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New DVD Burner Woes [Problem Solved]


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Well I recently [today] purchased a cheap Comstar DVD +/- RW. It reads and writes at 16x...and was on sale at BestBuy Canada for 39.99.




Here is the link:








Comstar DVD RW








On top of that, I purchased a spindle of 50 DVD-R's, on sale for 17.99.




Here is the link








Maxell DVD-R








Now onto my problem. My computer recognizes the drive as a DVD-RW. However, when I insert the blank DVD-R, the DVD-RW drive changes to a CD-R drive. I cannot even write a single thing to this disc, at all.








Prior to the DVD drive installation, I had a cd-rw drive. When I try to use both the CD-RW and DVD-RW drives, my computer identifies it as one drive, which does not even work altogether.








When I insert the blank DVD-R into the CD-RW drive alone, it correctly identifies that I have a DVD-R blank disc.








So my DVD-R disc works. My DVD-RW drive works. My CD-RW drive works. But NONE will work together. I cannot operate any of the two mentioned above with one another. What the heck is going on?? :cry:








More specifically, both drives are connected on the secondary IDE channel. When simultaneously connected [both connected at once] the BIOS identifies it as one drive on the secondary slave drive, and as a very odd name with letters, numbers, and a few??'s. So right off the bat, the BIOS identifies both wrongly as one.








When I attach one onto the Primary channel with my hard drive, it causes my hard drive to malfunction and not boot up. It's very weird...








Even when only my DVD - RW drive is connected, and I pop in the blank dvd-r, the drive changes to CD-R. :x




Help please! :(









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Well for anyone who cares, I've finally figured it out. The multiple drives problem was due to the fact that both drive jumpers were set on master. I simply switched one jumper to slave, and it worked. Hah....








Second problem of my computer identifying it wrong, there was an installation problem in nero. I simply uninstalled and reinstalled, and norton correctly saw my dvd burner.








As for it appearing incorrectly in my computer, supposedly windows xp cannot identify dvd media, is what google tells me. Anyhow, it all works fine, and I've successfully burnt my first dvd. Yay.









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Well for anyone who cares, I've finally figured it out. The multiple drives problem was due to the fact that both drive jumpers were set on master. I simply switched one jumper to slave, and it worked. Hah....








Second problem of my computer identifying it wrong, there was an installation problem in nero. I simply uninstalled and reinstalled, and norton correctly saw my dvd burner.








As for it appearing incorrectly in my computer, supposedly windows xp cannot identify dvd media, is what google tells me. Anyhow, it all works fine, and I've successfully burnt my first dvd. Yay.
















Yay. That was exactly what I was going to suggest the problem was :wink:

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