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Need help with visual basic 2005


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I'm having some bleeding issues with some code in in a web application, the code that is causing the problem is bold tags around it. Everytime I run the app the "chkancient.checked = true" and the "cdbl(ddlnights.selectedvalue) > 3", when checked, result in the "> 3" always being doubled more than the equation calls for. Any help in to solving this issue would be of great help.




       Partial Class _Default

       Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

       'This section here declares the variables for the rooms and their additional fees for

       'extra nights

        Dim decinsidecost As Decimal = 399D

        Dim decinsideextracost As Decimal = 109D

        Dim decoceancost As Decimal = 699D

        Dim decoceanextracost As Decimal = 159D

        Dim decancientcost As Decimal = 179D


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

   End Sub


   rotected Sub txtname_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtname.TextChanged

   End Sub


   Protected Sub ddlnights_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlnights.SelectedIndexChanged

   End Sub


   Protected Sub chkancient_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkancient.CheckedChanged

   End Sub


   Protected Sub cldbeginning_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cldbeginning.SelectionChanged

   End Sub


   Protected Sub btnsubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsubmit.Click

       'The btnsubmit event checks for and calculates all chosen items as well as any 

       'additional fees.

        Dim strname As String

       Dim strmessage As String

       Dim decroomcost As Decimal = 0D

       Dim intnights As Integer

       Dim decswitchvariable As Decimal

       strname = txtname.Text.Trim

       Lblmessage.Text = ""

       If Not (Chkinsidestate.Checked Or Chkocean.Checked) Then

           Lblroomerror.Visible = True

           If cldbeginning.SelectedDate < cldbeginning.TodaysDate Then

               lbldateerror.Visible = True


               lbldateerror.Visible = False

           End If


           Lblroomerror.Visible = False

           If cldbeginning.SelectedDate >= cldbeginning.TodaysDate Then

               lbldateerror.Visible = False

               If Chkinsidestate.Checked Then

                   decroomcost += decinsidecost

                   decswitchvariable = decinsideextracost

               End If

               If Chkocean.Checked Then

                   decroomcost += decoceancost

                   decswitchvariable = decoceanextracost

               End If

               intnights = Convert.ToInt32(ddlnights.SelectedItem.Text)

               decroomcost = decroomcost

               If CDbl(ddlnights.SelectedValue) > 3 Then

                   decroomcost = decroomcost + ((intnights - 3) * decswitchvariable)

               End If

               If chkancient.Checked = True Then

                   decroomcost = decroomcost + decancientcost

               End If

               [b]If CDbl(ddlnights.SelectedValue) > 3 And chkancient.Checked = True Then

                   decroomcost = decroomcost + decancientcost + ((intnights - 3) * decswitchvariable)[/b]

               End If

               strmessage = "A reservation has been made for: " & "
" & strname & "

               strmessage &= "The room(s) cost is: " & decroomcost.ToString("C") & "

               strmessage &= "Arrival date " & cldbeginning.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString() & "
" & " for "  &               intnights & " night(s)"

               Lblmessage.Text = strmessage


               lbldateerror.Visible = True

           End If

       End If

   End Sub

End Class

Quote - Revenge is such a nasty thing that only breeds more vengeful souls, but in some situations revenge does not even need to be sought out, but only bided.

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Zip the project up and send them to me ([email protected]).


I'm having trouble understanding it as I can't see CDbl as being defined.


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Included all the rest of the code for you.




At first I had the CDBL written differently, but visual basic's "help you along" program wouldn't let me write it any other way for the drop down list, so no it isn't defined at all and shouldn't have to be if I was forced to write it that way.




*problem solved* just a case of erasing the "Cdbl"(stupid helping program caused that one).

Quote - Revenge is such a nasty thing that only breeds more vengeful souls, but in some situations revenge does not even need to be sought out, but only bided.

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