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Honestly, in the case of these guys, I don't see it as much of an illegal search. They have admitted they were pedophiles, albeit, prison might not be much safer if people find out why they were locked up.


They've admitted they are sexually attracted to boys, that's it. They haven't said that they act or will act on those urges. Simply having a sexual attraction to children isn't illegal; acting on it is.




Why the hell would you need a gun now anyway? Back then, it was needed for protection more, and to aquire food. Now, you don't need it for either.


I'm not turning this into a debate on the second amendment.




I never said a disagreed with all of them, and you don't have absolute freedom of speech.


Really, with the whole problem of pedophiles and terrorists, I think its time that someone took a look at these goddamn rights that were made in the 1800s.


Seems like you do, seeing as the Bill of Rights is dated in the late 1700s. And we do have freedom of speech, within reason.

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My threads always lead into arguments for the most part, the God one, now this -.-




Thanks for the comment about my avatar, gotta love family guy.




Then keep making more threads.




PS: Forgot to ask nicely: please O:)

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Ha, I hardly ever go on TIF now, and I've forgotten how amazing it is. I think I'll come back to at least the Off Topic section :thumbsup:




I hate people who post random junk topics though, most of the topics I post I feel are up for genuine discussion, I'll hardly even make a post irrelevant to anything and plain out dumb.




Every once in a while I come up with a decent topic and I decide to post it, and so far they've all taken off pretty well, if I think of any more I'll gladly post them. :D


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Why the hell would you need a gun now anyway? Back then, it was needed for protection more, and to acquire food. Now, you don't need it for either.





There is no less of a need now for the average citizen to be able to protect himself than there was in colonial days. With the federal government trampling our rights at every turn, the day will come where we need once again to be able to protect ourselves from an aggressive government force, as the continental army did in the 18th century.




And the idea that human rights should wax and wane with the passing of years is as repulsive to me as pedophilia. The rights are ours, and the government that the Founders put in place with the constitution is supposed to be strictly limited in its power to abuse our rights. Over the last 2 centuries, US citizens have ceded more and more of their rights to the federal. state, and local governments, to the point that we don't even trust people or organizations that are devoted to preserving the rights we have and trying to reclaim those we have abandoned.




One of the basic rights, not spelled out as such in the constitution but an essential tenet of common law, is the freedom of thought. Treating people as criminals because of their thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes is below us as US citizens. That's what theocracies do. We can do better than that.




The legal line is drawn when illegal acts are committed, attempted, or actively planned. Wanting to rob a bank is not a crime. Conspiring with others to rob a bank is. Attempting to rob a bank and failing is a crime. But thinking about robbing a bank, or killing someone, or committing any other crime, is not and never should be. You have a right to your own thoughts and desires, whether you are free to act on those desires or not.




Wandered rather far afield from my planned defense of the 2d amendment. Sorry.

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Why the hell would you need a gun now anyway? Back then, it was needed for protection more, and to acquire food. Now, you don't need it for either.





There is no less of a need now for the average citizen to be able to protect himself than there was in colonial days. With the federal government trampling our rights at every turn, the day will come where we need once again to be able to protect ourselves from an aggressive government force, as the continental army did in the 18th century.




And the idea that human rights should wax and wane with the passing of years is as repulsive to me as pedophilia. The rights are ours, and the government that the Founders put in place with the constitution is supposed to be strictly limited in its power to abuse our rights. Over the last 2 centuries, US citizens have ceded more and more of their rights to the federal. state, and local governments, to the point that we don't even trust people or organizations that are devoted to preserving the rights we have and trying to reclaim those we have abandoned.




One of the basic rights, not spelled out as such in the constitution but an essential tenet of common law, is the freedom of thought. Treating people as criminals because of their thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes is below us as US citizens. That's what theocracies do. We can do better than that.




The legal line is drawn when illegal acts are committed, attempted, or actively planned. Wanting to rob a bank is not a crime. Conspiring with others to rob a bank is. Attempting to rob a bank and failing is a crime. But thinking about robbing a bank, or killing someone, or committing any other crime, is not and never should be. You have a right to your own thoughts and desires, whether you are free to act on those desires or not.




Wandered rather far afield from my planned defense of the 2d amendment. Sorry.




I didn't read all of this, sorry it looks like you put some effort into it..


From what I read, I think you're supporting the fact that just because you believe something, or think it doesn't mean you did it. For example, if you think of killing someone you didn't actually kill someone.. I agree with you 100%, if this is actually what you're saying.




*Although I use decent grammar and spelling I probably wouldn't be able to decode the real message in your post even if I read through it thoroughly and more then once anyways.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Why the hell would you need a gun now anyway? Back then, it was needed for protection more, and to acquire food. Now, you don't need it for either.





There is no less of a need now for the average citizen to be able to protect himself than there was in colonial days. With the federal government trampling our rights at every turn, the day will come where we need once again to be able to protect ourselves from an aggressive government force, as the continental army did in the 18th century.




And the idea that human rights should wax and wane with the passing of years is as repulsive to me as pedophilia. The rights are ours, and the government that the Founders put in place with the constitution is supposed to be strictly limited in its power to abuse our rights. Over the last 2 centuries, US citizens have ceded more and more of their rights to the federal. state, and local governments, to the point that we don't even trust people or organizations that are devoted to preserving the rights we have and trying to reclaim those we have abandoned.




One of the basic rights, not spelled out as such in the constitution but an essential tenet of common law, is the freedom of thought. Treating people as criminals because of their thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes is below us as US citizens. That's what theocracies do. We can do better than that.




The legal line is drawn when illegal acts are committed, attempted, or actively planned. Wanting to rob a bank is not a crime. Conspiring with others to rob a bank is. Attempting to rob a bank and failing is a crime. But thinking about robbing a bank, or killing someone, or committing any other crime, is not and never should be. You have a right to your own thoughts and desires, whether you are free to act on those desires or not.




Wandered rather far afield from my planned defense of the 2d amendment. Sorry.




Not only that but judging by the way the economy is going right now, the crime rate is going to jump and having a gun in your house is probably a good idea. The area I live in is swarming with cases of home evasions and it will probably get worse, so I really wish I was 21.

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You should not be punished for thinking of something, no matter how disgusting you think it it.




And if you don't like it just turn away.



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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Honestly, in the case of these guys, I don't see it as much of an illegal search. They have admitted they were pedophiles, albeit, prison might not be much safer if people find out why they were locked up.







What's to stop the government then saying you have pedophilia associated thoughts without you admitting to it? If this motion was passed, the government could highly abuse it claiming anyone they have suspicions on could be "pedophiles". Really, without sounding paranoid it would be one step closer to the government be able to check anyone and invade anyone's privacy legally.

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I think some of you forgot that some boys, well even teenagers most from age 14-16, like this kind of stuff, I'm not sure if this is 100% true, and don't have a source except Mj Hogan, a kid in my class who did a report on it.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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