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1 week before exp weekend, still undecided.


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Its now about 4 days till the big exp weekend.


I have wanted extreme potions for a long time but have never raised enough cash to buy the levels.


Right now i own an AGS which im debating on selling. I know that i should've sold a few days ago on the most recent spike but i didn't get round to it.


Is it worth selling the AGS while crashing, so that i can get extremes?


Reasons why i dont want to:


- After the exp weekend AGS 'should' sky rocket, to around its 110m margin and if i sell i risk losing a hefty 20m on it for the sake of a few days.


-sentimental value


Reasons i do want to:


- I can make 16,000 super attack pots at an exp bonus of 1.6X, which results in 2.5m exp. This is 900k bonus exp which results in about 20.7m saved.


I need help, what do i do!

Miseryism | Completionist


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Depends what you want most...... GS that's practically useless in PvM, or Extremes that own in PvM.

or the other way round: a GS that's amazing in PvP, and extremes that can't be used in PvP





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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