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monkey madness help!!!


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I am attempting MM as a pure with 2 def and 1 prayer. i Will NOT raise my def or prayer just for this quest,


but i WILL do this quest. I am wantin to know any helpful tips, safe spots or if there is a guide to this quest as a pure out there!


my stats are:


50 attk


55 str


62 hp


70 range


2 def


1 pryer


56 mage


1 summ




i am willing to spend money for food or items to make me be able to do this quest.


i already have 50 anti poison pots and 300 monks, i am planning on buying super energy.


but if you have any other suggetsion of stuff to bring and use to do this quest please tell me




Thanks a bunch



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For the dungeon, bring your food of choice (monkfish+) and some saradomin bews for the def and hp. It would be a big help if you could get a friend (who has def and prayer) to run through with you as you follow him since most of the monkeys would attack him.




For the battle with the demon, wear the best range gear you have, drink a range, mage, and super def pot, withdraw a full inventory of food (monk+) and range him, he wont be able to reach you through the gnomes so just worry about magic. Or run off and let the gnomes do most of the work.




Monkey Madness has a defense reward, so you probably don't want to do it as a pure. The boss fight is easy. You can just let the gnomes do most of the damage. But again, if you complete the quest, you will gain defense levels.


The experience is optional.


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yeah i know about the defence reward.


i know that later on i will want the defence levels. so i will just not finish the quest by talking to Daiero(is that how you spell the guy's name) until i want exp. I just find the acomplishment of doing MM as a pure low lvl is amazing, but i got no idea how!!




Thanks for the advice, ill def try getting a friend to help me, and get some sara brews while im at it =p the boss fight will be easy peasy for me, ill let gnomes do work with occasional help from me =p and then pown it at the end hehe. thats the easy part!




any other advice is helpful, but i think im set for the time being!

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you have to talk to the guy to get the reward after the quest to get it, so if you don't want it don't talk to him.






okay, i did this quest with 1 defense and prayer, so i'll tell you the technique i did.




because there's a large square area in the middle of the arena that you can't enter, use that to safespot.




set up a cannon on one side of the square and sprint around to the other side (parallel to cannon side). when doing this, MAKE SURE the demon stays on the side of the cannon, and doesn't follow you.




when and if you need to top up your ammo, just run around the opposite side that the demon is closest to, top up your cannon, and bail ASAP.




remember to bring manta rays too, just buy at the max and wait a little while, prob bout 20 minutes.


If it bleeds, We can kill it.


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mainly just to bring plenty of super energies and manta's. don't try to just run the course, suss out where your going... where zombies are etc.




don't forget, that when you hide under ledges from the rock fall, that there can sometimes be [bleep]es there, every HP point counts.


If it bleeds, We can kill it.


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