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Level 92 looking for a fun clan. :)

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Hello gho5tm3!




We're a friendly clan called The Bloodshed Empire :D We have events, pk trips and wars in both f2p and p2p, so I'm sure we can figure something out for you! Feel welcome to join us at IRC: #BSE and you will realise we're a bunch of helpful and supportive people :)







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Your stats aren't nooby at all! Maybe you should try my clan? You fit the requirements perfectly ;). Everlasting Souls is a clan i recently made. We are pretty small at the moment, but im sure we can grow...










Recruitment Topic (God, im tired of people spamming up the forums by post their recruitment topic over and over)




Please consider :)

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  • 4 weeks later...





Forums | Runehead




What is Ancient Legion?


Ancient Legion was founded on April 15th, 2008 by two brothers. Since then, AL has been an always growing community, with an average of 5~10 new members per month. We have been estabilishing alliances with major clans on Runescape clanning community as we climb the ranks.


AL has as some of their main purpose being a friendly commuity, as well becoming notable among other clans.




Why should you join AL?




We could write a whole paragraph on how we focus on warring/skilling or being a friendly community. But that's what all other clans are... All their intro paragraphs say so... But we are different...


Don't misread it though: We are indeed a friendly community, but what makes AL unique?

    [*:29cybkk9] Our rules are enforced by various means, whether it be on the Clan Chat or the Forums. Many clans crumble for lack of rule enforcement. We don't.
    [*:29cybkk9] We are very active indeed. Some clans schedule their 1~2 events/week, or 1~2 wars/month. We don't. We schedule form 4~5 events/week (not counting short-notice events) and a constant of 1 warring (or war practice) per week. You won't find a friendly community with that rate of warring, and by joining Ancient Legion, you won't have to decide between activity and community.
    [*:29cybkk9] Although most of our events are F2P, we do schedule P2P events, and even a newbie trial member can schedule and request a headline for their own event, whether it be a minigame or a made up game.
    [*:29cybkk9] We have medium combat requirements (see below) and low item requirements, making it easy to become a Full Member once accepted.
    [*:29cybkk9] As every Runescape player, we strive for recognition as well notableness from the other clans, and as such, if you want to become famous, help and be helped to reach that goal, we are the right place for you.
    [*:29cybkk9] Other clans' staff are often offline or unreachable, or use their rank to get distance from the other members. In AL, our High Council members are as members as any other. They hardly use their rank powers, and are always accessible, willing to help or talk.
    [*:29cybkk9] Feats on the clan are NOT unnoticed. We are one of the few clans that award Clan Award Points for each good feat you do on the clan. It doesn't have to be anything big. Great tanking, winning contests or even being accepted from Trial to Full member award you these points!

What do we do?


Most clans would say: Wars, Monster trips and PK trips... But that's always the same thing... We are better. We do:

    [*:29cybkk9]Clan Wars
    [*:29cybkk9] Monster Trips (KBD, KQ, Corp Beast, GWD)
    [*:29cybkk9] PVP Trips, BH Trips
    [*:29cybkk9] Week-lasting contests
    [*:29cybkk9] Minigames such as (Fist of Guthix, Pest Control, the new Mobilising Armies)
    [*:29cybkk9] Roach Hunts
    [*:29cybkk9] Seasonal Clan Awards
    [*:29cybkk9] Made up events (using the new Faruq Tools)
    [*:29cybkk9] Occasional Funorb events and tournaments
    [*:29cybkk9] Interclan duel tournaments
    [*:29cybkk9] And if your favorite event is not there, you are free to schedule it. You don't need to ask an event coordinator to do it for you!





