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Need siggy help


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Works for me..




I don't know what you did, but try copying the link only and pasting it into your signature. Now highlight it, and click the "img" button to surround it with img tags.




Like this:








You can just paste that into your signature.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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This is what you need:












Lunar beat me to it? :shock:





angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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You probably have "Disable BBCode" checkbox checked. Under the box where you make your signature, you'll see a few check boxes above the "Submit" button.




Make sure "Disable BBCode" does not have a checkmark.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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I tested it with my own account, showing a preview.


Here's the screen...




[hide=The way it should work]mawepf.jpg[/hide]





angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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Nothing even when you try what I have in the screenshot I posted?





angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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Maybe if you save the picture on your computer and upload it on imageshack or tinypic and then put the direct link of that picture in your sig with the code?




Or maybe try a tip.it sig?





angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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Are your signature image privelages revoked? I don't know if that's possible on these forums. But I don't see anything else that could cause the problem if you did what we said.




Uploading it to another site won't do anything if it's just his signature and our copies worked when we tried.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Maybe if you save the picture on your computer and upload it on imageshack or tinypic and then put the direct link of that picture in your sig with the code?




The picture wouldn't update if he did it that way.




Are you able to put any type of picture in your signature? if you are able to then that closes a few factors of what the problem is. You can contact a Adminsitrator or try another website (tip.it make signatures).

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Try posting this in your signature.










*edit* I have your sig in my sig, by the way.. so it works on Tip.It.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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i am positively positive I dont have BBcode checked




So i made one with tipit and i have these




Direct Link




Website Link




Tip.It Forum ONLY BBCode




Forum (BBCode) Link






Now which one do i put in the siggy box and do i uncheck bbccode with the one you tell me to use

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This is my tip.it sig:


















What happens if you copy paste that?





angel2w.gif Tip.It Website Crew Leader


I love it how Jafje comes outa nowhere and answers my questions

Hehe now we know what real life does...drugs, drugs, more drugs. Thank god we are addicted to something that won't kill us.


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i am positively positive I dont have BBcode checked ...do i uncheck bbccode with the one you tell me to use


I'm confused. Do you have it checked or not?




Just use the [nstats] one if you're only planning on putting up on Tip.it. Make sure there is not a checkmark next to "Disable BBCode".



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Check your board preferences. Under "edit posting defaults", do you have "enable BBCode" set to "no"? If you do, set it to "yes" and you should be okay.



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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