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Ideas for new Weapons.....


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your right that a shield could block more. But compare carrying a 10 to 15 pound sword to a 30 to 40 pound shield, it makes you quicker, so if you are using lighter more agile weapons you would have an advantage over some one who is lugging aroung twice the weight. With 2 swords you would have the advantage, if you went to slash or thrust with one sword he would be forced to make a defensive move to that attack leaving more open to a quick rally of another attack. There is no way that the guy with a shield and a sword has a speed advantage.




Secondly there is a lot more going into this. If you are wearing full plate armor i think having two swords would be a disadvantage because with full plate armor your mobility is limited and your defense is much more increased making two weapons almost pointless, the only way two weapons would work would be lighter armor, not leather, because that is two weak you would need some sort of chain. That way you would still fairly good mobility and you wouldnt be overencumbered with extra weight. It aslo depends on what you are wielding, two axes is absurd and would never work, the only feasible thing would either be two swords but they couldnt be two big you have to maintain a light and agile position. The obvious thing is a sword and dagger, that way you would block with your sword and bring in the dagger to finsish them off. BUt i still think with two swords you would be able to increase your attack. I dont believe that you wouldnt be able to use the weaker arm and not just the dominant one. If you work equally hard at both they would both devolp and both be equally powerfull, sort of a pseudo, amphidextrious (is that how it is spelled?). I know this because i play basketball a lot and am almost equally skilled with both arms. If you practiced everyday you could use either arm equally well. What the dual wielder would do would be attack quickly and try to catch the other moving slowly with all the wieght and then move in. The key are quick strikes and moving quickly in order not to give the opponent a chance to retaliate.








PS i have really enjoyed this discussion.








The weight of a shield in comparison to a longsword (say, 15lb. as opposed to 4lb.) is offset by the fact that you don't actually have to move the shield as much. A sword relies on moving your upper body along with the rest of your arm in order to get any force behind anything. A shield only relies on your arm tensing whenever you block or deflect anything. It also straps on to your arm in addition to you holding it, so the weight is distributed a lot better than holding a sword.








Also, if a two-weapon fighter were to attack a shield fighter, the latter would have no trouble in closing an opening with his shield (turn with shield advanced and sword at the ready, or hold position with shield covering the target area with the sword in six ready to parry any other attacks) or just stepping back and letting momentum take care of his opponent.








On armour, light armours like leather would be far more useful than mid-range (chainmail) and high-range (plate mail) because you will be fatigued a LOT less. Chainmail will offer you very limited mobility as the weight is concentrated along your shoulders, which you need for bladework. You're also going to tire extremely fast under 40lb. worth of metal if you fight for longer than a minute or two. Hardened leather, on the other hand, offers you superior mobility and fair protection at only about 15lb.








Basketball is a poor example. I play too, and my left is about as useful as my right, but unless you are naturally ambidextrous, you won't get the same advantages with two large swords, as movements are different and a blade actually relies on strength as well, not just co-ordination. A large blade in your dominant and a small blade in your off-hand minimises this strength requirement and gives you even more mobility to take advantage of, in case someone's smart enough to knock you to the ground (which is easy, considering weight) and wrestle with you using a dagger.








As for speed, a heavy fighter won't need to rely on it, as he can just take defensive actions until the dual-wielder tires himself out from trying to attack. Also, he can still use an alarming amount of speed, as the weight of all his armour (about 50lb.) and his shield don't stop him from moving as quickly as anyone else. He'd be a lot less maneouverable, but he can put in a few controlled bursts of speed which are helped along by momentum.

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The weight of a shield in comparison to a longsword (say, 15lb. as opposed to 4lb.) is offset by the fact that you don't actually have to move the shield as much. A sword relies on moving your upper body along with the rest of your arm in order to get any force behind anything. A shield only relies on your arm tensing whenever you block or deflect anything. It also straps on to your arm in addition to you holding it, so the weight is distributed a lot better than holding a sword.








Also, if a two-weapon fighter were to attack a shield fighter, the latter would have no trouble in closing an opening with his shield (turn with shield advanced and sword at the ready, or hold position with shield covering the target area with the sword in six ready to parry any other attacks) or just stepping back and letting momentum take care of his opponent.








On armour, light armours like leather would be far more useful than mid-range (chainmail) and high-range (plate mail) because you will be fatigued a LOT less. Chainmail will offer you very limited mobility as the weight is concentrated along your shoulders, which you need for bladework. You're also going to tire extremely fast under 40lb. worth of metal if you fight for longer than a minute or two. Hardened leather, on the other hand, offers you superior mobility and fair protection at only about 15lb.








