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The Guide to Superglass Make


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Do you hate Crafting? Would you like to make a profit? Do you like withdrawing things from banks and then clicking on a spell icon? Well than this guide is for you! Continue reading to find out more about the exciting life of a Superglass Maker, no Doctorate required! Notice how I didn't use a single period in my introduction?




[hide=What is Superglass Make?]Superglass Make is a spell in which you turn seaweed and sand into molten glass. Most people assume that you lose money because they don't count the extra glass you get, which is, on average, 4, and this is how you make your profit, and what a profit it is!.[/hide]

[hide=Requirements]-Completion of Lunar Diplomacy


-77 Magic


-Full bank (Reccomended)


-Basic knowledge of mousekeys (Significantly slower without mousekeys)


-Decent pile of starting cash (Maybe 5-10mil at least)[/hide]



Air staff is for unlimited air runes, and the ring of dueling is for getting to duel arena, which is better than castle wars for this, because sometimes you need to collect your sand and seaweed (Doesn't usually sell instantly) and castle wars doesn't have a regular banker where you can collect items from the Grand Exchange.




Make sure you take all of your astrals and fires, so they don't have a placeholder and deposit when you hit deposit all. 26 spaces is for 13 sand and 13 seaweed.[/hide]

[hide=Mousekeys]These are your mouse speed settings (Control panel > Mouse > Pointer Options):




and these are your actual mousekeys settings (Control panel > Accessibility Options > Mouse > Settings):




I actually like put the mouse speed (The first picture) one notch lower, as I'm more comfortable with the speed, and I end up landing on "Withrdaw x" less often.[/hide]

[hide=How to use them]This is where it gets tricky, and this is also what most people don't know. You use the 2 and 8 keys on your number pad, and use your mouse for all the actual clicking, if you use your 5 button, you'll drag your items and overall it just works better if you use your mouse. Here are some pictures, you can see where my sand and seaweed is at, and how my bank is full(I use the Deposit all feature, you can go just as fast without it, but it makes it easier, and you'll mess up a lot without it), place your sand and seaweed near the deposit all feature.




Right click on the sand and press down on 2, you should be at the 13, left click, DO NOT MOVE YOUR MOUSE




Press 8 and you should be up at the Seaweed, right click, press down on the 2, you'll be on the "All" or "All but one" left click, and you have all the sand and seaweed you need, now exit out your bank.




Click on the spell icon, and click on the bank while your character is moving his/her's arms down for the second time.[/hide]

[hide=Tips and Tricks]-You can use StickyKeys so you don't always have to hold down the Control button


-If you stand a few steps away from the bank and click to bank, and while you're walking click on the spell, you perform the spell and bank as soon as the spell finishes, this can help you with your timing


-It takes 2.4 seconds to cast, banking time varies


-Click on the deposit all button while your bank is still loading (i.e. when the screen freezes)[/hide]

[hide=Further help (Videos)]My friend currently has two videos up about superglass make, if anything was unclear, you might wanna take a look at his videos, too.


(This one is with commentary, more like a whole other guide)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qfp9eyqb8M&feature=channel_page (This one is just him performing the spell)[/hide]

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Moved on request. :)








Tip.It Moderator.

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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Nice guide




only a matter of time now before this becomes obsolete like string ammy did :(




Eh, this isn't that easy to do, really click intensive, so hopefully not enough people will do it to make it less effective. When people still cut Yews for "Money", it shows that people like relaxing, even though at times this can make 700k an hour.

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I knew about this a year and a half ago, when it was still relatively quiet and it was about the same profit. It's quite well known now and not much has changed, so I don't think making a guide will hurt too bad.

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I knew about this a year and a half ago, when it was still relatively quiet and it was about the same profit. It's quite well known now and not much has changed, so I don't think making a guide will hurt too bad.




I doubt my guide will change much of anything, maybe a few people will start doing this, but definitely not enough people to change the entire market.




In the meantime, I want to figure out if this is more efficient (Cause people are obsessed with efficiency nowadays) than Green D'Hide bodies, I also want to make the guide a little bit more readable, maybe adding a little bit of humor.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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From a video I saw, the max without mouse keys is around 450 spells an hour, or 35k exp per hour. I can get 600 spells, or 47k magic exp, per with mousekeys. My long term average (63-80) was significantly lower than that, though, due to talking/mistakes, but mostly talking.


I'd also hold off on doing it till later, till cause it's only about 1k gp per cast atm, whereas it was 2.5k gp per cast two weeks ago. Visit this link, it has an updating profit per cast, first sentence of 'Profit' section.

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