Clan Info


Standard player Requirements:


85 Combat or 75 with referral




Pure Requirements:


80 Magic or Range




Item Requirements

    [*:29cybkk9]Full set of Runite Armour
    [*:29cybkk9]Explorer Ring 3 is a requirement for full membership
    [*:29cybkk9]Team Cape 15

How to apply

To apply, visit our forums at http://z9.invisionfree.com/Ancient_legion/ register an account. After you are validated and accepted you'll be given Trial Membership. Easy as that. Please note that we require a screenshot of your skills. You can upload it directly to our forums if needed. When you meet the necessary requirements to become a Full member you'll be able to apply.
You don't really have to meet the requirements to be a Trial Member. Only Full Members meet the reqs.
Golden Arm42
Lamb Bug
High Council
K Arthur90

[*:29cybkk9]All members are to follow our rules, as well Jagex rules.
[*:29cybkk9]No multi-clanning, except for GWD/Corp clans, pure clans, or merchanting clans.
[*:29cybkk9]Leaders and Council holds the final word.

Remember: You could join a clan. Or you can join Ancient Legion!

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Nëon is a fun clan which was original started from The Shadowed Legion. It was started by one of Mr. Blah Man's successors, Jaeslyn, when he decided to retire. The Shadowed Legion had a rich history and tight friendships, so Jaeslyn decided to partner with Bigman Sword to create Nëon as we know it today. Neon is growing fast daily, and has a loyal group of core members devoted to having fun together and helping out each other.




We do our best at Nëon to make all members feel welcome and valuable. We have a strong, mature leadership that is dedicated to Nëon's success. We have fun events, skill and train together, and do some casual warring. We also have extremely active forums and a mature leadership staff.








About Neon


Clan Owners


    [*:2sxn6ne8]Bigman Sword


Clan Leaders








Clan Chat




Clan Attire


Rune (g) Armor, Neon "Fancy Boots", Yellow Gloves, Team-13 Cape




P2P: 28 | F2P: 29




Tyr's Guard






PORT: 6749


Guests allowed.










    [*:2sxn6ne8]70+ Combat OR 800+ Total Level
    [*:2sxn6ne8]10 Posts on the forums per month minimum






Staff Positions




Nëon selects staff members based on positive attitude, willingness to work, and talents and skills. There are many opportunities to help out on staff, but ALL members are encouraged to take an active role in promoting the clan's success. Each staff position has a specific function and maintains a certain part of the clan.




The current ranks are:




    [*:2sxn6ne8]Clan Owner
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Leaders - Head of Activity, Head of Development, Head of Moderation, and Head of War
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Events Team
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Web Design
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Web Development
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Recruitment Staff
    [*:2sxn6ne8]War Captain







Events and Activities




Neon does many different types of events whether they are created by the Events Team, War Staff or just an ordinary member. Sometimes they aren't even planned, as people just hop into the clan chat, grab a few friends and go. Warring is one of the main activities that Neon participates in although we are not a warring clan.




A List Of A Few Events:


    [*:2sxn6ne8] Against All Odds (P2P)
    [*:2sxn6ne8] Allied Clan Events
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Avanise Trip
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Barbarian Assault
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Blast Furnace
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Boss Killing
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Burthorpe Game Area
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Castle Wars
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Clan Meetings
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Clan Pictures
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Clan Wars
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Cow Assault
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Dire Consequences (P2P)
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Drop Parties
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Duel Arena (Tournaments)
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Fist Of Guthix
    [*:2sxn6ne8]God Wars Dungeon
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Great Orb Project
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Kalphite Queen
    [*:2sxn6ne8]King Black Dragon
    [*:2sxn6ne8]House Parties
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Pest Control
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Skilling Races (The Claim to Fame)
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Soul Wars
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Stealing Creations
    [*:2sxn6ne8]Team Events (Skilling Legion and Signature of the Week)
    [*:2sxn6ne8]War Practices


A v a .


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A young man looks on wearily at the burning town, the wind sweeping beneath his feet and catching the rose petals strewn across the field and sending them into the air in chaotic spirals. The tears roll down his dirty cheeks and fall to the ground, mixing in the calyix cascade. His hand tightens on the leather-bound hilt of his simple sword, and with a deep breath he turns with fire now blazing in his eyes...














