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anti prayer prayer..


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whan i was looking at the rants board i came up with this idea








lvl50 prayer required




a prayer when used prevents anybody fighting u from using any prayer




but only if the enemy have lower prayer then you.




when using this prayer the user cant use any other prayer




and if 2 person that have the same prayer lvl uses it at the same time the person with higher exp will succeed




the picture is what it will look like when used.




the icon will only appear on those who use it








any comments will be appreciated

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yay lets make a prayer that gets rid of a prayer so that it can contradict itself.think of it this way:




both ppl have same prayer lvl




.u put on prayer




.he puts on prayer




.u put on cancel prayer




.he puts on his cancel prayer to cancel ur cancel prayer and puts prayer bak on




.u put ur cancel prayer to cancel his cancel prayer and prayers and put on prayers








another way to look at it:




both ppl have same stats except one has a prayer lvl that is 1 lvl higher than the other's. lets say these 2 duel with prayer on. because the person with 1 prayer lvl higher can use cancel prayer..he can have his own protect prayer on while cancelling the other's prayer.. so pretty much wat shuld have been an even duel becomes a landslide victory.












.lets just make it so that if both ppl have high prayer lvls that are teh same, instead of getting a better advantage, their prayer gets them nowhere. i hope u see how little u thought of this idea and how stupid it is.

R.I.P. Shiva

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that is impossible sence the anti prayer block him from using anyprayer :!:
so now it becomes whoever can click the anti prayer button first :roll: so wat happens if both of them have it on at the same time with the same prayer lvl?

R.I.P. Shiva

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50% chance for both person to use the prayer
ill pick that apart as best as i can:




1.u didnt post that in ur idea




2.u can just keep clicking on it till it works




3.no other prayer has a 50% chance




4.it still means that the first one to get it gets a massive advantage




5.now a pray noob is an anti prayer noob

R.I.P. Shiva

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50% chance for both person to use the prayer
ill pick that apart as best as i can:




1.u didnt post that in ur idea




2.u can just keep clicking on it till it works




3.no other prayer has a 50% chance




4.it still means that the first one to get it gets a massive advantage




5.now a pray noob is an anti prayer noob








1. :?:




2.do i have to quote myself?




u cant use any prayer when anti prayer in used :!: :!:




3.its 100%prayer prayer block

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50% chance for both person to use the prayer
ill pick that apart as best as i can:




1.u didnt post that in ur idea




2.u can just keep clicking on it till it works




3.no other prayer has a 50% chance




4.it still means that the first one to get it gets a massive advantage




5.now a pray noob is an anti prayer noob








1. :?:




2.do i have to quote myself?




u cant use any prayer when anti prayer in used :!: :!:




3.its 100%prayer prayer block

k here i go again




1. u still didnt post that in ur idea




2.yes quote urself, cuz i didnt see anything contradicting that




3.if u cant use prayer when the guy uses anti prayer, why not just forget the whole prayer skill altoghether? prayer was meant to be a supplement to the other forms of combat, you're dissecting it and making it a whole seperate type of combat

R.I.P. Shiva

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1,ok i put the 50% thing in me idea




the ? meant i was not sure what u are talking about








3.if u cant use prayer when the guy uses anti prayer, why not just forget the whole prayer skill altoghether? prayer was meant to be a supplement to the other forms of combat, you're dissecting it and making it a whole seperate type of combat








am i? i am just suggesting a way to stop ppl to whine about the usage of prayer.




esh....... :roll: read the thing clearly before u post

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1,ok i put the 50% thing in me idea




the ? meant i was not sure what u are talking about








3.if u cant use prayer when the guy uses anti prayer, why not just forget the whole prayer skill altoghether? prayer was meant to be a supplement to the other forms of combat, you're dissecting it and making it a whole seperate type of combat








am i? i am just suggesting a way to stop ppl to whine about the usage of prayer.




esh....... :roll: read the thing clearly before u post

the solution to prayer is NOT TO GET RID OF PRAYER, how bout u read that carefully? all u have said so far is get rid of prayer to fix prayer, can u rebut that comment?

