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Looking for a little constructive criticism on Photoshop sig


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Hey everybody 8)








I made my current sig a while ago in photoshop. I like it well enough, but I am no longer playing runescape. So I wanted to re-make it using images from outside rs. And I figure, if I'm remaking it anyway, why not ask around to see what suggestions people have?








I'm not experienced at image manipulation or anythin; so I used a fairly simple process to make my current sig. Each image is on its own layer, and each layer is semi-transparent (except name and character on top). The only effects I used were outer glow on each image and stroke on the text.








When I make the new one, I want it to have the same "form," but if you have any suggestions about ways to improve, things that look awkward, etc, go ahead and post here. Rate my sig if you want, I don't really care, I'm really just looking for simple ideas on how to tweak the "form" when I make my new sig.








And of course, what kind of pictures do you think I should use?








All help is appreciated, thanksabunch :D

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18 views and no replies? :?








Cmon guys, all you have to do is glance at the image and post one thing about it that you don't like. The worst that can happen is that I make fun of you.....








Anyway, here's what I have made for my new, non-rs sig. Good? Bad? Ugly...?......Anyone...?......Bueller?..........Bueller?





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to much stuff in the sig








Such meaning...Such...POWER








Actually, its probably true....If you want to continue with this style, then pick a few of the most meaningful ones and work with them.....trying not to overlay them and get them all messy....
















P.S. you might consider toning down the brightnicity of the images included :(

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Yeah, I have turned up the transparency on the background images to make them less bright. As for the guy being over the name, all that he's covering up is the 5 and 3, which aren't really important. So I personally think that's okay.








Anyway, the focus is really supposed to be on the name and the guy over it.








As for it being too messy, that is what I was afraid of. But my idea is that if you glance at the image, you see name and guy over it. Then if you take the time to look closer you can see all these images meshed in behind.








That's the idea, anyway. I'll play around with it and post a new one in.....about 6 hours maybe. Thanks for the help everyone :D








Feel free to keep throwing me some criticism.

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OK, I tried to edit last post, but it didn't work :?








Anyway, here's what I've done:




- Little more glow around the name and front image




- Changed color of that glow




- Made all background/collage images a little more transparent








I have NoT yet tried deleting any images to make it less cluttered.












What I'm shooting for is this:




At first glance, you notice name and front image




Then, if you are interested, you can look closer and discover interesting images in the background.








Does this accomplish that? Are the text and front image the obvious main focus? Are the background images clear enough, or are they just way too cluttered to examine them at all? Should I actually start deleting images :shock: ?








I don't mind them being messy, just so long as they're not incomprehensible.








Thanks for reading, everybody. Go ahead and be cruel when you criticize what I've done :D

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hmm, i think u shud stay away from collages








instead of crowding the sig with ppl u probably dont even know/like (did i see prince william in there?) put something that actually interests you








things you cant go wrong with:




















alien or predator (reffering to the movies)




basically any fantasy animal




halo? (game)




cartoon characters








you get the idea








mess around, and take the hideous text out its making me feel sick

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Haha that hideous text is my handwriting :lol: :lol:




I was playing around with scanning my rl signature and playing with the image in photoshop. By sending the contrast through the roof, I got those grainy bright colors to come out of the pencil line, and so I wrote my online name and used it as a sig ever since.








I don't think I'll change that, but I might play with it to make it look smoother if it does look bad to everyone.








instead of crowding the sig with ppl u probably dont even know/like (did i see prince william in there?) put something that actually interests you




No, Prince William is not in there. Every image in there has significant personal meaning to me, that's the whole point. The list of stuff you gave, that seems like all the stuff you would put in, and I'm not you.




Although I do think cartoon characters or some DoD (game) images might work.








I'll play with the image, maybe post a new one soon, any new opinions are appreciated :D

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