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Gem/Jewelry set idea - (detailed)


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How is this for a Runescape Gem/Jewelry Set idea




There is already a white gem Diamond How about a black gem, and the first gem that comes to my mind is Onyx which is a manmade gem using a white powder and a chemical which makes it turn hard and black.








I know i'm not a member but at least its an idea.








(note: Enchanting and making is p2p only but basic without enchantment can be worn by f2p.)








Onyx Jewelry Set












Onyx Chemical - Use with Onyx Powder Ot make an Onyx gem.




(note: Can be bought from the "Dark Mage Ziloc" after completing the Darkness Spell Quest *Info on quest not set yet*)








Onyx Powder - Use with Onyx Chemical Ot make an Onyx gem.




(note: Mined with lvl 50 mining *location not set yet* - mining exp gained: 75)








Onyx - Combined result of the Onyx Chemical and Onyx Powder.








Onyx Amulet - Crafted with lvl 47 crafting.








Onyx Necklace - Crafted with lvl 46 crafting.








Onyx Ring - Crafted with lvl 45 crafting.








Amulet of Darkness - Enchanted with lvl 54 Magic Enchant Onyx Jewelry.




Runes Required: 5 cosmic, 1 fire, 1 earth, 1 air, 1 water, and 1 blood rune.




Effect: +25 Magic Att Bonus on all Missile Attacks








Necklace of Darkness - Enchanted with lvl 54 Magic Enchant Onyx Jewelry.




Runes Required: 5 cosmic, 1 fire, 1 earth, 1 air, 1 water, and 1 blood rune.




Effect: +25 Magic Att Bonus on all Missile Attacks








Ring of Darkness - Enchanted with lvl 54 Magic Enchant Onyx Jewelry.




Runes Required: 5 cosmic, 1 fire, 1 earth, 1 air, 1 water, and 1 blood rune.




Effect: +25 Magic Att Bonus on all Missile Attacks








(Effects for the enchanted Onyx Jewelry only work when there are any 2 combinations worn at the same time (ex: Amulet of Darkness and Ring of Darkness or Necklace of Darkness and Ring of Darkness) and + they don't add up like +25+25, it only adds 25 period only if any 2 combo are worn at the same time.)

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yea but its allso the thought that it will add +25 Magic Att Bonus on all Missile Attacks thats a lot right there, especialy with them mad magic PKers. and with other magic equipment on like splint bark or mystic its a pretty god addon. but other ideas for abilities and rune costs can be considered too. i don't want the idea to be too powerfull

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I think the bonuses are a bit too much. Maybe counter balance it, seeing as it's 'dark' it could have a negative effect too.




Other than that though it's a really well thought out and presented idea. I can't really see it happening to be honest but nevertheless.

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As for the bonuses there could be a negative like -25% armor and -25% magic defence to be a negative effect. Its open to ideas. Ill be bring this idea up with Jagex. I got an e-mail ready with some ideas already, its just it needs to be more balanced. I need more feed back before I actualy send the idea to Jagex.








So please if ne1 can post some ideas and make it resonable as if it would be an actual item in RS. 8)








It may be too powerfull right now as an idea but think of it as a juiced up magic amulet.








I like that it ould have a negative effect. it makes it more reasonable. thx for the idea Bubsa :)

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  • 2 months later...

wow, they actualy put onyx gems in the game, "Not the exact images/effects" but at least its the idea of the type of gem. Only thing I don't like bout the Onyx gems in rs, is they can't be made like onyx gems in real life. Onyx origionaly is a white powder then a chemical makes it turn solid and black.

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woh....predicting the future....anyways, the idea is too unbalanced




any mage wearing all 3 of those will be king of wildy...if it was made like these:




amulet of darkness-add 20 range attack and 10 mage defence, minus 10 prayer




ring of darkness-add 15 attack to combat style currently using and 10 to strength, minus 10 prayer




necklace of darkness-add 15 attack and 10 defence to all melee attack




minus 10 prayer




it will be a little more balanced these way

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I believe Onyx really is a gem, not manmade.








Actualy it is considered man made because some1 has to combine the white onyx powder with a chemical to make it solid and black.








onyx gems can be natural without the chemical added to it to make it solid, but the most common is "produced by the staining of agate"








Alot of the info i know bout onyx was told to me by my father becasue his great grandfather "Buck Robins", discovered the onyx caves "about six miles east of Eureka Springs, Arkansas", when he was using the mineshaft for making moonsine, then he noticed when the distilery crashed open in the cave, the alcohol actualy stained the onyx powder in there turning it solid black. Buck took this discovery to a discovery office *He was thrown in jail for awhile for moonshine making tho* but when he got out of the jail, he started an onyx mining operation, and to this day the onyx cave is the #1 largest source of Onyx in the western hemisphere.








Too bad he had so many debts, he sold the cave




*Irony: After he sold it, bout 5 seperate cave areas were discovered which had some diamonds and a lot more onyx, lol*

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I didn't realise this topic got bumped up from a few months ago, when I saw downumop's topic date. Before I saw the date, I was saying to my self "That's not what an Onyx amulet looks like" lol!! :lol:

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, if you gave it negative def bonuses, and made sure only wearing one at a time would be beneficial, (like you said, +25 no matter how many are worn) it could work. I like the idea...you'd probably have to change the stone name now that onyx is actually a gem.








One thing though...how does mixing powder and a "chemical" make a gem? I mean...I know of man-made gems...but I could have sworn onyx was natural. Even if it isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢tÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæshoving some dust into a bottle of peroxide doesn't really seem like it'd make a gem. Even if thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s what they basically do like you sayÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæthereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s gotta be a little more to it than that. I think youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢d have to add some more to it to make it plausible.








I think that'd have to be tweaked some, but overall I like it.








And to whoever said ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åanyways, the idea is too unbalanced




any mage wearing all 3 of those will be king of wildyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Retired Echo of Silence Council


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