Basketball is a poor example. I play too, and my left is about as useful as my right, but unless you are naturally ambidextrous, you won't get the same advantages with two large swords, as movements are different and a blade actually relies on strength as well, not just co-ordination. A large blade in your dominant and a small blade in your off-hand minimises this strength requirement and gives you even more mobility to take advantage of, in case someone's smart enough to knock you to the ground (which is easy, considering weight) and wrestle with you using a dagger.








As for speed, a heavy fighter won't need to rely on it, as he can just take defensive actions until the dual-wielder tires himself out from trying to attack. Also, he can still use an alarming amount of speed, as the weight of all his armour (about 50lb.) and his shield don't stop him from moving as quickly as anyone else. He'd be a lot less maneouverable, but he can put in a few controlled bursts of speed which are helped along by momentum.








If you were using two swords i would assume that both arms would be equally toned for this work. While training you would use both arms equally as much so both would devolp the strength needed. Even if the fighter with the heavy armor has momentum his strikes are going to tire him out more quickly then someone using two swords. When fighting with two swords you wouldn't just run up to someone and start hacking away with both. You would need to take your time and use many attacks and feints to help find a weakness before you closed in. While doing this there are ways to save strength, it is like boxing you dont just bull in and try to dominant you just take shots when they are open while saving your strength for a really critical attack. While attacking your attacks would be quicker then someone in armor because you have a greater motion and would be able to react more. So even if the other fighter made an attack you would have a greater chance to dodge because although it may be a more powerful blow, it has a slower acceleration giving you time to move and block or dodge. Whereas with two swords it would be able to put together a quick attack that would have a greater chance to catch them off guard.








With chain mail the wieght is spread through out your shoulder so there remains a chance to use your lower shoulder to power your attacks, but i do agree that leather would be better because the difference of materials isn't that large and if you have a solid hit, not a glancing, placed on you by the other fighter it isn't going to matter if it is chain or not. The best chance is keep your self ready and try to dodge or block without having your armor do much.


Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions.

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Ummmm not to burst thr bubble here but aside from barrows jagex has basically said that it wont do dual wielding. all of the previous posts have good points, but you need to remember its a game, realistic or not. i doubt jagex would take this much historical and physiological information extremely seriosly when deciding on a new weapon.








anyways I'd like a ranger armshield, possibly wooden, like used by the....french or british i believe. also a range ammy or gold jewelry enchants would be nice. gold necklace, ring of healing(opposite of ring of recoil, u heal what usually ud hit) and perhaps range ammy.








another weapon might be a like 2h scythe? like a 2 bladed hally or something. special or spinning it aroun really fast and do multi damage








thats all!

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Ummmm not to burst thr bubble here but aside from barrows jagex has basically said that it wont do dual wielding.








fooey on jagex.








It's not a question of strength. You can be extremely strong but it would still affect your balance. With two longswords, you've got to keep track of footwork and arm balance for both, without even getting to the part where you swing them. It's harder to work two large weapons in tandem than it is to use two smaller weapons or a large weapon and a small weapon. Also, even the strongest people tire out. Swinging a weapon at any enemy for any length of time (say three minutes) is going to tire you out a lot. Swinging two HEAVY weapons is going to fatigue you even faster.








note how i suggested some agility and strength requirments








and since when do we really care if our computer generated dude's arms are getting tired. boo hoo.








thanks for all the feedback guys

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Ummmm not to burst thr bubble here but aside from barrows jagex has basically said that it wont do dual wielding.








fooey on jagex.








It's not a question of strength. You can be extremely strong but it would still affect your balance. With two longswords, you've got to keep track of footwork and arm balance for both, without even getting to the part where you swing them. It's harder to work two large weapons in tandem than it is to use two smaller weapons or a large weapon and a small weapon. Also, even the strongest people tire out. Swinging a weapon at any enemy for any length of time (say three minutes) is going to tire you out a lot. Swinging two HEAVY weapons is going to fatigue you even faster.








note how i suggested some agility and strength requirments








and since when do we really care if our computer generated dude's arms are getting tired. boo hoo.








thanks for all the feedback guys








ya i agree who gives a care its a game








if this was real life then there wouldnt be dragons and mages




and stuff like that

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