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An Average Player's guide to waterfiends.


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Nice guide but why do you only include wealth and life in the ring section?


Ring Slot: Life = Wealth. Take your pick.


Shouldn't it be more like:


Ring Slot: berserker ring>warrior ring>seer's ring*>explorer ring*>life=wealth


*Seer's ring because of its mage defence, explorer because of its prayer bonus.


I might be wrong but that seems like it would be better then a wealth or ring of life.






Other then that tiny little thing this is a nice guide.

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Nice guide but just one thing i would recomend b putting in there is bunyips as they help heal agaisnt the mage damage you do resive and also if you do bring the scrolls can enable you to eat the raw sharks these drop but other than that nice guide

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i would add that, but i have no experience on the matter. and also, it is an AVERAGE player's guide to waterfiends. this guide is aimed at people who have lower stats, and 67 summoning is something i think only fairly high levels have.

the current dance looks like ur on crack lol.

so true lmfao!

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i would add that, but i have no experience on the matter. and also, it is an AVERAGE player's guide to waterfiends. this guide is aimed at people who have lower stats, and 67 summoning is something i think only fairly high levels have.




oh, id say almsot all my friends have it and we are avgarave i think but depends on what u put as avarage as we are around 110-120 cb with about 10-30m and i think that as avarage but either way its your guide and its nice =P.

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