Website: http://fallen-rose-clan.com/




Forums: http://forums.fallen-rose-clan.com/index/




Clan Chat: F_R_Talk










Fallen Rose is a clan with a strong history within Runescape itself, and our current members appreciate all who have walked before them in this great clan. However, now it is time to also look to the future. We are recruiting people who are looking to add something different to their gameplay. We are looking for those who value honour, valour, fairplay and friendship. These are what we cherish the most, and what we look to nurture in our members.












80+ Combat








80+ Range/Magic








Attack/Defense/Strength must be in High Scores




We may make exceptions on pures, with each case being reviewed individually.








We specifiy in team-events.This includes many of the boss-monsters (such as KQ, KBD, Mole etc) as well as minigames (such as Clan Wars, Castle Wars, Stealing Creation etc). Furthermore, we are now looking to extend our prowess in PvP, and warring.










There are many clans out there, so if you are looking to join one you sometimes have trouble finding the right one. Fallen Rose is a clan which will welcome you, help you through in-game issues, and is a society that enhances every aspect of gameplay.






Come and check out our Clan Chat (F R Talk), and see for yourself.

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Hey, we're a new clan but we'd love to have you join us.








Hey everyone,


My name is David and I'm here to tell you to join New Theory!




Why Join New Theory?


-This clan is for Expierenced runescape members!


-We listen to our members, The clan is not just run by leaders, But we believe everyone should have a say.


-We would like to keep the clan more mature, and Respectful towards everyone.


-We have two VERY dedicated leaders who truely won't let you down!


-We have cookies!


-And we are a very positive supportive clan, when you are accepted by us, it's not just into the clan, It's into a family.




What are the Requirements?




Well, only because you asked...lol


Because the clan is for both skillers and killers we require TOTAL LEVEL or COMBAT LEVEL




-Member: 700+ Skill Total OR 80+ Combat OR one 90+ skill


-Senior Member: 1000+ Skill Total OR 90+ Combat.


-Elite Member: 1400+ Skill Total OR 110+ Combat.




More info?!?!?!?!?




I know you want to know the Clan Chat, and the IRC!!




Clan Chat - NewTheory_CC


IRC - #New-Theory




Join those if you have any questions, or when you apply!






The Staff




Well as I mentioned before we have a very dedicated staff of two people SO FAR!




If you want to get far up in a clan, and you think you belong in a leadership role we will let you show us! WE WILL NOT JUST GIVE OUT FREE STAFF SPOTS, You MUST Earn them. And There are many ways for you to earn a spot!




So come and join us!


We promise you'll love it!















I know we are not a very big clan, But every clan starts somewhere. Our leaders are extremely active, and they understand what it's like being members of a clan. Please be patient, Loyal, and just help out, and I PROMISE you we will be a sucessful clan!




Thank you so much for considering New Theory


-Leader, David.

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Hey there,




You should consider joining The Miners and Smithers of RuneScape. Formed in 2003, we are a fun and friendly clan open to both free players and members.




We are a fun skilling and events based clan, and host events ranging from firefests, to clan wars, to hide and seek, trawler events, castle wars and much more. If you dont want to attend an event, then you dont have to - or you could even host your own. Some people only join to be a part of our great community - it really is an open enviroment for everyone. But with up to 6 events every week, a mixture of f2p and p2p events, and a dedicated event team, I'm sure that we can offer something of interest.




We also have a thriving and friendly community, with our own dedicated forums, IRC channel and clan chat, so theres plenty of chances to have a laugh.




The only problem I can see is that you will need to get your Smithing level to 50 to meet our requirements. Your only a few levels away anyway, so it shouldnt take long at all. I would personally reccomend smelting about 1.5k Steel bars if you want to do it quickly and cheaply.




If you want to learn more about us, our full recruitment topic may be found here, our website here, and our forums here.




Give it a though. :)

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Introduction to Tyr's Guard




  • Tyr's Guard is a friendly/laid back Runescape Community. We pride ourselves in how easily we make new friends. Most of us are older players (17+). Please come by and fill out and application today! We accept anyone with 80+ Combat!




