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Ranging Iron Dragons


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What would be the best range lvl to do it? i'm 74 now, and using a setup of black d-hide rune c-bow and ruby enchanted bolts + diamond enchanted bolts i've done poorly in my view...(takes like a few minutes to kill 1 lol) so i was wondering if i should improve before going back :mrgreen:

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The best range level to kill iron dragons with would be 99... <.<




You won't notice much of a difference unless you get to 80+




There are better things to range - aviansies would be ideal for you, good exp and profitable.


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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If you want to range: Ranging potions + Rune C'bow with emerald bolts [e] for poisoning, then broad/mithril would be the most effective (cash/time), but at your level, it's highly unadvisable. (At 80+ you would do well; You could also try Obsidian Throwing Rings if you really want to waste a lot of money on a task)




I can see you have 79 magic, that is good enough. Do fire bolts (with chaos gauntlets) or slayer darts... or fire waves (I guess it's cheaper than diamond bolts anyway).




BTW IF YOU MELEE (As I would do if I were you): Use Leaf-Bladed Sword or Whip (Don't use dragon scimi as a guy I saw today there *facepalm* ) umm.. Black Mask (15% attack and strength realllllly helps) and zamorakian brews (you pray protect from melee the whole time. They lower your defence a little, but you don't need it, and rise your prayer - which you do need)




Good luck getting a visage *points at siggy*


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