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Requesting a signature.


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First off all i don't know if this is still allowed, i haven't use this part off the forum in years.

Anyway i'd like a Thomas Vermaelen signature, you can let your inspiration flow really. I'd just like 'Thomas Vermaelen' in text on it.


Any picture you use is fine, i googled a few.






Feel free to google one yourself, these are the best ones i found. Hope someone is willing to do it, thanks.

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I am not an artist, sorry. I just wanted to say I used to love that 99 farming sig you had.


Signature by Unoalexi.

Tip.it's official signature picture of the quest-cape emote is me.

Fire cape owner since May 17, 2011

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I am not an artist, sorry. I just wanted to say I used to love that 99 farming sig you had.

Heh thanks, shame i lost it when my laptop crashed.

Some people dream of success, while others make it happen.

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