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Why do you dislike mods so much silva? I find the mods here are usually pretty cool.


I dislike mods because all mods are filthy liars and trigger happy with the bannhammer button.



Like who...?


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Why do you dislike mods so much silva? I find the mods here are usually pretty cool.


I dislike mods because all mods are filthy liars and trigger happy with the bannhammer button.



Like who...?



My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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That's...the clan chat. The cc=/=/=TIF. Not even close. Seeing as 90% of the people in the chat are trolls, and the other 10% are wbms lurking....

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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Tip.it chat.


Theres your problem.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Well I don't go there anymore...


However I have an issue with censorship. A while back a bunch of people in the counting game actually created a forum to talk about stuff and how to win... at around the same time.. Runescape had a halloween event where they brought out purple cats for members. I was lucky enough to have an rs membership, and made a post about dying my cat purple...


one of the mods on that forum mis-interpreted it, thought I was a troll and deleted my post because he thought I was talking about something else :ohnoes: I have no idea what.


Anyways... I've disliked mods before that...


My general experience with them, is to stay away from them because they don't do any research before deleting people's posts and what not. :shock:

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Why are all the best anime intros from H-games? <_<


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Oh, it's not like I regularly look up H-game intros Halo. GTFO.

No need to get asspain. I was just wondering. Hence why the gif is like, wut

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I'm gonna walk over to my local vidya store to see if they have any vidya games worth renting. Any suggestions?


For Xbox 360 btw.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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Operation: Forum Games Necrobump.


Mission - In Progress.


dude.. wtf. don't fricking bump threads that aren't awesome. There are a lot of good threads already there.. find out if you like them..and decide to post. only post in a thread you actually find interesting.


Also mods get REALLY pissy when necrobumping is happening. Also its a bannable offense.


Soooo, I like Tip.it in all, I can go other places, but I think I would like to stay here for a while.

I can't go other places. Gtfo Comical.

In before Forum Games secession.


Death, how did you get malware and the rest of us didn't? >.>

I honestly don't know, but I've barely been on the computer today and that was one of the first things I clicked that I don't usually click. :mellow: I can't think of anything I've been on recently that could have caused it, since yesterday was just TIF, Youtube, and Skype. <_<


Anywho, I think it's gone so, good times. :twss:


Just out of curiosity and for my own future reference, what did you do to remove it (assuming it's fully gone, that is)? I generally turn to Malwarebytes and online scanners (or I just use DBAN and start over if there's nothing special on the hard drive and I don't feel like wrestling with it), but I figure it's never a bad idea to know other people's tricks just in case.

Basically, Malwarebytes is my savior. I usually don't have any problems after running it and my antivirus (AVG) a few times. If that doesn't solve it I just do some research on another computer as someone on the internet usually has a solution.


Isn't AVG one of the worst anti-viruses out there?

Seriously? I've heard it's one of the better ones. :wall: What is a good one? :unsure:


Oh, it's not like I regularly look up H-game intros Halo. GTFO.


Guilty. :uhh:

Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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I forgot what H meant in terms of anime.. :ohnoes:



Reminds me of when I posted that link to "Tentacle Erotica". :mrgreen:

Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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Oh, it's not like I regularly look up H-game intros Halo. GTFO.


Guilty. :uhh:

I want to put a smiley here, but I'm not sure which....


Ah, here we go.



My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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Oh, it's not like I regularly look up H-game intros Halo. GTFO.


Guilty. :uhh:

I want to put a smiley here, but I'm not sure which....


Ah, here we go.







Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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