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Waterfiends Without a Familiar


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Is it worth going to waterfiends without a familiar, I mean I only have 30 something summoning, and I plan on camping at waterfiends for a solid amount of charms. Or should I wait until I get a higher summoning level some other way?




My stats I think are fine, 87 attack and defence and 95 strength, and I will be using karils and zammy spear. If it is worth it, what is the inventory look like. And what quest thingy do I have to do before I can go down the whirlpool.




Thanks ::'

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Your stats are high enough to get away with it, you'll obviously have to bare in mind that you're going to be spending more per trip than anybody with a familiar, so if you read any guides accoutn for that.




Use bunyip the second you can, but until then.




Your inventory should be a super set, 6 prayer pots (4) and the rest the best food you're willing to use: as well as a teleport out and a games necklace (used for getting there).




To gain access, talk to otto godblessed nearby, he makes you do some things like heavy rod fishing etc, eventually he'll let you in. Find a guide on barbarian training.




Personally however, i think it' be better for you to go dust devils or something until 68, but that's just what i reccomend, you're by no means unable to kill waterfiends effectively.

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Thank you very much both of you! I was planning on staying at dusties, but I was wondering if it would take a while to get to 68. It seems so far from where I am now :wall:

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