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Quest cape and cape rack


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Why the heck I can't put my quest cape to the cape rack in POH if I haven't completed all quests?




The point of the costume room is that you don't have to waste bank space for costume, but for the quest cape I'll have to waste it.




The rack doesn't even show capes for others, so there is no reason for this limitation.




But if I just keep the cape in the rack, it isn't thrown out when new quests are released. This proves the reasonlessness of the limitation.

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On the bright side, it doesn't take up much room out of your 496 spaces.




It does seem a bit pointless though.

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If you don't need to use it anymore, alch it for 50k. 49k isn't a whole lot in the big picture anyway, and next time you'll learn.




And if you do need it, it's only 2 spaces.




Oh btw, do you have the hood with you? You need both the cape and hood to store a cape on the rack, oddly...

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On the bright side, it doesn't take up much room out of your 496 spaces.




It does seem a bit pointless though.




lol...true...but apparently 496 bank spaces isn't enough in p2p....especially for people who have to bank EVERY SINGLE ITEM...... new idea, why not just wear it...it offers quite a good stat boost, and it'll stop the rest of us from hearing the whining...lol

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On the bright side, it doesn't take up much room out of your 496 spaces.




It does seem a bit pointless though.




lol...true...but apparently 496 bank spaces isn't enough in p2p....especially for people who have to bank EVERY SINGLE ITEM...... new idea, why not just wear it...it offers quite a good stat boost, and it'll stop the rest of us from hearing the whining...lol


Read the post, he hasn't finished all quests, so can't wear it. Zaaps offered a good suggestion though, if you, for some reason, find it difficult to bank it, just alch it.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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