monkeys, or armored zombies for amazing exp.

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