Tyr's Guard History




  • Tyr (or Tiw, Ziw) is the ancient god of War and the Lawgiver of the gods. He sacrifices his hand so that the evil Fenris wolf may be bound. At one time he was the leader of the Norse Pantheon, but was supplanted by Odin much later. There is nothing to indicate how this occurred; one assumes that he simply "stepped back" and let Odin assume the position of leadership. It was rumored that Odin is his father. Tyr is excellent in all manners of Justice, fair play, and Right Action.
    Most of the Clan Owners/Leaders know each other from their hometown in Arkansas. All of us have been good friends for a long while. This is the first attempt at a Runescape Clan, but not a first at something this big.




Basic Information to TG




  • Requirements: 80+ F2P Combat
    Xfire Chat Room: tyrs guard chat
    Runescape Clan Chat: Tyrs Guard
    Homeworld(s): 10 (F2P) 48 (P2P)
    Clan Cape: Team Cape 22




Tyr's Guard Leadership




  • Clan Owners:
    Soren Zero
    Clan Leaders:[/size]
    tortoisesr - Head Forum Moderator
    lxRonxl - Clan Chat Admin
    Cutdren- WarLord
    Randollini - Events Team Leader
    Fellow Staff Members:
    updated as of 28th June 2009


Tyr's Guard Clan Events




  • - Clan War Trips
    - KBD hunting Trips
    - KQ hunting Trips
    - Stealing Creation
    - Soul Wars
    - Skilling Parties
    - Tzhaar Trips
    - Duel Arena Tournaments
    - House Parties
    - GWD trips
    - Monster Boss Trips
    - Combat-Related Events
    - Special Events like Birthday Parties etc.




Tyr's Guard Media




8SyR0wpCsEs gdGw2W4uZFs






Tyr's Guard Credits




  • If you would like to join Tyr's Guard, do not hesitate to join our clan chat or pm
    one of the staff above and they will direct you to our site. Also, any queries should
    be pmed to the clan owners/leaders above. Hope to see you soon and have a great
    day. Courtesy o Swan760 who made this template.

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Welcome to Immortal Retaliation, the strongest clan in its class. Boasting over 150 active members, we alone hold the title as the STRONGEST 100- CLAN IN RUNESCAPE. Join us, and discover that when it comes to warring, Immortal Retaliation is simply the best.




RSB Thread: http://[Please Use QuickFind Code].com/c=lP3zK-SlUr ... 9,58981889


Clan Website: http://www.freewebs.com/immortal-retaliation/home.htm


RuneHead Memberslist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=immortalr




We are the clan who MADE RUNESCAPE HISTORY. We are the first and only clan to be ranked as the strongest warring clan on 9 DIFFERENT WARRING LADDERS. No other clan has ever come close.




Ranked #1 100- Warring Clan by RSB Top Clans!


Ranked 1st on the RSB Battle Ladder's F2P 100- League!


Ranked 1st on the RSB Battle Ladder's P2P 100- League!


Ranked 1st on the RSB Variety Ladder's F2P 100- League!


Ranked 1st on the RSB Variety Ladder's P2P 100- League!


Ranked 1st on the RSB Variety Ladder's F2P Mini-War League!


Ranked 1st on the RSB Variety Ladder's P2P Mini-War League!


Ranked 1st on the Champion Ladder's 100- F2P League!


Ranked 1st on the Champion Ladder's 100- P2P League!


Ranked 1st on the Scramble Ladder's Full Out League!


Ranked 1st on the Scramble Ladder's Mini-War League!


Ranked 1st on the Heroes Battle Ladder!


Ranked Most Active 100- Warring Clan on the RSB!


Undefeated #1 Clan in the Tournament of Champions!


Retired Champion of the RSB Variety Ladder's 2v2 League!


Retired Champion of the Vicious League Ladder Wars!


Retired Champion of the Unified Powers Ladder!


Retired Champion of the RSB Territory Ladder!


Retired Champion of the United Clans Ladder!


Retired Champion of the Iron Wars Ladder!


Retired Champion of the Unholy Ladder!


Proud Veteran of over 100 Triumphs in War!






Skill. Prestiege. Competence.

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