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basic,low,med,high lvl alchemy


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right so you all know theres low&high alching iv got a new set:




basic:what general store buys for w/0 in stock




low:what general sell sells for w/0 in stock




medium:what specialty store buys for w/normal stock




high:what specialty store sells for w/normal stock








spell lvls 1lvl higher than fires pell

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I'll take your version of "LOW" any day, since the general store selling price is higher than the specialist.








Now some form of "Advanced alchemy" with a better price than "high", sounds good at first thought, but it would cause instant hyper-inflation, with Rune meds, for instance, floating at a price just below the advanced alchemy, instead of just below the high alch price as they do now.








Advanced alchemy would be good for high magic smiths, and sellers of items, but very bad news indeed for buyers.

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yes....this idea will be totally useless (unless you use runes other than nature runes, which would make it cheap and affordable to people who can't perform high alchemy.....but I still don't really like the idea)

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the point is so low lvls can make ez money








They have low alchemy. And alching is hardly easy money. Its not like you hit the alch button and money appears... You need to either buy items to alch, or make them yourselves. Then you take prices of runes into consideration. There is usually very little profit, if any.

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