R.I.P. Shiva

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the solution to prayer is NOT TO GET RID OF PRAYER, how bout u read that carefully? all u have said so far is get rid of prayer to fix prayer, can u rebut that comment?








did i say that?i am not getting rid of prayer,i am just trying to stop prayer from being complained about and being overused,but then to solve a problem u usually start another 1








why not just forget the whole prayer skill altoghether?








........u said to get rid of prayer urself..... :roll:

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u r getting rid of prayer if neither player can use prayer arent u? thats essentially wat ur doing by adding an anti prayer. and i sed "why not just forget the whole prayer skill altoghether?" because thats exactly wat ur doing. if ppl can negate ur prayers, wats the point of raising the prayer skill :roll: . next time u post think bout wat ur saying k?

R.I.P. Shiva

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u r getting rid of prayer if neither player can use prayer arent u? thats essentially wat ur doing by adding an anti prayer. and i sed "why not just forget the whole prayer skill altoghether?" because thats exactly wat ur doing. if ppl can negate ur prayers, wats the point of raising the prayer skill :roll: . next time u post think bout wat ur saying k?




so u can block other ppl prayer with higher prayer
















You know whats gonna happen if this think is implemented? Combat isn't gonna be about raising skills, it's going to be about clicking this prayer faster than your opponent NO MATTER WHAT. And if you succeed, it gives you a massive advantage.








People are going to start whining about the "anti-prayer" being too strong of a prayer and bring up a "anti-anti-prayer" to counter that.








And then.... You know what happens.

RsN: Arcade

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I'm confused. You want to stop prayer users by encouraging people to use prayer to block another persons prayer?








Why not make a prayer that is more appealing than the protection ones?

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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u r getting rid of prayer if neither player can use prayer arent u? thats essentially wat ur doing by adding an anti prayer. and i sed "why not just forget the whole prayer skill altoghether?" because thats exactly wat ur doing. if ppl can negate ur prayers, wats the point of raising the prayer skill :roll: . next time u post think bout wat ur saying k?




so u can block other ppl prayer with higher prayer

rofl, u said it urself:u can only use the prayer IF ur prayer is higher than his :roll: . this time TRY to think about ur post

R.I.P. Shiva

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You know whats gonna happen if this think is implemented? Combat isn't gonna be about raising skills, it's going to be about clicking this prayer faster than your opponent NO MATTER WHAT. And if you succeed, it gives you a massive advantage.








People are going to start whining about the "anti-prayer" being too strong of a prayer and bring up a "anti-anti-prayer" to counter that.







how do u know that u have higher prayer then your enemy then?




and u cant use any other prayer while using the anti-prayer while its used




I'm confused. You want to stop prayer users by encouraging people to use prayer to block another persons prayer?








Why not make a prayer that is more appealing than the protection ones?







yes,but this is a suggestion that might end the problem between the ppl who use prayer and those who call them prayer noobs




rofl, u said it urself:u can only use the prayer IF ur prayer is higher than his . this time TRY to think about ur post




let me rephrase that,so u can block other ppl prayer with your higher prayer





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scenario 1:




.when using block prayer u or ur opponent may not use any prayer




.im assuming that this prayer requires a lvl higher than the protect prayers




pretty much wat this does is get rid of the whole prayer skill altogether.








lets say 2 ppl are in the wild and their combat lvls are equal, only one person can use the block prayer, while the other has 43 prayer. in order for the higher person's prayer lvl to gain any advantage besides lasting longer, he must turn on the block prayer. but since the block prayer requires that all prayers be turned off besides itself..the guy with the higher prayer lvl has lost his higher prayer lvl advantage. how is that fair?








scenario 2:




.when using block prayer only ur opponent has all prayers turned off




.im assuming once again that this prayer requires a lvl higher than the protect prayers








say there are once again 2 ppl in the wild, with both having the same combat lvl, except one has the slight edge due to a 1+ prayer lvl (both can use the block prayer). since the other cant turn on block prayer, he is required to turn off all prayers the second the higher pray lvled person turns block prayer on. once this happens, the higher pray lvled person is free to pray as much as he wants giving him a landslide advantage, due to having just a +1 prayer lvl.








