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High level charm gathering


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I'm trying to get enough charms to get from 92-96 summoning. I already have nearly 3k crimsons in the bank and a few hundred gold/green, about 50 blues. I've been away for a year and I'm wondering what the best way to gather charms is.


I'm 99 attack strength defence range hp mage, with 81 prayer (and 92 summoning ofc). What's my best bet?


I used to dharok fiends, but I spent yesterday barraging rock lobs with ahrims/master wand (WOOT AUTOCAST FINALLY!)/mage book/seers/inf boots/barrows gloves/fury.


Is there a better way or should I crack on? It's going to cost me about 30m in barrages to get the charms I need doing it the way I am..

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Just do slayer.


Unless your 99 already. If you are then barrage rock lobs


I've already maxed melee range and mage though. Slayer is a huge waste of my time.. The charm rate is pitiful.


I used to do a lot of slayer, but after I got to 85 I just camped abbys for around 35m melee xp. They're pretty good for charms and cash/hour. But nowhere near as good for charms as barraging lobs..

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I would do waterfiends in CT with your wolpertinger. If it works out to be only as good as dharoking, keep dharoking I guess (or not maybe, dharok seems pretty risky, while waterfiends in CT are pretty easy after a while).


I havn't done any dharoking for over a year :P


After this trip I'll try CT fiends. Is there a guide in the AoW?

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I would do waterfiends in CT with your wolpertinger. If it works out to be only as good as dharoking, keep dharoking I guess (or not maybe, dharok seems pretty risky, while waterfiends in CT are pretty easy after a while).


I havn't done any dharoking for over a year :P


After this trip I'll try CT fiends. Is there a guide in the AoW?

Cantristenon has one in the regular guide section. Make sure to check page 3 or 4 where he posted an updated inventory (involving brews and potting more often).


On the subject of barraging, you dont need max mage bonus. Ask Muggi about this, he knows a good setup which has decent prayer and energy preservation in it.

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