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Crimson Raiders Defeats Collision ~ 4 hour Pkri, Ended in 2.


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Around Tuesday somebody from Collision came to J_Morg to ask for a war and the rules were set. It would be our first war on Saturday in 3 weeks after concentrating on Gmt clans for a while causing numerous Sunday fights. Unfortunately this week was bad for us consisting of fighting Tko Blitz, Rsd, Df, and Gladz + The so we came into this fight with 5 losses in a row, even though two were practice. Our moral was low but after the Df fights were done we got our motivation from whats his names video. Blaze Five? How many times did you die btw lol?? Quite hilarious I might add but none the less it gave us the motivation we needed.




The war mass began and we had quite a healthy number on. We had a 57 Yes sign up with 21 late ad 4 Maybes. We pulled those 57 at the start and the lates didn't let us down. We started with 177 against Col's 132?, give or take 15 ops. The war began and I'd say Col was more organized the first five minutes then Cr got it together and for the first hour,or the whole fight I'd say we dominated but Col still had a 60-75 op pile. Around 1 hour 10 minutes into the fight Dk crashed and Col got a regroup to 102 ops to our 150, but that didn't help. Within minutes the fight was again dominated and this time we were more motivated. We smashed their fall in's or regroups and kept the pressure on with the 7 snipers who we told to concentrate on different people.




A little under 1 hour 45 minutes Collision's main pile began to get hurt so bad they had less than a 30 op pile and they called it off. Cr went to members gate and determined to get their end ops waited 3 minutes and got what they wanted, barely, but got it. 201 ending options.




Thank you Collision for the fight and we are sorry for the few who might have sniped on accident but if you see somebody barred its instinct to turn onto their main pile, apologies none the less. Keep it clean Raiders.




Cr Start: 177


Col Start: 132




Cr End: 201


Col End: Probably around 120 if they took a fall in.






^ Cr Start




^ Frenchys kill




^Drews Loot + Rune plate + legs




^ 7 sniper unit in action




^ Skittles loot




^ Their main pile 2 minutes before the end. Gf hellosbro :P




^ End ops








Cheers for the fight Coll, it was fun. Goodjob Raiders <3

Crimson Raiders

oi94w0.jpgLeader | #CR @ SwiftIRC


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