say they are both the same lvls, and both can use the block prayer and have the same prayer lvl. do u really want a fight in which the person who turns the prayer on first will have the advantage for the whole fight? thats completely unreasonable. if both of them cant turn on the block prayer in this situation, does it not become worthless to have raised prayer to that lvl? if both cannot turn the block prayer on, then the wild becomes a place of mere coincedence, in which battles are completely changed based on having the same prayer lvls.








take this situation:a 110 and an 80 fight, each having the same prayer lvl. the 110 is a ranger, while the 80 is a warrior. since they both have the same prayer lvl, the 80 has a significantly larger chance for survival, as he can turn on protect from ranged and get run away, due to the fact that his prayer lvl is the same as the 110's. if the 110 had a prayer lvl higher, the fight would be a lot more one sided, as the 110 could pray, but the 80 could not. In turn the 110's already massive advantage is increased by negating the 80's prayer. since prayer is not a factor, it becomes a fight inbetween the 80's stats and the 110's stats, and the 110 thus has a greater chance to win. If the 80 has a higher pray lvl, he gains a massive advantage, as he can protect from range and any prayer he chooses, while the 110 cannot use a prayer at all. so despite having a massive lvl bonus, the 110's chances of winnings significantly drop due to a slight prayer difference.








If we put the same situation into scenario 1 this happens: the fight is much like the previous, except that the 110 cannot pray, but still has a massive stat bonus over the 80. no matter what the difference in prayer lvl is (as long as both can use negate prayer), prayer will not become a factor if one of them has it on for the duration of the fight. If this is true, then there is no point in lvling your prayer passed negate prayer, as u probably wont be allowed to use prayers in a fight anyways, and in turn the whole prayer skill is ruined.

R.I.P. Shiva

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the lvl of prayer needed for anti-prayer is 50




but since the block prayer requires that all prayers be turned off besides itself..the guy with the higher prayer lvl has lost his higher prayer lvl advantage. how is that fair?




its not really fair,he can just close it but then the weaker person can use prayer.the anti prayer is just to give a prayerless fight plus its a prayer

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Blablbalbalbalab prayer omfb, im noob cant kill somebody with prayer, LIVE WITH IT! Just go deeper then 13 wilderniss, or get an higher strength and pwn 20's trough his prayer.. :|









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If this were to happen there would not be any sort of come back that many other things do have.








If this happened some people with high prayer got togther and used the prayer togther, In theory they could not use pray so they would turn of and then on. Creating a paradox in which the group would have infinite prayer, and the system would eventuly except that something was happening and reset the prayer so that the prayer would stay up and other prayers could be used(or backfire and permantly stop them from using prayer).








The idea is bad In so many ways...








The kalfight (whatever) queen would be taken down a peg though...

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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its not really fair
battles are supposed to be FAIR. there is a reason why there is a combat lvl system with wilderness lvls and multi/non multi zones. how would u like it if the moment u stepped foot into the wilderness u got teamed by 200 lvl 126's using all 3 forms of combat including ancient/normal magic mages. how is that fair? now imagine adding in ur stupid block prayer skill. wat is jagex gonna do about it now? they're gonna add a new got killed msg saying "u just got ur wagon sp00ned cuz wildy is officially bs".








this is pretty much wat ur post says to me:




PMFGZORZ!!!11on1one11!1!!111 even tho u arent supposed to prayz0rz in combatz0rz jag3x sh0uld m4k3 t3h 1337 prayer that bl0cks my 0pp0nents prayer so that jagex screws up 1ts 0wn sk1ll so 1 can say that i sp00ned a c0mb4t sk1ll.








the anti prayer is just to give a prayerless fight plus its a prayer
thx 4 contradicting urself in the same sentence k? so by adding this pointless prayer ur pretty much making the entire prayer skill pointless beyond lvl 50. thx for teh well thought argument kthxbai? :roll:

R.I.P. Shiva

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