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[Fun war] Divine Vindicators defeats Godz of destruction


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if you guys are exposing our stuff there are stuff in your forums that go against dv, like amaturenoobs sig, im not gona post pic, im just saying


well what about dv bringing in stuff that are from df irc or tpr irc? same issue.....


it goes both ways its not just dandaman bringing in a screeni of flames towards t0....


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dv= most hated clan so that means everyone wanna do everything they can to make them look more noobs even if its a lie that dv cheated, you will trust them because dv is most hated clan.


gj dv :thumbsup:






lol ^


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dv= most hated clan so that means everyone wanna do everything they can to make them look more noobs even if its a lie that dv cheated, you will trust them because dv is most hated clan.


gj dv :thumbsup:





I love you tr nerd !!!



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before reading the commnets, I was like naise DV.


After reading comments... I LOL'd


TBH I actually have friends in DV that i talk to daily, MOST of the people there arent that bad, just a few corrupted ones make that clan hateful for others. DV high ranks needs clean some [cabbage] out, like multi - clanners, flamers, clan hoppers, flame baits; people who does NH stuff like daring making videos about others, but not having the guts to let others see? Not mentioning any names here.....but I think DV high ranks in their right mind knows who those people in DV are.


You are welcome to quote this and do any comeback, but don't expect any replies, a good clan speaks for itself.



~~~Proud Ex-Council of Tempted Killers, There Since Day One~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Regrets, Only Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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What we do at our forums should not be anyone else's concern.


If you think it is,

visit T0 forums about DF asking T0 for alliance, and read the comments of some of the members of both Downfall and T0 about DV.


Is it that Downfall a number 1 clan, and T0 a rising clan have no identity without including DV in there talks, strange :unsure:


Keep dreaming that all t0 and df talk about is you, they just see you as scum and thats why they hate on you. If a scum clan asked a good clan for alliance of curse they would get trolled.But if you really think that "dv" is all over their forums you sir are cocky and delusionall,not to mention with a false sense of being a badass (OH YEAH WERE DA MOST HATED CLAN BOI)




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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What we do at our forums should not be anyone else's concern.


If you think it is,

visit T0 forums about DF asking T0 for alliance, and read the comments of some of the members of both Downfall and T0 about DV.


Is it that Downfall a number 1 clan, and T0 a rising clan have no identity without including DV in there talks, strange :unsure:

Asking for an alliance isn't flaming but okay, The comments are in response to some beef that happened long ago. Dv created a vid about T0, instead t0 made a topic about it saying how would you handle the situation etc and They didn't make a video back. The point I made was you guys make videos about other clans, don't back it up, and START the beef. TPR responds to it. I don't mind you talking [cabbage] on your own forums too much but when you make vids etc for the community to see then I'll start taking it more serious. BTW saying how t0/df are scared to pvp you in a vid makes you really dumb seeing as you declined several pkri's with downfall, not to mention you decline TPR one when we had pulls of 10-20 and you had ML of 70+.



dv= most hated clan so that means everyone wanna do everything they can to make them look more noobs even if its a lie that dv cheated, you will trust them because dv is most hated clan.


gj dv :thumbsup:





ohi Hows Valery?


before reading the commnets, I was like naise DV.


After reading comments... I LOL'd


TBH I actually have friends in DV that i talk to daily, MOST of the people there arent that bad, just a few corrupted ones make that clan hateful for others. DV high ranks needs clean some [cabbage] out, like multi - clanners, flamers, clan hoppers, flame baits; people who does NH stuff like daring making videos about others, but not having the guts to let others see? Not mentioning any names here.....but I think DV high ranks in their right mind knows who those people in DV are.


You are welcome to quote this and do any comeback, but don't expect any replies, a good clan speaks for itself.


I completly aggree, DV could be a great clan. I'd respect them if they solved their internal problems as they do truly have some good members in there, unfortunatly their ranks mainly post around here and cause the problems so I don't think they will solve anything yet. If the ranks are causing the problems you might want to start striking them; You recently added the 'strikes' section to your forums, I'd suggest using it a lot more than you already have.


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What we do at our forums should not be anyone else's concern.


If you think it is,

visit T0 forums about DF asking T0 for alliance, and read the comments of some of the members of both Downfall and T0 about DV.


Is it that Downfall a number 1 clan, and T0 a rising clan have no identity without including DV in there talks, strange :unsure:


Keep dreaming that all t0 and df talk about is you, they just see you as scum and thats why they hate on you. If a scum clan asked a good clan for alliance of curse they would get trolled.But if you really think that "dv" is all over their forums you sir are cocky and delusionall,not to mention with a false sense of being a badass (OH YEAH WERE DA MOST HATED CLAN BOI)



aww man i dont wana start another fight, and give mods work to do, we not cocky that we are most hated - yh wow, we bad or whatever your trying to say. If dv is accused of cheaitng all the haters are gona accuse us and it will go on and on, and hardly anyone will take our side because we most hated. Its like everyone is against dv, if you get what i mean?














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Looks like this thread has gone a little bit off topic. Anyways, gl dv and better luck next time Godz.. This was a fun war so there really isn't anything to gain or argue from this; you can always make a rematch if you want. Happy Holidays to everyone in the TWR Community; from Lth. :lol:

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mehhh this thread is more like an arena between df,dv,t0 and tpr... anyways just rematch and thats it

cafq0zh5.gifElite Member of Ascension | hrkot2.gifSenior Member of Silent Ember | 3145bsw.jpgOld School of TPR


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